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发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - just not my day...
11500KO guaranteed, targeted at this loose guy for a long time and now half
of my healthy stack gone.
in another one, QQ lost to flopped 99 set, AA lost to ATo (Q98J7) before
final table.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Fryking, how do u like FT?
i only play small tourneys there, too many "magic" rivers, hehe.
like yesterday, 4 out the 10 games:
1) TT lost to 55 one card flush! RIVER
2) AsQs flopped two pair lost to river set of 8s, why NOT? RIVER
3) ATo vs. donk's QTo, guess what? RIVER
4) Js2s lost to 25o!! new high! LOL, RIVER
yeah, i like the # of players, although PS has more now.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Poker is joker?
this all depends on his "read", KJo is ok enough to some ppl if they believe
you have medium PP, they're not even a big underdog to ATo, A9s alike. if
they're desperately looking for a double up to survive raising blinds, they
would do it, even i do it about 20% of time.
the problem is, he didn't know your hand.
actually sometimes you need to take risks by not shoving with AA, KK pre-
flop, you need to extract good values from these power houses, after all,
they're monsters most of time. i would
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - FT not treating me well
why pre-flop all-in? short stack? good read?
generally, ATo is not a good hand at all, against KQo, it's only 60% vs. 40%
, not a huge favorite, and this hand falls in that 40% range, although it
comes on the river.
there're some odds to remember:
1) two over cards vs. two under cards: 65:35
2) 1 over 1 under, like this hand: 60:40
suited can add ~3%.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - en, sometimes i bad beat others
ATo short stack, 10K all-in.
chip leader 40K, calls
another guy 15K, calls.
well, A alone can't save me, T alone can't save me, oh yeah, i need more...
发帖数: 205
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 哪位大侠能给个PT的数据参考范围
/A8s+/ATo+。你可以去下个sitNgo wizard,那里面有个图,可以大概看看vpip和起手牌
发帖数: 15860
,5xBB raise,还有13xBB re-raise在前,ATo基本就是个loser。
不能说这把碰见了个lucky flop,unlucky turn and river,2个donkeys,就改变了这
bogiebogie2001 calls 50
glynnneal calls 50
Mr Wolfhound raises to 250
walleyechaser63 raises to 650
hulai calls 625
发帖数: 15860
前天那回8000 guarantee $3 rebuy,ATo死在bubble挺可惜的,俺一遍JJWW就是怕有在
你FINAL TABLE太冷静了,尤其re-raise的那把,赞,熬到冠军真是实力尽现!
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - fryking, 你这首牌只看了后半部分
haha, a few ways:
1) i shove with AA, KK, AK like a donk if i got them in the 1st hand, better
after some small raises, amazingly some donks call with 88, ATo, KQs so
often so early;
2) i charge them maxium with TPTK if he/she is a known ace rag, small PP
caller (notes are very important);
3) i draw often, since most micro players either don't know how much to
protect their hands or can't lay down TT, 99 early;
4) i jump onto those who just lose a big hand;
5) i bite those who just win a big han
发帖数: 12088
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 大家来看看这两手牌
8-p cash game, $100 buy-in,$1 BB. game just starts.
case 1:
A: JQo
pre-flop pot size 12.
flop KT4
A: bet 10
B called and other folded.
turn A
A: bet 50
B called.
river T.
A: checked.
B: all-in
A called and lost.
case 2: switch A and B's bet order, that is, the one holding two pairs
starts the bet and the straight holder calls, and the river is a 9, not a T.
A didn't hit full house. All other remain the same.
In case 1, isn't B's turn call too risky? In river, A knows B is aggress
发帖数: 4
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - fryking, 今天总算去casino开点张
How large is the data? It is based on 5 times? 10 times?
If you have like 50 times and the average is $500+, I would say your winning
rate is extremely good. However, I really doubt it. From my experience, it
is very likely that you can not catch a single hand better than ATo in 6
hours, given how slow live game is. Many people think that $15~$30 per hour
is doable for a good player, not much but way higher than online game if you
consider $/hand.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 惨败于$6 Sit n Go
if so, 但是每次都是chips最少的, you're too conservative.
hehe, 什么牌可以raise呢, it's much more complicated than this, or, believe
it or not, your actual hand is not that important at all.
a few key things to consider/plan ahead (say, 18 ppl left, 9 get to final):
1) your stack, how many BBs you have? 10BB? then you can't open a pot
"normally" (say 3x) too lightly with hands like 77, ATo etc (which you can
do at earlier stages when blinds are low), because if get called, you'll
have a tough time on many flops
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - A question for fryking
yes, i knew his range.
1) he's playing with scared money, and out of position;
2) a few orbits earlier, he played ATo pretty strong in BB vs. SB, so he
could have A8- alike in this hand. he plays Ax a lot;
3) my table image was good, 2 hands i lost earlier (JJ to short stacker's
limped KK in 3-way, and 88 flopped top set in 4 ways shoves, one donk caught
gutshot on river), he should have seen all... my opening range was "tight"
and he wouldn't expect me to open with KQo from MP;
4) there's no go
发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 来来,继续猜hand

这里我觉得我ATo 80% better, 既然我是better hand, 我当然希望money in的越多越
好, 如果他4bet,那么就是另外一回事儿了
that's why I check,I still beat most of his hands, 如果我bet, no worse hand 会
call, 这里他只bet 8bb, very timid bet
why fold? I have an open end straight draw+5 outs to 2 pairs, agains 2 pairs
, I have 14 outs, a better A, i have 12 outs, against a set, I still have 8
outs, plus he could also be on some draw, it's a very draw heavy board,
to be honest, I think I do have a lot of folding equi
发帖数: 72
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How should I played this hand
4+0.4 Poker star tournament
1500 players-300 players left blind 150/300 ante 75
I had $14000 ATo small blind, actions folded to button, BN raised to 900. I
raised to $2100, BN called.
FLOP A 2 4 Rainbow I bet 3500, BN raised all in, he had same stack as mine
. I am a little on tilt, called. BN showed AJo.
My question is: How should I played AT at this kind of spot?
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 不带这么整人的
hehe, 1) I was at BB w/ 88. UTG 3BB (BB=4K) w/ 44 and MP call. I fold. I was
covered by both. I would triple up if I call/allin.
2) BB=5K. MP raise 2.5BB w/ A5o. BTN(short stack) all in w/ 33.
I fold my ATo at SB, I would 1.5X up.
3) BB=5K, I raise 2.5BB at MP w/ A8s, one reraise(close stack) allin w/
77 and SB (short-stack) call. I fold. Flop 88J. I would more than double
up. (many hands like these above).
4) final hand. One short-stack at EP goes allin, I reraise allin
发帖数: 5415
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 不带这么整人的

I was
short stack打稳一点挺好的啊
call 3bet out of position with ATo?有点悬吧
allin w/
w/ JJ
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - goes 要turn pro 了?
he plays high cards a lot, can be as aggressive as playing ATo big.
but he plays 4 100NL and 4 50NL rush games, no way he can play his ace game.
so his pre-flop and flop action has to be stronger. 4-betting him pre is
good move with position, and low flops like this would make him fold.
he's not a fish so this makes him exploitable in these "common" cases due to
his lack of attention.
i don't have his turn/river stats right now, but i believe they're kind of

maybe this time he
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - MSOP 2010 Event 51战报(11/20/2010)
I fold my Aqo in the BB, because I know the SB must have aq crushed.
Cmis91 just ship it with ATo. My Gosh.
haha. It is a donkey move. But I like it, I do it a lot, because it is the donknament.
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Finally find the post by YJJ
I have two goals. 1) win WSOP package. It did not happen.
2) Win a MTT. I mean win it not just at final table. I had a few final
But either made mistakes or go for deal. Have not happened yet. But one
to try. Might MiniFTOP is place to go.
Last weekend, at one final table made silly mistake wtice. Call allin from
short stack TWICE. 1) raise 2.4BB at CO w/ A8s and call allin from SB (1/4
chip). SB had JJ and held. 2) SB limpin and BB/I raise to 3BB. SB allin (1/3
chip), I tank(I kno... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 终于river一把。
in or out of position makes a big diff. for over pairs.
OOP, most of time, you just can't put enough pressure on your opponents no
matter you do those "standard" 3x, 3.5x, 4x, 5x... small PPs and SCs will
surely come on board for implied odds. multi-way? even sweeter. then the
core problem becomes how often we can play such a hand with a plan.
it's hard to imagine a micro staker would overplay a TPTK hand like ATo or
KTs here on both dry flop and turn, or underplay QQ/JJ preflop (then
overplay a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - [leak fix 1] easy fold
loose ATo 4x pre, tiny stack calls, LP calls, i call.
check fold flop.
well, otherwise, everyone wins except me.
2 more notes on those gutshot heroes.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - [leak fix 2] you c-bet air here
not likely he'd do that if he only calls my flop check raise, because even
he has a real hand, say ATo or JJ, he'd be a little bit cautious.
two possibilities he could fire:
1) he indeed has a monster like set, which he's worried if he checks behind
on the turn, he'd not get any value on river from me either;
2) he detects my flop check raise is light, and wants to see my real
either way, he won't want to build a too large pot.
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - RUSH NL50, Should I slow play?
No information on the opponents (HM is not on, nor I have any history)
RUSH NL50, Hand one,
Preflop, MP 2BB and me/BB call w/ ATo
Flop, Q8J rainbow; MP 2BB and I call
Tturn 9 (Flush draw); I Overbet and MP fold
RUSH NL50, Hand Two
Preflop, UTG 3BB, MP/Me call with QQ and so does BB
Flop 25Q with FD, check to MP/Me, I bet 1/2 pot; all fold
Both hands, I hit strong. SHould I slow play for more value?
BTW, what is the way to play QQ if there is one 3BB raise from EP/MP?!
Once, I 3X from SB and MP a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - where did i go wrong
bet is too small on flop, remember doyle's words, weak is strong, strong is
weak. you're UTG preflop aggressor, small leading out here 25% is VERY
why? think about this, what would you do if you hold, say, A9s (assuming you
ever raise this weak from UTG), TT, ATo, would you bet 25% here? of course
no, you may do the "standard", 1/2, 2/3 c-bets or check with your TT more
often. 25% here smells like begging for a call, not showing "weakness".
turn check is not good either, especially a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - sigh, need luck for this one
there's actually nothing to brag about, i was nursing my 10-40BB stack for
most of the time and was never a favorite in any sense. i didn't double up
with any premium hands much either, except i busted SkillVille, ex ftops
champ with AK, he got AK too and re-shoved me, i luckily hit 4 card flush.
my hands held up in a few coin flips while i was on the slightly behind side
. i knew ppl figured me as ABC poker and would give me respect, that's why i
knew i could river bluff big with a few ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 457
没有什么印象特别深的牌。我觉得他们大部分都打cash game,打tournament的经验太
少。主要在三点:1) short handed的经验严重不足,open range太窄,也不知道如何
defend 自己的blinds。2) 对stack size不敏感,tournament毕竟不是cash game,不
能reload,20BB, 30BB,100BB打法完全不一样,他们在这点上adjust的不够。3)情绪
控制不行,尤其是到final table之后,有的人输了个大pot后容易lose composure
hand 1: chip leader with 450k raise on the button. BB with 100k shove all in
(Blinds 6k/12k)。 CL called and his ATo lose to Q9
5 hands later, CL raised again on button with 340k, same guy(BB) flat. Flop
came with Ks 6c Tc. check c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 新人冒泡 with 2 hands
Two hands to share. Online 0.05/0.10 game. Anonymous table, no HUD
1. I had a history with the villain. The first hand after I joined the table
, villain was UTG+2 raise with 3 blind. One caller at MP. I had 99 at CO and
squeezed. All folded and villain mini re-raise. All folded to me, I went
all in and he called. He had KK and get sucked out by me with river 9. He
immediately reloaded.
Here come with the hand after 2, 3 rounds. Again he raise at UTG+2. All fold
to me with same 99 and I called. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 发个贴骗包子
Thanks for the reply from Chemcat. Looking for more opinions...
Here is my thought when I played those hand
Hand 1: the CO had a quite wide range when betting on the flop, one pair,
one pair with straight/flush draw, or strong made hand such as KJo/ATo. Even
I had two pairs, I didn't really like my hand on this flop. So I decided
just to call, one reason to control the pot size and two to keep CO's range
wide. On the turn the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 456
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two more hands.
hand 1: When I saw her small c-bet followed by 3-bet, my first reaction was
"damn, she got JJ". If hero believes she would never play the same way with
over-pair, then fold. Otherwise call or shove is the same difference to me.
I might vote for shove because of hero's image.
hand 2: First of all, I think villian was unlikely to be pure bluff on the
river. So let's look at what hands he would value-bet,
(1) pocket pair (JJ/QQ) an middle pair (AT)
(2) top pair (AK/KQ/KJ)
(3) two pair (67/68/... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1175
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 一手牌 shove or fold?
I folded it too. but amazing hands of the guys, SB has ATo, UTG has 8d7d,
cutoff-1 has A4, cutoff has A3. Turned a 2h, river a 8h. Chip leader won.
发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yubaobao,你shove个大头!!!
A NIT would have ISO short stack with A6o? And shove ATo against KKs and
pray for a suckout?
Finally I were able to sit down and obeserve. Yesterday I saw you open / limp into a pot more than Isildur1 in a heads-up game. At last I can see
through your smoke screen now. You are not week tight as you always adverstised.
You are a big loose cannon!!!
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 24 left in WSOP 2012
You probably gave Y too much benefit of doubt. These guys do min raise and
min 3-bet with suited connectors all the time -- they all know that. And
calling a min 3-bet OOP with SC is fine given that they got 50BB stack and 1
to 4.5 odds. It is much better than calling a 3-bet with ATo, since with
that you never know where you are even when you pair your ace.
Personally, I think it is so obvious that X at least got a straight.
Otherwise it is such a stone cold bluff. With 15 ppl left in the WSOP ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 817
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天运气不错,又搞了个第二
< 12BBs: just push or fold. Call tight but push loose. Many small-stake
players got the leak that their calling range is too loose but their push
range is too tight. We want to do the opposite.
12 ~ 20BBs: Be extremely tight on raise, but be loose on resteal/squeeze.
Again, DO NOT steal unless you got a real hand. Instead, focus on resteal/
squeeze. The problem with the steal here is that people can resteal you very
light with this stack size, and it is really, really hard for you to handle
tha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 353
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 海底捞月
我也灌一篇,小记刚结束的session live 1/2.
不准备fold手中的大对子。比如有一把KK被一个小黑男拿J8s call了,flopJxx,没说的
。turn J,继续下注,river迅速接着call了几乎all in 的bet;还有一把拿着对子7在
AK8T上连call 两街并且神奇地拿下。五个人打一个,牌局进行得飞快,很累,没人离
开休息,也许再走一个就会 break up,我坚持没离开一刻,但竟然不能赢一把。反观
黑女,rebuy 100以后搞到了300多。我的两个flush draw都未能做成之后桌上尚余86刀
to 12。白男经常在中后位raise SCs,并且都是12,我前面有一把拿ATo差点跟他干上
,因为我的下家一个很紧的老头貌似要call,所以我没上,白男hit flop,亮86s收锅。
白男raise进锅很多,所以我一直等机会办他... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 132
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 1/2game的一首牌.
150 chip,有人straddle,有个女(utg)的想raise到25,但是扔了个
flop 69T two spades, utg check,我bet 25,call了4家。
turn 9,utg bet 25,我call, 我后面位置 raise到100,
utg call了(不到100了),我fold了。
感觉turn上utg bet之后我最好的选择是直接shove?
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 1/2game的一首牌.
ATo is a trouble hand to begin with, especially in a straddled pot, a lot of
trash hands could come in for a "cheap" price.
most of time you either hit A/T or miss on the flop, when you hit, you're
not comfortable to commit. in this situation, 6+ way on the flop and 5-way
on the turn, it's very hard to play in early position. when someone behind
does turn over a 9x, 78, 66, ... alike trash, you'll feel so bad to be in
this hand at all from the beginning.
77 guy did a semi bluff and you might thi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 611
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 两手牌
1/2 live, full table, most are tight player.
我QJd with about $100 at CO position, all limped in to me. I raised to $17.
SB called with about $
200, others fold.
Flop 9sKc5c, checked to me, c-bet $30, SB called.
Turn 4d, checked to me again. I only had %50 left. I put SB on small pairs.
I knew if I all in here, SB will call me. So I checked.
River 8c. SB bit $10. Should I move on?
ATo SB with about $300. UTG (the same guy on 第一手) raised to $6. Four
Flop KQJ rainbow. Dec... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 两手牌
ATo SB with about $300. UTG (the same guy on 第一手) raised to $6. Four
Flop KQJ rainbow. Decided to slow play. Checked to UTG. He bet $10. Folded
to me. I reraised to $30. He snapped called.
Turn Q. Checked again. UTG bet $20. It's a bad turn. So I check raised
to $60 to find out what he has. UTG re-raised to $170. What should I do
--- u say you raised to $60 to find out what he has, right? did you
find out? why hesitated after? lol, i would just flat call the tu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 屌丝的扑克研磨日记 05-12-13
1 4.5k gtd 1r/1a 11 + 10 + 10
2 3k gtd 1a 60 + 55
3 4k gtd turbo 44
4 7.5k gtd 11
5 2.5k gtd 1a 11 + 10
晚上8pm,internet 开始抽筋,果断de-register第六场,试图借邻居的网络完成剩下
1号<10bb, 果断shove,挂
第二手哥小盲,44果断3bet shove utg chips leader的2bb open。对手tank and fold
,嘟嘟哝哝说kq,30% equity都没有,真把哥当rock了。紧接着下一把,哥button
with k5o,15bb stack,ope... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 屌丝的扑克研磨日记 05-22-13
1 3.5k gtd 1r/1a 11+10+10
2 3.5k gtd 11+11
3 2k gtd 44+40
4 15k gtd 60
5 1.5k gtd 11
6 3k gtd 11+10
2号3号5号,秒挂,尤其三号刚reload到300bb就拿qq和一个凶哥preflop commit150bb
1号4号 coinflip 挂
6 号15bb ato 撞上aqo 挂,-230刀
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 扑克研磨日记 06-13-13
1 1k gtd 11
2 1.5k gtd 11
3 750 gtd 3.3
4 500 gtd 22 $208
5 1.5k gtd 3.3+3+3
6 3k gtd 11+10+10 $64.60
-87.6 272.6 +185
1, AJo 10bb < 77, out
2, 66 10bb reshove CL 2bb open, CL call, <99, out
3, T7o on SB shove 6bb BB < AQo, K5s MP 6bb open shove<33, out
4, BTN 10bb K6o shove MP CL(41/0)'s limp, SB snap reshove, > SB's AJo,
double up.
Stack 25bb, Pos 4/6, first 4 get paid,这桌打得要毁三观了,昨那位奇葩哥风格大
变41/11/2,坐哥左手,再左面又是一家32/6/6,各种烂牌flat。哥慢慢看戏。10bb EP
with ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
其小黑哥吧),不久前用99接了哥左手第一家(欧洲大叔)的3bet shove,输给AA,自
大叔),他刚上桌的时候是个短筹,一手stop and go,逼走了哥A5o的小盲steal(特
此修改,应该是btn steal lol)。之
后,用AA从小黑哥身上double up。再之后大盲位KK,3bet aggro button steal,在
wet flop上,cbet/snap shove aggro的tp的snap raise,button 考虑了足足10分钟,
说,他确实run得跟哥一样好lol),作为桌上的2nd chips leader,风格solid,于是
hand 1:
hero on sb with KdJ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
hand 1,是bvb的情况,但是哥打得过于激进是事实。
hand 2, 对上66+,ATo+,哥的equity是~37%,(7.5+9.5*2)*37%-9.5 = -0.435
发帖数: 274
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 哎呀都不会打乐
1. called the turn feeling too many drawing hands would fire out, and otr, I
thought his hand is very much polarized...
hero called, villain showed ato and won the pot with tptk
2. hero called, villain showed as9s, missed fd that caught a 9 ott;
was villain betting too thin on these two hands?
3. typo, anyhow, hero had no backdoor fd
4. hero folded
5. i realized the sizing mistake the moment i tossed out the chips, maybe 36
-40 be better?
donk claimed to have missed combo draw, villain showed qq... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨晚哥遇到了久违的老友 tilt
对头拿着2nd pair接住。之后,另一桌一只donk连着小盲位3bet我4把,第四把我用ato
4bet overshove反推他100bb,他用kjo接下,顺利suckout,
久,对上同一只donk,哥拿着qq open,在QJ22的turn上跟他get in 100bb,对手亮出
T2o,river comes the last 2.
发帖数: 2801
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨晚哥遇到了久违的老友 tilt
不过感觉tilt还是直接停住不玩最保险. 以前是输了总想立即赢回来,后来心态变了就

发帖数: 975
Personally, I think you made a very nice call. The only reasonable hand in
his range that beats you was 78s that raised for protection OTT and hit OTR,
or in very very rare case a slow played A7 (assuming he had solid read on
But I think it's very RUDE of you to call someone ignorant just because they
don't like your play. People with different level of poker skill look the
same hand in different ways. If I post my hand history to Ivey, he may not
like, for example, I fold 47s CO, since he... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
周末 Foxwoods 给了一个房间, 所以就去了玩了两天。头一天玩了几个小时 2/5,没什
么大 pot ,比较 standard, 用什么牌赢的都忘了,结果 up 600- 走人。
晚上吃完 buffet,想去 poker room 再玩会儿时间,赢钱了就怕把钱输回去,就打 1/
2 算了,1/2 的人水平比较次,波动也比较小,赢不了大钱也不会输大钱。
一路上碰到几个白妞,穿着曝露,一看就是去开 party。看到赌场里白妞去开 party
,要脸蛋有脸蛋。旁边男的却都是老黑。哥咽下口水,f**k, 这辈子泡漂亮白妞就算了
1. 桌上要么是 nit, 要么是极 loose。坐我左边白老头是 loose 中的 loose,我给他
搞了一把 call 我 $12 A... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
File: HH20131105 Hydra #2 - $0.10-$0.25 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
PokerStars Zoom Hand #106542319994: Hold'em No Limit ($0.10/$0.25) - 2013/
11/05 7:10:20 ET
Table 'Hydra' 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Unlogisch87 ($29.22 in chips)
Seat 2: aecdragon ($25.80 in chips)
Seat 3: Otero700 ($25 in chips)
Seat 4: gjerken ($20.76 in chips)
Seat 5: lookme131908 ($8.75 in chips)
Seat 6: Hustler926 ($39.43 in chips)
aecdragon: posts small blind $0.10
Otero700: posts big blind $0.25
*** HOLE CARDS *... 阅读全帖
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