

全部话题 - 话题: estimators
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发帖数: 1912
来自主题: Apple版 - AAPL beat the estimates
Here's how Apple did versus estimates:
* Revenue: $43.6 billion billion versus $42.3 billion analysts' estimate
* EPS: $10.09 versus $9.98 analysts' estimate
* Gross margin: 37.5% versus 38.5% analysts' estimate
* iPhone: 37.4 million versus 36.5 million analysts' estimate
* iPad: 19.5 million versus 18.3 million analysts' estimate
* Mac: Just under 4 million versus 4.1 million analysts' estimate
* June quarter revenue: $33.5-$35.5 billion versus $38.6 billion analysts'
* June quarter E... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Lawmaker wants answers after cost estimate for health insurance aid rises by
Published March 02, 2012
WASHINGTON – Cost estimates for a key part of President Obama's health
care overhaul law have ballooned by $111 billion from last year's budget,
and a senior Republican lawmaker on Friday demanded an explanation.
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich., wants to know by
Monday why the estimated ten-year cost of helping millions of middle-class
Americans buy health insur... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5516
U.S. Economy Expanded at 1.9% Pace in First Quarter, Above Prior Estimate
By Timothy R. Homan and Alex Kowalski - Jun 24, 2011 8:30 AM ET
U.S. Economy Grew 1.9% in First Quarter
Shoppers look at refrigerators at the ABT store during a promotion offering
a 15 percent rebate on certain Energy Star appliances in Glenview, Illinois,
U.S. Photographer: Tim Boyle/Bloomberg
Roger Altman Says Fed Growth Forecast Signals `Weakness'
General Motors employees assemble a GM crossover SUV on the assembly line... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9020
For modern systems, wear estimation plays an important role
in preventing failure, scheduling maintenance, and improving
utility. Wear estimation relies on a series of sensors, measuring the state
of the system. In some components, the sensors
used to estimate wear may not be fast enough to capture brief
transient states that are indicative of wear. For this reason
it is beneficial to be capable of detecting and estimating the
extent of component wear using steady-state measurements.
This ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4039
来自主题: NewJersey版 - 关于Estimated Taxes
【 以下文字转载自 TAX 讨论区 】
发信人: monk (猪六戒~首长), 信区: TAX
标 题: 关于Estimated Taxes
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 15 10:02:41 2010, 美东)
我实在有点被搞糊涂了, 09年我的withholding不足 需要补税, 所以turbotax自动打出
来4张estimated tax的voucher.
我去IRS的网站上查了一下关于Estimated Tax,是这么说的:
Who Must Pay Estimated Tax
If you had a tax liability for 2008, you may have to pay estimated tax for
General Rule
You must pay estimated tax for 2009 if both of the following apply.
You expect to owe at least $1,000 in tax for 2009 after subtracting your
发帖数: 16371
Gabelli & Co.’s Hendi Susanto this morning Reiterated a Buy rating on
shares of Apple (AAPL), while adjusting estimates for the fiscal Q2 ended
last month to reflect higher Mac and iPad sales, but lower projected iPhone
Susanto cut iPhone estimates in order to be more “conservative” with
expectations, and also out of an expectation some buyers may hold off on
buying the iPhone 4S while they wait for an “iPhone 5” later this year.
Susanto’s estimate goes to 31.7 million units from a prior ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 430
来自主题: Statistics版 - 请教:estimate, estimation, and estimator
发帖数: 182
来自主题: Statistics版 - 请教:estimate, estimation, and estimator
Estimator is a random variable. Estimate is a realized value of an estimator.
Estimation is a process/action.
发帖数: 4039
来自主题: TAX版 - 关于Estimated Taxes
我实在有点被搞糊涂了, 09年我的withholding不足 需要补税, 所以turbotax自动打出
来4张estimated tax的voucher.
我去IRS的网站上查了一下关于Estimated Tax,是这么说的:
Who Must Pay Estimated Tax
If you had a tax liability for 2008, you may have to pay estimated tax for
General Rule
You must pay estimated tax for 2009 if both of the following apply.
You expect to owe at least $1,000 in tax for 2009 after subtracting your
withholding and credits.
You expect your withholding and credits to be less than the smaller of;
90% of the tax to be shown
发帖数: 3492
【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: wavelets01 (信箱), 信区: Stock
标 题: PCs: Credit Suisse Ups Estimates, Tablets to Take Further Share
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 10 10:44:59 2012, 美东)
Tue, 10 Jul 2012 14:41:47
By Tiernan Ray
The Street has mostly been slashing estimates the last several weeks, as you
've no doubt noticed.
But over the transom this morning comes a hopeful missive, from Credit
Suisse's Kulbinder Garcha, who actually raised his PC unit shipment forecast
for this year, to growth of 3% from a prio... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3492
Thu, 12 Jul 2012 21:18:26 PDT
For the first time since its launch just over one month ago, Apple's Retina
MacBook Pro has begun to see improvements in shipping estimates for new
orders placed through the company's online store. The improvement has
appeared first in Apple's Asia-Pacific markets, which have seen estimates
move from 3-4 weeks to 2-3 weeks.
Shipping estimates in Apple's other main distribution regions of the
Americas and Europe/Middle East/Africa remain at 3-4 weeks, but it is like... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2174
来自主题: Statistics版 - 请教:estimate, estimation, and estimator
基本可以认为是同义词, 区别不太大. 非要说区别的话
estimate 和 estimator 一般特别指那个统计(估计)量.
estimation 有时指统计(估计)量, 有时指估计这个行为本身
有些书上明确写明不区分这些词, 这些词经常互换使用.
发帖数: 723
来自主题: Statistics版 - A question about estimator
We know for an estimator that there is variance vs bias trade-off. It is
easy to understand the bias for an estimator. But what is the variance of an
estimator? It is definitely not the variance in the sample data, but
someone argue that since the estimator is deterministic, then there is no
variance in the estimator. Could someone help me out here please? Thanks.
发帖数: 30533
来自主题: Investment版 - Some questions regarding analyst estimates
Say Wall Street analysts give a stock XYZ an average estimate
of $0.50 earning per share. XYZ is traded at $50 per share.
Now, analysts suddenly find that they need to revise their
estimates. The updated average EPS is $0.60.
What will be the result?
Is the market efficient enough to price in that change immediately?
XYZ should rise because of that. Because originally, it is likely
to beat the estimate. Now after the revision, it may lose to the
发帖数: 124
刚从Bank of America要了个cost estimate,一个pdf很正式的样子。
30yr fixed, 20% down, interest rate 3.875%, APR 3.911%
电话上loan officer说是个good faith estimate,但是pdf上明确说
This worksheet provides estimates of closing and property costs. It is
intended to assist you in
evaluating a loan or home purchase. It is not a Good Faith Estimate or a
Truth-in-Lending Disclosure Statement
required by federal law.
发帖数: 1308
上走。只有在卖的这个房子,estimate只有26w,而且30 day change是在贬值。
z estimate的反常情况需要再research一下么?
发帖数: 1118
【 以下文字转载自 Seattle_DIYer_Club 俱乐部 】
发信人: buaa (ming), 信区: Seattle_DIYer_Club
标 题: roof and chimney fix estimation
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 17 14:38:45 2014, 美东)
Hi there,
There is a little bit leaking on my roof and the chimney siding needs to be
replaced and painted. I found a roofer ( Jeff from potential roofing) and he
estimated like 700-800.
“Solve leaks at both sides of chimney by installing a new cricket and
flashing. Includes valleys and new material to match existing. We will also
rebuild... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 39
股票收入不好预估啊。难道都play safe,直接用(110%*去年tax return上算出来的税
- 预估今年w2的withholding)/4?
IRS说是可以amended estimated tax。“After you make an estimated tax payment,
changes in your income, adjustments, deductions, credits, or exemptions may
make it necessary for you to refigure your estimated tax. Pay the unpaid
balance of your amended estimated tax by the next payment due date after the
change or in installments by that date and the due dates for the remaining
payment periods.”
但是又说了“Underpayment penalty. If y
发帖数: 2321
来自主题: Stock版 - YOKU missed estimate
bidu missed estimate
sina missed estimate
yoku missed estimate
Where is the damn estimate come from?!
发帖数: 39
股票收入不好预估啊。难道都play safe,直接用(110%*去年tax return上算出来的税
- 预估今年w2的withholding)/4?
IRS说是可以amended estimated tax。“After you make an estimated tax payment,
changes in your income, adjustments, deductions, credits, or exemptions may
make it necessary for you to refigure your estimated tax. Pay the unpaid
balance of your amended estimated tax by the next payment due date after the
change or in installments by that date and the due dates for the remaining
payment periods.”
但是又说了“Underpayment penalty. If y
发帖数: 756
弱问: 今年第一个 quarter 多 withholding 了一些钱(当时是改的 w-4)现在第一
个quarter 要交 estimated tax, 不知道多 witholding 的钱可不可以抵消 estimated
tax? 是不是我 withold 够了,就不用交了?
比如我 paycheck 多 withold 了 10k, 但是如果没有withold 的话,正常情况下由于卖
了股票要交 estimated tax 10k, 那这个时候是不是我就不用再交 estimated tax 了?
发帖数: 1987
我想利用下面这条免罚款条款“Your estimated payments and withholding
equal or exceed your 2012 tax (where taxable year was 12 months and a return
was filed).”不知可行吗?
现在的情况是我withholding部分比2012 tax略少$200,不符合条件,但如果加一张
estimated tax支票就超过了。这条例外条款里也没说estimated tax如果
过期几天交就不算estimated tax了呀?
发帖数: 2829
Page 51
"Minimum required each period. You will owe a penalty for any 2013 payment
period for which your estimated tax payment plus your withholding for the
period and overpayments applied from previous periods was less than the
smaller of:
22.5% of your 2013 tax, or
25% of your 2012 tax. (Your 2012 tax return must cover a 12-month period.)"
Page 53
"Short Method for Figuring the Penalty (Part III)
You may be able to use the short method... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 495
本人学生,在IL住。学校有RA的收入(会有state withholding),去年在WA实习也有
收入(他们州没有州税,所以没有state witholding)。我也没有向IL make
estimated payment
现在我的问题是,我是不是去年的时候必须要向IL make estimated payment,否则会
当时完全不知道有estimated payment这么个事情,只是觉得等报税时候算好了,在WA
IL的关于estimated payment的说法在这里
发帖数: 3537
来自主题: EB23版 - FY 2011 estimation from IV !!!
================Copied from IV
For 2011 EB2 without spillover
China: August'2006 and India: May'2006
Monthly ~250 allocation is not good enough to cover pending cases prior to
May 2006. prior to May'2006 no.of pending cases are close to 2700 cases, so
this year quota is good enough to clear these pending cases. With porting we
may also see Unavailable down the time.
This leaves for 2006 pending cases
China - 2950
India - 11800 . total ~15K
If we get spill over of 14K then EB2 India & China will ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1987
BTW,我是想利用下面这条免罚款条款“Your estimated payments and withholding
equal or exceed your 2012 tax (where taxable year was 12 months and a return
was filed).”现在的情况是我withholding部分比2012 tax略少$200,不符合条件,
但如果加一张estimated tax支票就超过了。这条例外条款里也没说estimated tax如果
过期几天交就不算estimated tax了呀?
发帖数: 28
来自主题: Carolinas版 - Please help: Dental service estimate fraud
I was in the dental office for routine cleaning and was told that I needed a
deep cleaning and my insurance would cover that. The estimated out of
pocket cost would be $90. Based on the estimate, I made my decision to
accept the deep cleaning service. I paid the estimate the dental office
said I'd be responsible for, but after the work was done and the claim
processed, I was left with a $600 bill because the estimate was processed
under the wrong understanding of my insurance. The dental offi
发帖数: 341
Qualcomm misses revenue estimates, defends licensing model
Reuters ReutersJanuary 25, 2017Comment
(Adds analyst comments)
By Narottam Medhora and Stephen Nellis
Jan 25 (Reuters) - Qualcomm Inc reported a lower-than-expected 3.9 percent
rise in quarterly revenue on Wednesday, and defended its licensing model in
the face of multiple legal challenges over its alleged "anticompetitive"
The company's sh... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 39
股票收入不好预估啊。难道都play safe,直接用(110%*去年tax return上算出来的税
- 预估今年w2的withholding)/4?
IRS说是可以amended estimated tax。“After you make an estimated tax payment,
changes in your income, adjustments, deductions, credits, or exemptions
maymake it necessary for you to refigure your estimated tax. Pay the
unpaidbalance of your amended estimated tax by the next payment due date
after thechange or in installments by that date and the due dates for the
remainingpayment periods.”
但是又说了“Underpayment penalty. If your
发帖数: 2053
By Chris Burritt - Tue Dec 14 13:21:38 GMT 2010
Best Buy Co., the world’s largest consumer-electronics retailer, reported a
4.4 percent decline in third-quarter profit that missed analysts’
estimates as U.S. sales dropped more than expected.
Net income fell to $217 million, or 54 cents a share, in the three months
ended Nov. 27, from $227 million, or 53 cents, a year earlier, the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 756
弱问: 今年第一个 quarter 多 withholding 了一些钱(当时是改的 w-4)现在第一
个quarter 要交 estimated tax, 不知道多 witholding 的钱可不可以抵消 estimated
tax? 是不是我 withold 够了,就不用交了?
比如我 paycheck 多 withold 了 10k, 但是如果没有withold 的话,正常情况下由于卖
了股票要交 estimated tax 10k, 那这个时候是不是我就不用再交 estimated tax 了?
发帖数: 1118
来自主题: Seattle版 - roof and chimney fix estimation (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Seattle_DIYer_Club 俱乐部 】
发信人: buaa (ming), 信区: Seattle_DIYer_Club
标 题: roof and chimney fix estimation
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 17 14:38:45 2014, 美东)
Hi there,
There is a little bit leaking on my roof and the chimney siding needs to be
replaced and painted. I found a roofer ( Jeff from potential roofing) and he
estimated like 700-800.
“Solve leaks at both sides of chimney by installing a new cricket and
flashing. Includes valleys and new material to match existing. We will also
rebuild... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16371
5/11 By Tiernan Ray
Credit Suisse’s Kulbinder Garcha this morning reiterates an Outperform
rating on shares of Apple (AAPL), and a $750 price target, while cutting his
estimates for this calendar year and next, citing the prospect of slower
smartphone growth in the U.S. and its impact on sales of the iPhone.
Garcha trimmed his calendar 2012 and 2013 EPS estimates by 3% and 5%, he
writes, to $49.34 and $59.15, respectively. Those numbers are still ahead of
the Street consensus for $48.63 and $55.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10
Basically there are two kind of motion estimation:
the first one, which is more public awared, is
the block based motion estimation. As tommy mentioned
above, MPEG is actually block based motion estimation
plus DCT as its core compression tech. The motion search
is time consuming, especially for exhausting strategy.
Many Heuristic is based on the assumption of continous
motion distribution, which is also widely agreed. There
are some research concerning about motion estimation
over frequency dom
发帖数: 22
Good to see you guys talking about digital video.
Here is my 2 cents.
For block-based motion estimation in video coding:
Although there are still research on motion estimation, but
algorithm-wisely, as
pointed out previously, it may be difficult to contribute.
Still, as i know,
recently some researchers are working on the following
topics related to motion
estimation/compensation: 1) multiple reference frame motion
compensation. 2) sub-pixel motion estimation/compensation
(1/4, 1/8 etc.). 3) var
发帖数: 22
Good to see you guys talking about digital video.
Here is my 2 cents.
For block-based motion estimation in video coding:
Although there are still research on motion estimation, but
algorithm-wisely, as
pointed out previously, it may be difficult to contribute.
Still, as i know,
recently some researchers are working on the following
topics related to motion
estimation/compensation: 1) multiple reference frame motion
compensation. 2) sub-pixel motion estimation/compensation
(1/4, 1/8 etc.). 3) var
发帖数: 2952
You have a system of N mobile sensors each transmitting GPS location,
estimated direction to a target and target intensity (counts). The
direction and intensity estimates are noisy.
Question 1: Given some history of sensor readings, what's the best approach
to estimate the true target location and intensity?
Question 2: With this new estimate, what the best approach to re-direct the
N sensors to confirm the location?
发帖数: 7
My opinions:
Q1. Since your estimate is based on history of sensor readings, the best
approach is probably Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) estimate.
Q2. Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is very helpful and it picks the
values of the model parameters that make the data more likely than any other
values. MLE can be used to estimate the new location of sensors.

发帖数: 28
来自主题: Law版 - Dental Service Estimate Fraud
I was in the dental office for routine cleaning and was told that I needed a
deep cleaning and my insurance would cover that. The estimated out of
pocket cost would be $90. Based on the estimate, I made my decision to
accept the deep cleaning service. I paid the estimate the dental office
said I'd be responsible for, but after the work was done and the claim
processed, I was left with a $600 bill because the estimate was processed
under the wrong understanding of my insurance. The dental offi
发帖数: 1001
来自主题: Mathematics版 - Kernel Density Estimation (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Statistics 讨论区 】
发信人: onehouse (万物皆势,无道常驻。), 信区: Statistics
标 题: Kernel Density Estimation
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Feb 8 17:59:22 2013, 美东)
最近工作要用kernel density estimation.查了一下网上,发现好多都是讲如何
estmiate the density for points. 但是我目前的问题是,我在一个平面上有好多直
线,需要estimate这些线的density,网上好像有一个说法叫Kernel Density
Estimation for linear feature, 但是很难发现它的一些理论推导,有谁对这个有印
发帖数: 26
来自主题: Mathematics版 - 关于Partial C0-estimate田刚的回应
[1] Donaldson的剑桥报告视频(available since 2012年4月24日)
Applications of the Hormander technique in Kahler-Einstein geometry.
[2] Donaldson-Sun's paper (availabe on arXiv since 2012年6月12日)
Gromov-Hausdorff limits of Kahler manifolds and algebraic geometry.
[3] 2012年6月13日田刚发给CDS的notes, 后来出版在澳大利亚会议论文集中
Extremal Kahler metrics and K-stability.
In Donaldson's lectur... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26
来自主题: Mathematics版 - 关于Partial C0-estimate田刚的回应
[1] Donaldson的剑桥报告视频(available since 2012年4月24日)
Applications of the Hormander technique in Kahler-Einstein geometry.
[2] Donaldson-Sun's paper (availabe on arXiv since 2012年6月12日)
Gromov-Hausdorff limits of Kahler manifolds and algebraic geometry.
[3] 2012年6月13日田刚发给CDS的notes, 后来出版在澳大利亚会议论文集中
Extremal Kahler metrics and K-stability.
In Donaldson's lectur... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 133
1. APT is a risk/optimization system bu Sunguard http://www.sungard.com/apt/learnmore, people use APT/Northfield/Axioma/Barra to measure and control their factor/risk exposure. All these systems provide risk/covariance estimation.
2. There have been different approaches to estimate covariance/correlation
matrices, factor-models (above), Bayesian shrinkage estimations (Ledoit &
Wolf), high-frequency (realized vol, realized covariance matrix), dynamic
measures (DCC-GARCH, Exponential weighting, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2836
来自主题: Statistics版 - A question about estimator
u messed up estimate with estimator
estimator is a function on sample,
estimate is a value.

发帖数: 121
来自主题: Statistics版 - Problem with Maximum Likelihood Estimation
I am having great trouble with using Maximum Likelihood to estimate
distribution parameters. I will appreciate if anyone can help me find out
what went wrong.
Assume that I have M iid samples of random vector V, denoted by v_1,v_2,...v
_M. Define random variable X = f(V|theta) where f is function whose closed
form is known but parameter theta is unknown.
I assume X=f(V|theta) follows a lognormal distribution logN(mu,sigma) where
mu and sigma are unknown. My purpose is to JOINTLY estimate theta, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1123
I have finally got Hadoop working on my Linux box. Next I would like to try
to see if I could to parallel model estimation for some commonly used models
such as logistic regression.
My question now is - how to paralell gradient descent for logistic model
estimation for real large data set?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
PS. See R code below. If needed, I could rewrite the following code in Java
or Python. But the question is how to decompose the following estimatio... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 420
来自主题: Statistics版 - 用method of moment找estimator
如果分布只有一个parameter, estimator 必须用first moment找么?
比如 rayleigh distribution:
那么起码1st-4th moments都是sigma的function
如果要estimate sigma^2, 必须用第一个moment么?
事实上,用second moment也可以得到一个estimator,而且variance最小
有什么数学上的限制,estimate一个parameter必须用first moment,不能用其他
higher order moments,或者甚至它们的linear combination么?
发帖数: 284
一个loan default 的data sample, sample size > 50,000, true default rate 2.5%
, 用SAS logistic 里的OUTPUT statement和Prodicted= 得到的Estimated
Probability of Default即使对于真正的Default Event来说都很小(<20%)。而且 Non-
default event的Estimated PD 与default event 的EstimatedPD有差别但很小。算出
来的所有Estimated Probability of Default都小于25%
理想的状态不是应该大部分default event的Estimated Probability of Default都很
也用over-sampling试过,做过intercept adjustment,结果差不多。
发帖数: 5997
【 以下文字转载自 Chinook 俱乐部 】
发信人: yaokarl (大象), 信区: Chinook
标 题: 2012 Earnings Estimates Need to Fall 15%: Trennert
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 4 10:19:10 2011, 美东)
It all begins a week from today when Alcoa (AA) reports third-quarter
earnings results after the bell next Tuesday, marking the "unofficial" kick
off of the latest earnings season. Contrary to broader market sentiment and
a pair of analyst downgrades this week, the aluminum mak... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5997
【 以下文字转载自 Chinook 俱乐部 】
发信人: yaokarl (大象), 信区: Chinook
标 题: 2012 Earnings Estimates Need to Fall 15%: Trennert
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 4 10:19:10 2011, 美东)
It all begins a week from today when Alcoa (AA) reports third-quarter
earnings results after the bell next Tuesday, marking the "unofficial" kick
off of the latest earnings season. Contrary to broader market sentiment and
a pair of analyst downgrades this week, the aluminum mak... 阅读全帖
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 下页 末页 (共10页)