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发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - Tasmanian cuebid
Other day saw this and I thought it was humorous:
We all know that after oppo's 1H/S opening, a 3H/S cuebid shows a solid minor
and asks pd to bid NT with stopper. The Tasmanian cuebid is the reverse: in
the same sequence the 3H/S means: pd, I have stopper in their suit, do you by
any chance have a solid minor??
发帖数: 65
来自主题: Bridge版 - Tasmanian cuebid
Some years ago I've seen Granovetter's comment on a Zia's cuebid as:
"I have a trick. Do you have nine stoppers pd?"

发帖数: 545
来自主题: Bridge版 - Was it a cuebid?(by Karen walker)
Default Agreements: Was that a cuebid? (Part 1)
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - a slam bid problem
this is a tough sequence.
I am not sure which way works better, perhaps I should do some
simulations. still, responder may have a strong suit, so if we play this style,
2C - 4C should be set up trumps and ask for cuebid. also, we may have some
trouble in looking for 4-4 fit in majors since 3H/s are cuebids now.
perhaps we can play it two way, either a cuebid for C or real suit. so
if we raise D at the next round, it's a cuebid, named pre-cuebid
for those rubber bridge players. If we bid anything
发帖数: 18
对于下面的这付牌,我们尝试了3种不同的进程。事实证明还是suit open比较好。
====bidding 1=====
1nt 2s(ask rang)
2nt(minum) 3nt
====bidding 2=====
1nt 3d(ask for 5 cards major)
3s 4c(cuebid and slam interest)
4h(cuebid) 4s
*5c(cuebid) 5d(cuebid)
5h(cuebid) 6s
=====bidding 3(the best)======
发帖数: 2804
来自主题: Bridge版 - Another bidding problem
It should not be a cuebid. If you have diamond fit, you should have bid 2S (
that IS a cuebid) earlier, instead of double. If you have general value but
not able to double 4H, you can bid 4NT here.
If bidding is below 3NT, you might bid 3S (as cuebid) to search for 3NT. But
here bidding is at 4-level, so I cannot think of a need for cuebid.
发帖数: 545
来自主题: Bridge版 - a slam bid problem
the problem with open 1d is that if pd respond 2c, and you 3d, showing ur good
d suit, but pd may still not know you hold such good and long suit(it is
really unusual!)
i still think the key point here is to find pd hold the right ace and right k.
one possibility is to use cuebid, but cuebid might mean 2nd roiund control,
which is not much meaningful here, especially if pd cuebid 4c showing his ck
or 4s showing sk【 在 arrowhits (箭笑江湖) 的大作中提到: 】
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - A CTC deal

Yes, you are right, anyway, bridge is just 拼体力 sometimes.
Perhaps north should have made a cuebid over 4D cuebid. Who knows.
or south should have made a cuebid over south's sign off. Also, I really
don't mind missing a slam here.
Another point I want to mention is that Kxxx Axxxx Qxx X is
worse than Kxxxx Axxx xxx x, because the 5th spade may provide
an extra trick to for pitching which might be crucial.
So a better sequence might be something like this:
p p 1C 2C
p 2N p 3H
p 4C p 4D
p 4N(cue f
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - seeking advice on bidding of this hand
4S is fine. north should have passed 4S.
5C would be an overbid, because your diamond suit is quite weak,
partner would usually bid over 4S with SAxxx Hxx DAKxx Cxxx
The major problem of this sequence is 4NT which is clearly an overbid.
Since partner can't cuebid 4H or 5C, slam should be remote. 4D has shown
some slam interest and north's hand has no extra, so the right action
is to pass 4S.
If you have HQ DKQ and CA, you would cuebid 5C for sure.
If you have HA DQJ and CA, you would cuebid 4H.
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - bidding question
I don't think so. 4S would be an overbid. Opener can reverse the S with D and
you do not have safety on 5 level. And in fact, in that case, 4H is the last
making contract.
This is a case where cuebidding at 3 level will help greatly. As you can see,
responder has no serious interest in going to C slam to begin with, cuebidding
3D would help. Now a cuebidding of 3S will either show doubt of 3NT or real
interest of C slam (in which case, he could pull out from 3NT). Opener will
assume 3S is to sho
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - 满贯题
my suggestion is that it's ok to miss some slams.
For standard method, it's just impossible to bid 6D unless one side takes
a very aggressive view.
For my own system, I have a way to find it.
2C 2D(gf waiting)
2H(4 or more H , may hold longer minor) 3C(minimum, 3 hearts)
3H(longer D, 4 hearts) 3S(cuebid, agreeing D as trumps)
4C(cuebid, extra value) 4D(waiting)
4S(cuebid) 6D(HQJ are good, with 3 working cards, slam worths a try)
However, my method is too compicated with a lot of memory wor
发帖数: 18
1s 2d
2h 2s
3c 3d
3s 4c
4d 4h
4s 4nt
5h 6s
1s 2c
2d(minum) 2s(确认trump)
3c(3 or more) 3d(nature and slam interest)
4c(cuebid) 4d(cuebid)
5d(cuebid) 6s
2.pn在3阶上的支持表示3+, 并不保证有control
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - 叫牌问题
it's rather straightforward,
1N 2D
2H 3C
after that, if partner can bid 3H, you'd bid 3S which is a cuebid.
if partner cuebids 3D/S which shows some sort of club support, you'd
cuebid the other unbid suit as a slam try as well. Then you'd
check key cards to decide which slam to bid. If partner bids 3NT
over 3C, you want to bid 5NT to ask partner to pick a slam.
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - 叫牌
The basic idea is very simple here. Liu Jing sometimes may not really need
trump Q at all, because he may hold trump Q. In that case, side suit kings
are very important. So 5NT should be reserved for that purpose to preserve
space for cuebids. Therefore, a direct 6S has to show trump Q and no side
kings. Actually, in early days, some players do play a direct jump to trump
suit to show that hand type after trump Q asking. 5NT to show trump and no
side king allows you to cuebid side queens, which ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - 【每周一题】叫牌探讨
3H as a splinter, slam can be good if partner holds a very minimum hand like
Qx Axx Axxxxx xx
Here, after the 3H, players should have agreement on 3S. My suggestion is a
cuebid because your splinter is not looking for a major fit so your splinter
often shows 4 spades.
Suppose partner bids 3NT, you can either pass or bid 5D. I think both bids
are very close. If partner bids 3S as a cuebid, you can RKC.
If partner bid 4D to deny 3NT and a control in S/C, you can cuebid 5C to
show SK and C control.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2804
来自主题: Bridge版 - 【每周一题】致命首攻
Actually, there are lots of unknowns. I didn't say that partner couldn't
hold CAK, I said it is more likely he has lesser value in clubs, given that
the opponents bid and raised clubs when vulnerable. Sometimes you have to
make an educated guess. When you have 1-5-7-0 shape, partner opens 1H and
later cuebid, and opponents bid some number of clubs, your hand is huge.
Give partner as little as Axxx,Axxxxx,--,xxx, slam is virtually cold, grand
slam is not hopeless. And you don't actually know that... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2804
来自主题: Bridge版 - your bid
If you had a hand that you intended to invite in hearts (plan to bid 1S then
3H), you can bid 4H after 3D. This is a value-showing bid.
The main point is, after jump-shift (which consumes space), you need a
waiting bid like 3H. It is ambiguous, but it makes other bids more defined.
1H-1S-3D, you have:
3S = natural, often 6+ or 5 good ones
3NT = soft value on S and C
4C = cuebid for diamonds
4D = diamond raise but not suitable for 4C cuebid
4H = limit raise in hearts
4NT = RKC in hearts (to RKC i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 295
来自主题: Bridge版 - a $1600 lead

I guess a diamond lead works.
Pd could hardly be club void. coz that means opps have
9 clubs, i.e. LHO has 4 clubs at least. In this case,
he would have passed 5C or 6C most of the time.
It seems that RHO didn't take 4C as Ace asking, otherwise,
he should have passed 4NT. Therefore, 4S was a cuebid and he
took 4NT as Ace asking.
I guess the reason of LHO's hesitation is one Ace missing,
and he was thinking of taking chances that the missing ace was
not the crucial one.
4S cuebid indicated that
发帖数: 3277

yeah. we now play 4S to show a independent suit.
hehe, SAKQTxxx HKx DJxx Cx even not enough for namyats I guess?
yes, should show at least Qx. cuebidding pd's suit usually
shows at least Qx. It's said that cuebid oneself's suit shows two honors,
AQ or AK,
I think it's workable.
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - Anyone play Bergen raise?
Yes, 1S-3C-3D, a priori, 3D is a game try, and you can return 3S with nothing,
or cooperate with a cue like 3H, or go beyond. If after you return to 3S, and
opener bids further, either 4S, or another new suit, than the original 3D's a
cuebid showing slam interest. Say after 1S-3C-3D-3S-4C, 4C gives you another
chance for cuebid and shows a strong slam interest. Compare to 1S-3C-3D-3S-4S,
that sequence shows some moderate slam interest.
I think 3H/3S is just the same as splinter, other than it ad
发帖数: 3277
over 1D 2H
2S: showing C support, relay as I stated above, forcing to 4C
2NT: relay to 3C, later we can sign off in D as well.
if we bid 3H/3S, that shows a semi-solid or solid D suit, at most
one loser. also a cuebid, trying for slam.
if we rebid 3NT, that shows balanced hand, 6 good diamonds, inivting
3C: shows C tolerance with 6+ D suit.
responder can be 3D with fit. cuebid 3H/3S: with good C and value.
or sign off in 3NT with bad C and no D support.
3D: show
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - a slam bid problem
I might bid 4D over 3C to setup trumps and invites partner to cuebid a
control. if he can cuebid 4H, I'll asking for aces(keycards), else, I'd
just sign off in 5D.
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - after opps interfere with 2NT...
unusual vs unusual is popular.
suppose your partner opens 1H, your RHO bids 2NT,
now your double shows that you want to penalize opponents in at least
one suit. your 3C shows a good hand with hearts, at least invitational.
3D: shows good hands with spades. 3H: competitive.
3S: construcative, nonforcing.
The basic principle is that:
cuebidding opp's lower suit shows a good hand with the lower rank
unbid suit;
cuebidding opp's higher suit shows a good hand with the higher rank
unbid suit.
With you
发帖数: 545
来自主题: Bridge版 - what is your bid, any reason?
if pd is a good player, i think the right bid is 5c, cuebid for d spt. Or just
raise to 5d, which should denying h control. otherwise you can cuebid 4h
spting d.【 在 xlxie (《※★★★※§三少爷§※★★★※》) 的大作中提到: 】
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - bidding question
The popular treatment is, 3 level cuebid is advance cuebid agreeing 2nd suit
(minor) as trump. Bidding the transferred suit agrees on the 1st suit. And
bidding 3NT denies interest in either and show lots of soft values in other
two suits. So you can bid 3D to start cue. This gives you opportunity to do
something before committing past 3NT. Sometimes responder bids with 5-4-2-2
and does not really have serious interest in playing 5m.
In this sequence, responder's 4H should be non-forcing, offerin
发帖数: 545
来自主题: Bridge版 - bidding question
agree 3 level cuebid will help a lot. but still, with so weak heart suit, he
should let pd to decide where to go. In this case, 4H is not bad because pd
has doubleton KJ. but after 4C, i still think 4s is better.
What does a jump to 4H by opener mean after responder's 3c? 【 在 wimptb (一失
足成千古wimp) 的大作中提到: 】
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - just calm down
it's a marginal hand with wild distributions, over a heavy preempt,
why can't you guys accept that it's OK to miss a slam? At least you
found the right suit, congratulations!
Still, bridge is not an accurate science and 6-4 two suiters
are always hard to bid. I think those who found 6C are great, those
who found 5C are not to blame as well. Over 4S cuebid, north's hand
is still not clear to bid 6C, because his partner may have
SKQ Hxx DAKQTx CQJxx, this is a hand enough for a cuebid, right?
Do y
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - 单A的灾难

SJS is not right for this hand anyway, it's a 6-4 two suiter.
obviously east's 4S is a huge underbid. The right bid is 4D over 4C as
a cuebid. When one holds only 3 losers and partner made a extra showing
bid(4C) after opened the hand, 4S is just a crime.
West's 4S is rather bad, he should bid 4H as a cuebid and partner would
cooperate for sure.
4H is bad, 4H rebids show a weaker hand here.
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - 满贯叫牌
well, if you play take out double here, you still may get too
high, suppose partner holds 3-5-3-2 shape, and no points, he will be
forced to bid either 3H or 3S which can cause you a big trouble because
it may get chopped. You often can't tell
whether a cuebid shows first round or second round control, usually
you just ask RKC to clearify it. However, there are some rare situations
that you can't RKC because of your voids like this one, here, you need
to apply a lot of logical thinking at cuebid
发帖数: 3277
来自主题: Bridge版 - 2 slam decisions
1 I cuebid 4H, we still may miss D controls, partner may hold
KQJ QJx QTxx QJx, so my plan is to bid 5C over partner's possible 4S cuebid.
2, 3nt as a serious slam try.
发帖数: 2804
来自主题: Bridge版 - Bidding Problems
What's wrong with straightforward 3H? Without convention (which means
everything is Standard), 3H is forcing. If partner bids 3NT, you can cuebid
4S to implicitly set hearts as trump (which shows 6+ hearts); if partner
raises to 4H, you can rkc; if partner bids 4m, you will have headache, but
no more than starting with ambiguous 3S.
I think in general, willy-nilly "we don't know what it means" cuebid is a
bad habit in bridge.
发帖数: 18
来自主题: Bridge版 - 【每周一题】实例探讨
south hand is more than 2D response since 2As, not just kqj etc. Not sure
the partnership style of 3C. could be a good hand with good D and C values,
could also be good shapes with so so value. after 3H, its key for south to
let North know that he got good values here. Maybe 3S cuebid to let North to
decide how to go forward. If north rebid 4C, then you might want to take to
5D, if north bid 4D, then just pass, if north cuebid 4H, then you can
comfortable rkc to explore. 3S wouldn't be passed si
发帖数: 623
来自主题: Bridge版 - 【每周一题】实例探讨
I don't think 4H can possibly be HA, in fact it should deny H value.
The reason is you've skipped both C and S, if this is a cuebid of control,
how in the world can you suddenly do control cuebid with no value in either
S or C?
In addition, pd did not splinter, so he's likely to have concentration in C
and little or no value in S, if you don't have S control, you would bid 4C
and soon you will play 5D.
Typically when you do a Splinter, you guarantee values in the other suits.
So this is he same,
发帖数: 2804
来自主题: Bridge版 - 【每周一题】 It's Your Call
That is not necessarily true. Lots of time a side K can be identified by
cuebid, and trump K can be confirmed by asking bid. Anyway, that is one main
reason that people use cuebids for slam exploration.
发帖数: 679
来自主题: Bridge版 - Bidding question - 7s?
Playing on BBO with a stranger
S/N Vul, S dealer (me)
2c / 2d* (waiting)
/ 2s / 4nt (1430)
/ 5c / 6s
/ 7s?
1) was it ok to bid 7 ? since I have already anwsered 0-4 kc and p still
went to 6. shouldn't p have at least 1 kc for this sequence?
2) was 4nt from North too early ? 2nt and 3s to start cuebid ? cue bids
might not be enough to find the missing A (A or K for cuebid), but 4nt from
South will do.
(Needless to say, op
发帖数: 679
1) X
Hopefully P will pass. We have majority of hcp and I expect 3h will fail and
we may not have any games.
2) 5S
Not sure if 4H is cuebid for S or D. If it is cuebid for D, then I would bid
4nt RKC for D. We probably have slam for either S or D.
3) Pass
No sure about any other bids, and I expect 3d to fail.
4) 2nt
I would pass at IMP.
5) 4S
There is no pre-emp against pre-emp. So I think p's hand is good but not
great (no X first).
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - 叫牌测验
No. What I mean is that optimized structures exist in many areas. Even if
you play an optimized system, you still may have problems in some hand types
. In that sense, I don't really care about perfection at all. There is one
simple example, before RKC was invented, players play Blackwood for many
years. In many cases, you have to guess whether partner holds trump K and Q.
These kind of guesses are so called judgment calls. When RKC was invented,
all these kinds of "judgment calls" just disappe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - 飞还是挤
It is quite easy start from 1C.
1C 1D
1H(usually 4H +5C except 4-4-1-4) 3C(4 clubs, gf, slam interest)
3S(S honor, cuebid) 4D(RKC)
4N(two no Q) 5D(all KC confirmed, inviting cuebids)
5H(HK) 7C
Front 1NT. Suppose you play minor suit stayman.
1N 2S
3C 4D(RKC)
4N(two) 5D(all KC)
5H(HK) 5N(DK)
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - 飞还是挤
Here, there are quite a few different schools. One is to play any suit bids
as cuebids to show honors, this is tuned for slam bidding purpose, which is
fine if 3C shows clear slam interest.
Another is to play every bid as natural. This is good for marginal slam
decisions based on shape and game decisions.
A third school is to play a hybrid method. So 3D/H are natural. new suits
are cuebids.
A 4th is to play the 4th suit to show doubts in 3NT, which is strongly tuned
to 3NT bidding, for example x... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - 【每周一题】致命首攻
I have to say, south's bidding is very wrong. 4S is a clear overbid, 5C is
wrong, later 7H is a pure gamble.
Of course, west had better pass 4S. It's none of his business to double 4S
with QTx. If west passes 4S, it's clear to lead CA in this layout.
If opps are going to psyche cuebid, they are less likely to psyche cuebid in
side suits, and more likely in your suit, because they don't know who holds
DA and they know that you are more likely to hold CA.
This is a typical latter stage gamble and ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2804
来自主题: Bridge版 - 【每周一题】致命首攻
Since 3C cuebid is not game-forcing, West's 4C bid creates annoying problems
. It deprives an entire level of bidding from N-S. Even experts cannot agree
what should 4D from North show. Does it show slam interest, or a secondary
suit (so that partner knows what to do if opponents bid higher), or maybe it
is "last train" (which doesn't even promise diamond control)? We don't know
N-S agreement here, so we are all just speculating here.
But I think South does have enough to bid beyond 4H. Even if ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2804
来自主题: Bridge版 - NABC+ Swiss Team (6)
7-loser hand and too balanced, and bad hearts :-)
After 3H, the way I play is: 3S shows non-serious interest (i.e. "I am
willing to cooperate just in case you have serious slam interest, but I don'
t have enough to initiate it"), 3NT shows "serious interest" with spade
cuebid, 4C/4D are "serious cuebid". So if partner bids "non-serious 3S", I
would just sign off in 4H. If partner bids a "serious 4D", then I will RKC.
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - NABC+ Swiss Team (6)
2NT and pass partner's 3NT (which should show a balanced hand and suitable
for NT). If partner bid 3D over 2NT to show D value, you can bid 3H here. If
partner bids 3C, you can bid 3H. If partner bids 3H, you bid 3S as a cuebid
. If partner bids 3S to show 5-6 in majors and weak hand, you can cuebid 4C
to show some forward going interest, because your partner may still hold
QJxxx AQJxxx - xx to offer an excellent play in 6H.
Jumping to 3NT directly is simply bad bridge.
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - Slam bidding
Often you just can't really be the captain after the first round of RKC,
which is especially true in grand slam decisions. In many situations, grand
slams are bid by collaborations. So it's more like a covalent bonding,
instead of ionic bonding. Everybody need to contribute some information to
reach the final decision. Captain types of bidding actually happens less
frequently in bidding. It is good in some shapely two suiters, where side
suit honors or shortness are important. For example, suppo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - Slam bidding
Often you just can't really be the captain after the first round of RKC,
which is especially true in grand slam decisions. In many situations, grand
slams are bid by collaborations. So it's more like a covalent bonding,
instead of ionic bonding. Everybody need to contribute some information to
reach the final decision. Captain types of bidding actually happens less
frequently in bidding. It is good in some shapely two suiters, where side
suit honors or shortness are important. For example, suppo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20570
来自主题: Bridge版 - Funny hand
1D 1H
1S(usually at least 4-5 in S and D with a few exceptions) 2H(gf, natural)
2N(natural) 3H(6+H)
4C(cue bid, agreeing H) 4D(cuebid)
4H (sign off) 4N(cuebid in S, not good enough to RKC)
5D(DK) 5H(sign off, may have some problems in C)
6H or pass both are fine here
发帖数: 31
来自主题: Bridge版 - An interesting hand
We play 1N forcing, so partner promised a close to opening hand
when he bid 2H. Later, when he bypassed 3N and bid 4D, it must
be a good hand and slam try. I think he would have bid 3N if he
had some strength in Clubs. (He loves to play 3N)
I was also thinking bid 4H over 4D, but I was really not sure
whether that shows a heart support and or cuebid.
发帖数: 31
来自主题: Bridge版 - An interesting hand

First of all, I see a lot of good points in greatfool's post :)
Well, in the mean time, I still dont forget to argue for myself.
Both these two cases, I think I will just bid 5D. It is too much
to ask from partner to make a slam after he did not open.
I might have 5 2 4 2 distribution, with some shabby diamond, maybe
a honor in hearts, so might try the 5-2 heart game.
But in any case, I agree if partnership agreements says that 4H is a cuebid,
then 4H would be a better bid then 5C. Otherwise, a
发帖数: 31
来自主题: Bridge版 - Some Conventions
A.Lebonsol System
Situation: Partner opens 1N and there is an interference bid by opponents.
(a) Double is for penalty
(Exception: If 2C overcall is not for natural,double for Stayman)
(b) Any two level bid is natural and non-forcing
(c) Any three level bid is natural and forcing to game
(d) Direct Cuebid is Stayman and denies stopper in opponents suit.
(e) 3N shows a balance hand without a stopper in opponents suit.
(f) 2N is asking opener to bid 3C, then
1. 3N shows a balance hand,
发帖数: 244
来自主题: Bridge版 - how to bid?

Most likely will be 2NT.
2NT 3H
4D(1) 5NT
6S 7H

1: Since North didn't support spades, he should hold 2 spades.
In this case, 4D should be understood as cuebid.
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