发帖数: 1 | 1 尼玛,两刀磅牛排的症屁文盲真tmd"大气",cornhole一张,把你帝25万人的
Cheasapeake市municipal code说成是HOA bylaw |
l*********s 发帖数: 27 | 2 偶在OCEF网站上的OCEF章程或BYLAWS 找到了OCEF的宗旨和目的:
“第二条 基金会的目标是争取从任何可能的渠道(目前主要在北美)募集资金,以促进
The specific objectives and purposes of this corporation shall be to raise
money from any available sources to promote the education in China, especially
to help rural students, teachers, and schools for better education. ”
是“专注”的工作。这表明资助大学生,高中生,甚至办大学都符合O |
a****y 发帖数: 69 | 3 WomenCount and Committee to Count Every Vote ’08
release statement on RBC decision
Committee to Count Every Vote ’08
Comments on Decision of RBC
Thirty members of the Rules & Bylaws Committee of the Democratic National
Committee came to Washington on Saturday, May 31, with a promise to fairly
resolve a crisis that threatens the very legitimacy of our democratic
electoral process. The Committee to Count Every Vote ’08 and its
supporters came to Washington to ensure that the RBC lived up to that |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 4 By Phil Boehmke
Over the course of his lengthy career with the Memphis Police Department, J.
D. Sewell has been in hot water a number of times, but the union was always
there to save his bacon. The MPD veteran eventually took over as president
of the Memphis Police Association (MPA) due in part to his proficiency in
gaming the system, but now Sewell finds himself in hot water with the union.
The Memphis Commercial Appeal reports that Sewell has been suspended by the
union. Although the MPA chi... 阅读全帖 |
G******g 发帖数: 2275 | 5 Please help spread the message of HOPE - help SELF achieve
its goal of reaching $250,000 by tonight!
THANKS TO YOU, SELF is $3,672 short ONLY! In 2.5 day, YOU
poured in $11,000. The means to reach the target today is at your
finger tips, click on
Thank you.
S. B. Woo, a volunteer
President, 80-20 EF
Board of 80-20 National Asian American Educational Foun... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 6 No Turning Point: What Happens in Wisconsin Stays in Wisconsin; Hell to Pay
In the wake of an expected victory in Wisconsin, Ted Cruz gave the expected
victory speech.
“Tonight is a turning point. It is a rallying cry,” said Cruz to an elated
crowd of his supporters.
Nonsense. What happens in Wisconsin stays in Wisconsin.
Nomination Analysis
Cruz won 36 of 42 Wisconsin delegates. In the Path to a Trump Victory, Nate
Silver estimated Trump needed to win 18 Wisconsin delegates.
Trump won six, leav... 阅读全帖 |
s*x 发帖数: 8041 | 7 To our best knowledge, using Hillary's Speech Archive on her website, of
the 397 speeches she gave from January to July this year, only 1 was
to Asian Americans -- a 30 minute speech to the group 'AAPI for Hillary'
in San Gabriel, CA. We are 4.6% of the voters, we only got 0.25% of her
time. Indeed, it was to a group that has already endorse her. Don't let
belittle us. Many voters sense that she has a sense of entitledment.
Donald Trump? Probably worse.
So hold on to your vote. Let 80... 阅读全帖 |
r*****t 发帖数: 7278 | 8 以下是转发的邮件:
发件人: "S. B. Woo" <[email protected]/* */>
日期: 2016年10月3日 GMT-5 上午9:37:19
主题: Seize the Golden Opportunity. Don't Vote yet.
回复: [email protected]/* */
New website look
Seize the Golden Opportunity Now
To our best knowledge, using Hillary's Speech Archive on her website, of
the 397 speeches she gave from January to July this year, only 1 was
to Asian Americans -- a 30 minute speech to the group 'AAPI for Hillary'
in San Gabriel, CA. We are 4.6% of the vo... 阅读全帖 |
i***e 发帖数: 373 | 9 80-20's latest email correspondence. You may not agree with it, but it does
not sound out of line to me.
Seize the Golden Opportunity of A Presidential Election.
Let's Get Something for Our Votes!
Q1: Will 80-20 Endorse a presidential candidate this Year?
A: Not sure. 80-20 helps a presidential candidate to win only if the
candidate is willing to help AsAms back in sufficient measures. This year
none seems eager to help back. So don't help either ye... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 10 谢谢。
查了一下,快艇队的出卖是因为 NBA 认为他违反了 NBA 的规章 Constitution and
所以这个案子联系到主楼所言,不是美国没有言论自由,是 NBA。
而是违反社会道德,最终被 NBA 打压。 |
c****i 发帖数: 199 | 11 最近DIY了一个非营利机构并成功申请到国税局免税资格501(c)3。一共一个月左右时间
a)有不少地方,比如图书馆,康斗association club house之类,给非营利组织免费
b) 为组织购买的物品,免消费税,一般5-9%。各州不一样。
c) 给组织捐款免个人收入税。比如你从收入里捐款给组织100块,你就不用为这一百块
d) 有的公司对捐款还有match 100%。这样相当于你口袋里60变成非营利组织里的200。
e) 有朝一日组织做大,买了自己的办公楼,房地产可以免地税。房地产增值也免税。
2) 申请攻略:
- 先找三个或以上志同道合的成人。好像没有身份的要求,但至少在美国有地址,最好
- 在州里先注册一个非营利inc。每个州不... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 12 老钱 CAA
就是这个健康储蓄账户/Health Saving Account,我孤陋寡闻,在Georgia/佐治亚州,
还没有听说过。再有,在佐治亚,Property Tax/房地产税是由County/郡收的。这个郡
美国版图:州分割完美国,郡分割完州的版图。... 阅读全帖 |
q******s 发帖数: 7469 | 13 谢谢。这个我会看bylaw的。问清楚了再决定买。问题是现在房价高的还是承受不起。
。。。 |
v******p 发帖数: 700 | 14 每个洲法律不同。加州是bylaw不许扣留你的定金的。
但是如果你签了一个dealer自己弄出来的协议什么的就不一样了。 |
n****1 发帖数: 2895 | 15 不同的地方有不同的bylaw,你家里的洗涤剂是进入了city的回收系统,而街上的下水
道大部分是直接排到海里。 |
n****1 发帖数: 2895 | 16 不要想当然,你查了bylaw没有?不要怪俺没有警告你。 |
n****1 发帖数: 2895 | 17 Check your city bylaw, some dates are not allowed to wash your car because
of water shortage, or you cannot use any chemical because of pollution |
d******u 发帖数: 2196 | 18 你是等着警察来抓尼玛?然后又花钱去掉?bylaw,不要乱贴前窗。警察可以说看不清
楚直接拔枪打死。 |
g******i 发帖数: 1942 | 19 老师就是职业, 混碗饭吃而已,份内的事要 professional。别把自己想的比别人高尚
, 给自己套枷锁好玩吗? As long as you follow laws and bylaws, that is
enough!!!!!!!! |
O*********r 发帖数: 1835 | 20 那没什么argue的根据。不过可以提醒系主任下学期是1门课。
要知道系主任有分配课程的权利,只要没违反 bylaw. |
s********n 发帖数: 1124 | 21 有的society门槛很高,能加入是一个大honor。
最近正在申请一个我们一个society的associate member,还不是full member。
Associate member根据society的bylaw,一年只有15个名额,今年开始改成了25个。必
须是独立PI,必须有NIH R01。给你7年时间过渡,然后或者申请到full member,或者
自动phase out。根据今年的统计,新批准加入的full member竟然H index达到31!平均
年龄46岁!(前年的新加入full member的平均年龄是51岁!NND)
的名额。感觉像secular的教会组织似的,不过会议水平确实高。 |
O*********r 发帖数: 1835 | 22 美国的天牛制度就是有意写的很 vague,很多地方无法量化,就是为了方便 get ride
of 想赶走但在文章和funding上又不好赶的人。
我看过我们的 tenure and promotion 手册,就几行,要你demonstrate scholarly
excellence 和 teaching contribution。所谓的“硬件”是基于前些年天牛的人的统
计,但在 bylaw 上来讲,不是”硬件“到位的都有天牛,因为条规就是有意的vague,
Bottom line: while you strive to beef up your funding and teaching, also try
to become an amiable member of the group. |
z*****8 发帖数: 1051 | 23 我们系这种事基本都是那么2-3个人干,大家一起提意见以后,写进bylaw,现在错过一
半job talks就主动弃权了。 |
O*********r 发帖数: 1835 | 24 Default 是重新算,但在换工作的时候可以跟对方学校要这个credit,对方答不答应是
年,具体年限要仔细读SABBATICAL 的 bylaw。我见过一起因为忽略这项而不能立马跳
槽的。 |
O*********r 发帖数: 1835 | 25 这个就是PROVOST有时候用的必杀技。我见过一个小系,小的原因很多,但其中之一是
faculty之间不和,长期政治斗争,PROVOST 烦了,于是砍了这个系,大家都走人。但
当然这个伎俩不能常常用,毕竟也是跟 bylaw 打擦边球。 |
O*********r 发帖数: 1835 | 26 我们也是,一周一天不为过,但要report。你去查一查你们学校的bylaw。 |
O*********r 发帖数: 1835 | 27 学校有没有办法改bylaw,让免学费不写成 tuition waiver,就让它压根不出现在账面
上,因为反正也没有钱过户,又不是在隐藏什么。 |
A****0 发帖数: 1367 | 28 这种对funding的要求,一般不会白纸黑字地写进department bylaw或者是faculty
code, 吃相太难看了,好歹学校还是个非营利性组织,不是花街的上市公司。但是一个
AP连给自己学生薄厚发工资的钱都没有,那就跟sustainable research program不沾边
了,R1学校完全可以用这条理由开人。 |
m****a 发帖数: 2593 | 29 呵呵,小心HOA put a lien on his property.
HOA Enforcement Powers
Almost every planned development has a number of rules and regulations in
its CC&Rs. Many have adopted additional rules and regulations, found in a
separate document.
When someone breaks any of these rules, it’s usually the HOA that’s
responsible to enforce them. Just who will take on an enforcement role and
how far the HOA can go to make you comply depends also on the spec... 阅读全帖 |
s*********0 发帖数: 2045 | 30 最后是怎样的呢?反正HOA是这样的,有三个东西:
第二个是Rules and Regulations,是CC&R的一个具体表现,具体讲那些是禁止的,惩
罚是什么。这个每一届elected HOA board领导人都有权随便改,而且不需要投票就可
发帖数: 1 | 31 美国的HOA什么都管,就像盖世太保一样盯着业主的一举一动。有各种奇葩规定,很多
hoa 的 covenant and bylaws的长度都有几百页。
你敢不交罚款? 你敢欠物业费?那么你的房子很快会被收走。
在hoa的淫威面前,业主就是砧板上的鱼肉。 |
发帖数: 1 | 32 机械研究生求职,暑期实习或者coop工作机会均可,Product Design 方向, 简历文本
Zewen (James) Cao
256 Webster Ave, Apt 3, Jersey City, NJ 07307 ♦ [email protected]/* */
9830; (201)539-0239 ♦ www.linkedin.com/in/jameszewencao/
OBJECTIVE: Summer 2017 Mechanical Engineering Intern
Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
2016 – Present
GPA: 4... 阅读全帖 |
c*******y 发帖数: 3008 | 33 HOA bylaw有这么一条:
Landscaping – Area between the foundation of the townhouses
and the walk area to the entrance of the townhouses as well as
the areas in front of the townhouses, where replacement of all
plants/shrubs will be the responsibility of the owners. The
Association will be responsible for maintaining all plants/shrubs
and removing any dead plant matter and will assist owners with
their selection in replacing the dead material within a specified
time frame. If the owner does not replace p |
m***y 发帖数: 14763 | 34 一般对corner lot的fence高度有另外要求 查查你们镇的zoning bylaw |
i*******d 发帖数: 1430 | 35 让他把hoa的bylaw 哪里禁止种菜指出来。就算死也要死个明白。 |
w*******a 发帖数: 428 | 36 感谢大家回复!我仔细看了HOA的bylaw,查不到关于种菜那条,不知道为什么他们能理
直气壮的叫人不种菜。看来要好好学习如何把菜种到花草里。 |
w*******a 发帖数: 428 | 37 感谢大家回复!我仔细看了HOA的bylaw,查不到关于种菜那条,不知道为什么他们能理
直气壮的叫人不种菜。看来要好好学习如何把菜种到花草里。 |
o******1 发帖数: 275 | 38 bylaw, you have 72 hours(forget exact number) to regret, just call them you
regret ASAP
cheap |
s*******y 发帖数: 851 | 40 You treat people the way you want yourself be treated by others. You may
have right to object his project this time. However you will lose the
opportunity doing any project in your backyard forever. Still read your hoa
bylaw first. |
B**********y 发帖数: 3855 | 41 你们自己有没有主动找Condo Management Company沟通,问问怎么回事?这个世界会哭
是会很磨练你的意志的。 |
m***y 发帖数: 14763 | 42 It still might affect you. Check out your HOA bylaws if HOA need to pay up
for any improvement.
For such a steep slope, at least some ripraps are required. |
G********n 发帖数: 468 | 43 我爸妈偶尔用落地晒衣架把衣服晾在阳台上。今天某个邻居丢了一个纸条。我看了以后
This is Not China...its the GOOD be USA(还双线画上了USA)!!
According to the Bylaws...you can not (画上了下划线)DRY/HANG clothes on your
I am tired of seeing your laundry...takes away from the beauty of the
building. Please take care of today!
首句中就stereotype China and Chinese,让我非常不爽!靠,咱中国可是美国人的债
主!我仔细查阅了我的lease,里面只是说"may not"而不是"can not"。两个词之间好
就没有takes away fro... 阅读全帖 |
s*********9 发帖数: 2 | 44 You can say the following:
Thank you for informing me about bylaws. I really appreciate it. However, I
do not appreciate you insulting my country of birth. I recognize however,
since this is the GOOD USA(双线画上USA), and not China, you have the freedom
to behave like an asshole. |
G********n 发帖数: 468 | 45 刚才随便google一下,看看state residential law以及别的properties是如何诠释
hang laundry / clothes的。本州相关法律中并没有对此做出明确的规定,我的邻居使
本州的Associations在lease agreement中使用的词汇不一样,但是可以看出有一些明
文禁止(e.g. Shall not, not allowed to),有一些留有余地(e.g. May not)。在后者
中。是否违规是contingent upon ...or likelihood to be considered as such的情
况。以前朋友中有人错误理解lease agreement不同词汇所表达的dos and donts差点吃
了亏,所以我看合约特别留神条款的wording。话说回来,如果leasing office和我说
不行,那我就不晾了。可是在此住了几个月,住在这里的building manager并没有给我
另外,偶尔发现几年前美国就掀起了一个right-to-dry的social movem... 阅读全帖 |
d***a 发帖数: 13752 | 46 Bylaw不是law,大意就是rule。Lease agreement一般不用这个词,condo的HOA用。(
你这个邻居除了言语粗鲁外,还有一个做得不对的地方:他应该通知rental office,
让他们来说。他并不是rule enforcer。如果他和你好好说,just remind you,那是另
关于晒衣服,我觉得本身是节能环保的好事。注意不把内衣晒在外面。 |
x******g 发帖数: 33885 | 47 他说according to the Bylaw. 你应该问问小区的负责人,看是不是有这样的条款。有
your |
d***a 发帖数: 13752 | 48 每个HOA的bylaw是不同的,有的可能允许哂衣服,有的可能不允许。赶快查一下你签字
认可的agreement。你住的是condo还是apartment?(是买的还是租的?) |
d********1 发帖数: 3828 | 49 那些说lz猥琐的,有多少现在电脑里正装这盗版软件?你敢去跟美国主子说么?那违反
的就不是bylaw了,而是law。比楼主ws多了。 |
W*****p 发帖数: 729 | 50 的确是一个合理途径,如果小区所有人都爱环保,那么修改bylaw,加入环保条款是可行的.
但是远水解不了近渴,这个事情上HOA还没有允许晾衣服. |