t******s 发帖数: 935 | 2 I can confirm that ps3 version rock band guitar,drum and mic can work with
GH:world tour and up, GH guitar can work with rock band and up, your RB game
needs update, though. Otherwise RB will recognize GH guitar as mic. LOL.
you can check compatibility here
http://www.joystiq.com/Instrument-Compatibility-Matrix/ |
r*****o 发帖数: 636 | 3 我pre-order了Band of Brothers,今天收到了Best Buy的$25电子coupon,
正好够买一张2 Disc的Seven,然后由于华纳现在有一个Buy 1 Get 1 Free
算起来$100,买了Band of Brothers+Seven(2Disc)+Maverick... |
c*******h 发帖数: 72 | 5 这个我有发言权。我老公原来的婚戒在多年前国内买的,就是和这个Elsa Perreti款一
这次我们去upgrade才发现,这一款婚戒不是列在men's ring里面的!!!如果你喜欢
给老公的婚戒带钻的,推荐这款Lucida bang ring, 4mm, 中间带个小钻。这是列在men
's ring里面的,绝对是男士可以带的。
是4mm的Milgrain wedding band Ring,有两条边,也算有点变化。
还有啊,我们当时03年买的Elsa Perreti的那个band, $550,现在就要$1150啦!!... 阅读全帖 |
wh 发帖数: 141625 | 7 从图书馆的赠阅书架上拿下这本《The Bremen Town Band》连环画,完全是因为认识一
读后方知这是一个著名的格林童话,原名《The Town Musicians of Bremen》,说驴子
这本连环画还是Oxford University Press出版的,插画家Brian Wildsmith据wiki说是
格林童话常常带有冷酷血腥的色彩,好在《The Bremen Town Band》很温和,虽然开篇
喜。我只是不明白... 阅读全帖 |
r******n 发帖数: 2730 | 8 Alex Band这个名字估计很多人不知道,the calling的名字应该有一些人知道了。Alex
是那个乐队的主唱,他16岁写的歌曲Wherever you will go成了这个decade中的
top hit
当时我刚刚高中毕业,满耳都是后街男孩和n‘syn westlife 等等等等的pop乐队。从
you will go里面alex的嗓音让我热血沸腾,当时透过CRI的广播听到alex宽广的音域和
calling的专辑,发现每首歌都很赞,于是,the calling的歌成为我的最爱。那些歌曲
过考4 8 级,考gre,申请,快乐,伤心,激动,抑郁的时刻。之后不知什么原因,自
santana合作的歌以后,the calling就消失匿迹了。。但是看一场the calling的演唱
到签名,始终成为我曾经“来美国要完成的事”中的一 |
l*******r 发帖数: 2 | 9 【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: lazyobear (懒洋洋的大熊), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 诚征吉他手加盟(to start a Chinese band in bay area)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jun 30 16:43:23 2008)
Hi, buddies,
We are a in the process of forming a Chinese band. We are bunch of Chinese
friends getting together playing Chinese music (Rock or Pop) for fun. We
currently have a keyboarder, a guitar player, and a drumer. We need at least
another guitar player to make the ball start to roll. Feel free to contact
us if you have interest |
c**e 发帖数: 3760 | 12 【 以下文字转载自 Rock 讨论区 】
发信人: cure (musikaholic), 信区: Rock
标 题: 买了个rock band 2
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 27 00:33:28 2009, 美东)
结果弹了一半就被人kick out了。郁闷。只好接着独乐乐。 |
x**********1 发帖数: 54 | 13 呵呵,曾经在学生时代有个业余的band(其实主要就是几个好朋友出去练习唱K的借口
也可以找我去唱歌啊,我住在南湾:) |
s****n 发帖数: 489 | 15 不知道有多少朋友喜欢这只来自瑞典的死亡金属band.
不过是我个人的favorite band之一
"歌德堡之声" 的代表专辑<> 就是出自这个乐队
. 主场Anders Friden的声音很特别.尖细而且暴躁
有点响尾蛇的感觉.呵呵. 个人觉得代表作品是cloud connect.希望金属的朋友
o********r 发帖数: 303 | 16 Placebo drummer Steve Hewitt has left the band after 11 years.
In a statement singer Brian Molko said: "Being in a band is very much like
being in a marriage and in couples - in this case a triple. People can grow
apart over the years.
"To say you don't love your partner anymore is inaccurate considering all
that you've been through and achieved together. There simply comes a point
when you realise that you want different things from your relationship and
that you can no longer live under the sa |
h*********r 发帖数: 10182 | 17 【 以下文字转载自 Music 讨论区 】
发信人: hydralistor (hydralistor), 信区: Music
标 题: why the band is called one republic?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jul 7 20:46:21 2008)
their album (dream out loud) is very good.
why the band is called "one republic"? for republican? |
c**e 发帖数: 3760 | 18 【 以下文字转载自 MusicPlayer 讨论区 】
发信人: cure (musikaholic), 信区: MusicPlayer
标 题: the worst local band competition winner
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 24 13:21:13 2008), 转信
早上听radio, worst local band competition第一名,
刚评上冠军,作者(Itzhak, 听他自己念自己的名字,sounds like "it suck"
居然还有人cover |
a****a 发帖数: 3411 | 20 Up to 80% Off Engagement Rings and Wedding Bands on Ebay, Feb 01
eBay.com has up to 80% off engagement rings and wedding bands sale.
3.38 Ct Oval Blue Created Sapphire Topaz 10K White Gold Ring $99($648)
02/01/2013, 07:16pm By anonymous
oh my god, u guys buy diamond rings on ebay? i feel bad for the girl.
02/01/2013, 07:24pm By anonymous
OMG, so cheap!
02/01/2013, 07:26pm By anonymous
If somebody doesn't plan to have a long marriage why to bother to pay full
price for a ring? E-bay stu... 阅读全帖 |
g*****g 发帖数: 1067 | 21 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: ggggggg (星光小妹), 信区: USANews
标 题: 在场一个band有不少枪,不敢用,怕被警察打死
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 3 01:01:41 2017, 美东)
After spending the night fearing for his life, Caleb Keeter, the group’s
lead guitarist, spoke up about gun control.
“I’ve been a proponent of the 2nd amendment my entire life. Until the
events of last night. I cannot express how wrong I was. We actually have
members of our crew with [Concealed Handgun Licenses], and legal firearms on
the bu... 阅读全帖 |
s******0 发帖数: 13782 | 22 【 以下文字转载自 Girl 讨论区 】
发信人: skyblue0 (头转星移), 信区: Girl
标 题: I Don't Care About Your Band (zz)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 4 11:48:05 2011, 美东)
喜剧作家茱莉·克劳斯纳(Julie Klausner)曾于2010年出版过一本感人至深的有趣书籍:《你的乐队我没兴趣:我约会过的独立摇滚乐手、信托投资人、色情作者、罪犯、善于识别假货的时尚人士以及其他一些傻冒带给我的教训》(I Don't Care About Your Band: What I Learned fro... 阅读全帖 |
w*******e 发帖数: 6802 | 23 Switchfoot is an American alternative rock band from San Diego, California.
They are known for their energetic live shows, where the three guitarists in
the line-up often operate simultaneously.
After early successes in the Christian rock scene, Switchfoot first gained
mainstream recognition with the inclusion of four of their songs in the 2002 movie A
Walk to Remember.
"The Beautiful Letdown", which was released in 2003. It went on to sell over
2.6 million copies and produced the band's best-kn |
s*******8 发帖数: 12734 | 25 WRT610N
Simultaneous Dual-N Band
Wireless Router
比 WRT320N
Dual-Band Wireless-N
Gigabit Router好在哪?多人用速度会有不同?
Wireless-N Broadband Router 国内家里用用是不是也够了?不需要很大的
不容易断线? |
v*****r 发帖数: 1119 | 26 谢了。 还有一个疑惑是 Dual Band 目前有必要吗? 和 single band 相比
performance,稳定性 要好很多吗? 有没有用过的同学谈一谈。 |
s*******8 发帖数: 12734 | 27 我同时dual band那种,如果家里电脑多,应该会很有用。
否则,dual band几乎是废物。 |
s*******8 发帖数: 12734 | 28 买同时dual band那种,如果家里电脑多,应该会很有用。
否则,dual band几乎是废物。 |
a*o 发帖数: 19981 | 29 dual-band is not very useful at all, the A band is pretty much junk after
one wall. |
u**r 发帖数: 663 | 30 20块的n300 vs 48块的n600hd
天线:2 vs 4
stream music: no vs yes
extended wireless coverage: no vs yes
optimized for streaming HD video and wireless gaming: no vs yes
simultaneous dual-band: no vs yes
prioritizes network traffic: no vs yes
BT download: no vs yes
从硬件上来讲多了dual-band,多了2天线,增加了无线覆盖距离。 |
t****n 发帖数: 376 | 32 这个dual band router满天飞了,一直没明白2.4g和5g是如何simultaneous work的?
设置router的时候,2.4G和5g分别设置一个ssid,假设网卡也支持dual band(3t3r)
比如linksys e4500,如果是2.4g和5g都工作,最大速度是不就是900mbps?单独链接2.
4g或5g则最高速度450mbps? |
r*******e 发帖数: 7583 | 33 没听说过什么dual band的网卡,一个网卡只跑在一个band上
2. |
D*********Z 发帖数: 415 | 34 主流网卡大多是3天线的,我也没听过simultaneous dual band的网卡。
但可以做到装两个网卡,分别连到simultaneous dual band router的两个AP |
s*****m 发帖数: 13092 | 35 两个band同时并行处理数据?是single band的两倍速度? |