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发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - another hand i played poorly
$1/2NL, caesars, AC.
$200 stack, i got AQo, limped from MP, button short stack ($110) raised to $
12, all 3 players in front me called, i called for odds.
FLOP: 8TJ rainbow ($50 pot).
all checked and i checked for my double gutshot draw, button bet $20, 2 guys
called, and it's too cheap for my hand, so let's go.
TURN: K ($130 pot), still rainbow
"hehehe...", i was laughing to myself inside, yeah, much better than 9 hit.
all checked, button bet $40 with $40 left. one MP called ($300 left).
i must
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Find palying lots of semi-pro
it's a bad fold.
in MTT, especially such low ones, you can not fold KK just to get into
bubble, not even TT/99/AQo, because you'll get next to nothing even you are
in the bubble, for example, $2 here? you have to build up a huge stack asap
to survive and hopefully make some serious money, say, $100 for top 20?
the money ladder is sooooo steep in MTT, in most of them, even you finish
top 50 or 20, you get maybe 3x buy-in back, but for top 3, you get 100x...
it's unlike SNGs or top X prize getting
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 刚试完 Big Little
<50K entries
Finished around 2500 only.
Damaged with AQo by QQ. The hand ahead, I had QQ, Raise 3.5BB and none called.
发帖数: 213
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - my stats
{JJ+,AKo/s,AQo/s,AJs}is about 4.2%
so u basicly only 3 bet {AA,KK,AK}?
发帖数: 3398
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 什么叫冤家牌
已经被打击的不行了,拿到AKs, bet 3bb, 然后一个short stack raised to 9bb, 妈
的, 是个人就来欺负我, 我preflop all in, 人家call, showed AQo, 然后就来个
full house......
发帖数: 1394
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 怎么提高aggression
听起来确实像loose passive.
在sb,bb除了pocket pair几乎不要call。只有 fold or reraise.
AJo, KQo之类的是easy fold,AQo也不要留恋。看筹码深度和对手情况reraise也可。
suited connector 在9人桌sb bb位置完全可以不打了。

发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 小赢一次
100% true. Especially middle stage(average chip is 10X BB. Majority has <10 BB).
With 5Min BB increment, at some point, it is crazy.
Middle Stage. I was in BB and one guy bid 2.5BB from MP(all folded). I bet
has Ax(x<10) and I all-in with AJs. The guy called and showed AQo. He
me and I snapped him at flop. That is the only once.
When you build up chips, it is all ok as long as you cover the opponent.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Did I played wrong
saw it, lol.
but the earlier hand, you didn't play well, over shoved with AQo in a raised
and called pot, she got KK.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - I got Fxxxxx in Mohegan yesterday
live, 1/2NL.
3-way raised pot, i got AQo (no club) at LP, called.
flop: A and 2 clubs, original raiser bet medium, bluffer called, i called (
back then, i was very weak).
turn: A, raiser bet medium again, bluffer called, i raised pot. raiser
folded and bluffer called.
river: club, bluffer reached for chips, one hand holding $50 and another
hand was reaching for more... he put $50 in first and then slowly announced "
$250" (pot was like $250).
of course, his string bet action was caught by the de
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - missed a chance to win a stack.
3x you'll call then, right????
I don't call 3BB even w/ AJ(o/s)/AQo
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - how long is this going to last?
昨天最后有点tilt了 (guess I am only human)。 another 2 buy in under ev... 输
了2个buy-in, 1 个buy-in 是最后tilt的时候输的, 其实输得不多,不过长期run bad, 有点受不了了.
Some agro donk 4 bet me 46Xbb from big blind with AQo on my 16Xbb 3 bet. I reshoved all in 120bb+ with KK (it was easiest shove for me based on his stats). He actually
hestited (what a surprise) before calling. I knew my hand was good. But
hands never holds when you are on a bad streak.
今天看见fcf 的blog, 他 downswing 16个buy in 1k hand on NL100 and NL 200 , 我
发帖数: 124
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - what is the trick to play at multiple tables?
What about AQo or AQs? Do you think it worth a call?

发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - get one win on fifty-fifty
Should say I am very lucky this time, I do not get involved with any allin
till the heads up.
Those other guys are getting crazy against chip leader, 3 bet and call allin
with Q3o against chip leader's ajo(lost one player), 3bet and call allin
with ato against chip leader's tt(lost another player), 3bet and call allin
with qks against chip leader's aqo(3rd buddy get lucky and double up.), then
he has even chip stack with chip leader, but 3bet and call all in with ato
against chip leader's ak(los
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Should Allin or fold knowing 70% to win
It comes last night game. Three players left. The chip ratio is around 6:4:2.
The top two have the entry (200+15). The 3rd has tiny money(let =0).
Final hand, short stack at SB(=7.5BB) allin on 3BB (chip lead) from btn; btn
SB has AQo and BTN has A8o.
Odds, SB has 70% chance to win and BTN has 30% (rough #).
Outcome, BTN win with a low staight with 8.
Benefit, me at BB to take a ride.
THE QUEST, should the Short-stack allin or fold?!
If he wins, all players are chip-even and he and 2/3 cha
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yuanjunjun, Will you call this allin?!
Thanks a lot.
Actually I called. The guys has Q2o and I have KJo. He flop Q on flop and I
hit J on river and I get wiped out later. I knew I has ahead but marginally.
It is always very tricky. If I double up, I surely am at a very confortable place.
But since AJ is a marginable hand, KJo surely is also.
Yesterday, 8$ for 500+35 entry. 9 players left, 7 get entry and 8th gets 200$
$. I was at SB w/ AQo. Btn tanks a while and allin. I have 3.5BB and he have 4.
3BB. I call. BTN has 78o and I have A
发帖数: 3398
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨天两条鱼
一个我在UTG拿QQ, stack 90bb, 他在我后面UTG+1, all in 41bb, 我想了半天, 觉
得他这个all in 比较fishy,AA/KK估计不会这么大, 更象小对或者AK。 反正钱也不
多, 就call了他。结果他是KQo, turn来个str8t, 他赢了。
几圈过后, 又看见他, 只有12bb了。
另外一个是我在button拿到AQo,90bb, bet 3bb, 他在SB位置, 60bb, raised到7bb
, 我call. flop QTJ,无花, 他bet8bb, 我call。 turn K, 无花牌面, 他check
, 我想了一下, all in 75bb, 他想了半天, call了。 知道他啥牌么? 79s!
真是: 没有最鱼, 只有更鱼
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这个session比较背
1) AQo call LAG's 3x, flop TJK rainbow, he 5-bet shoves me with QdJd,
catches runner runner flush, lol.
2) KK "squeeze", regular calls 3x and then re-shoves 100BB on me with QQ,
turn Q.
3) QQ value bet all the way, shove Txxx turn, donk calls with T9o, guess
what's river, lol.
4) KK "squeeze", AhKh re-shoves me, of course he needs flop.
5) KJo calls button's steal in 3-way, check raise big on KJ2 rainbow flop,
hehe, don't even slow play here, donk button from chile hits Q gutshot on
turn. yeah,
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - to be fair, i suck out too
played a very short session (30 hands) in the morning.
1) AQo at BB, SB makes a typical 3x, nowadays, this becomes soooo "normal",
i 9x, he tanks for a sec and shoves 70x.
i admit i donk call, and run into a stupid race (or maybe the best possible
situation), he got 88.
board: 79T2A
2) red TT, MP 3x, i flat.
flop: Js5s2d, he c-bets 2/3 pot, well, could be anything, i call.
turn: 9s, he apparently gets concerned or c-bets naked on flop, here he
i 2/3 pot, he tanks but calls eventuall
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - interesting bluff hand
This is really interesting hand.
EP raise 2$, i have AQo at button. 3 bet to 8X all fold
Flop is 8 10 10 rainbow. pot is 17$
EP check i bet 10$ ep calls.
turn is a K, Pot 37$.
ep check i bet 18$.
river is a K, pot is 73$ .. Ep is a little short have a little over 50$ left.
what would you do here with A high?
i choose to go all in to fold out 10s full or 8s full.
what do you think of this bluff?
Except one thing that EP has quad 10s.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - My KK play
like one hand i played yesterday.
i got AQo at SB, MP limps, BTN (with a high steal rate) raises to $2.5 (i
have waited long enough to give him one back), so i pop up to $8. to my
surprise, MP calls and BTN folds (as i expected).
flop: all low rainbow craps. i lead out small and he immediately raises to $
6.5, for his pre-flop action, i guess i have a chance to kill him here, so i
re-pop to $13.5 with air, he calls.
turn is another low blank, i block bet small and he calls again. still, no
appar... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 【11/3】your best move?!
What is your best move for following hands
1. NL100, me 108BB, villian is 9/9, had me covered
fold to villian (mp5) raise to 3bb, I called at SB with 7c7h, BB fold
flop 6d3d6h (pot 7bb), I check villian bet 4.5BB, I check-raise to 15BB,
villian called
turn 2s (pot 37bb), I bet 23 BB, villian called
river Jh (pot 83 bb)
what he has? what's your best move for this hand?
2. NL100, me 103bb, v1 53bb no history, v2 70bb 22/7
1. fold to utg+2, raise to 3bb, v2 called, I called with AQo at BB (probably... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 拿mtt第一名的同志们很牛
It is not necessary(非凡的连续的运气).
Sometimes, I do not get involved in any pre-flop allin on the final 2 tables
, and final tables. At least, we should avoid pre-flop allins if we do have
a stack.
[I remember a mistake I have made one week ago. I have aqo from btn, I raise
to 2.2X, SB(who has already 3bet me 8 times) repop to 9X, I shove in with
40BB. It is so stupid, because I know that turney's structure very well, I
only need 20BB to enter into the FT, 40BB has enough play on FT. My point is
that... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - goes 要turn pro 了?
no, he rarely check raises/shoves on this type of flops.
he missed totally with AQo/AJo/ATs alike hands.

发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 运气不错
SB: $46.45
Hero (MP2): $600.40
Yeah short stack. Love short stack fishes. Made a lot of $$ off them lately
Spazzing around preflop as short stack is suicide.
Another hand yesterday, short stack donk squeeze with 68o at sb, i back
raise from button with AQo. He has to call (folding is worse). He didn't
suck out.. Got to love them...
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - MSOP 2010 Event 51战报(11/20/2010)
I fold my Aqo in the BB, because I know the SB must have aq crushed.
Cmis91 just ship it with ATo. My Gosh.
haha. It is a donkey move. But I like it, I do it a lot, because it is the donknament.
发帖数: 1989
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Finally find the post by YJJ
I have two goals. 1) win WSOP package. It did not happen.
2) Win a MTT. I mean win it not just at final table. I had a few final
But either made mistakes or go for deal. Have not happened yet. But one
to try. Might MiniFTOP is place to go.
Last weekend, at one final table made silly mistake wtice. Call allin from
short stack TWICE. 1) raise 2.4BB at CO w/ A8s and call allin from SB (1/4
chip). SB had JJ and held. 2) SB limpin and BB/I raise to 3BB. SB allin (1/3
chip), I tank(I kno... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2063
Thanks, I may turn aggression on NL50.
I learn squeeze pretty well in these days. I do not use it before in cash
games, but now I find it is super great weapon.
I guess if I have HUDs, my result could be much better. I open a lot of AQo,
TT utg, but muck it in a second if someone 3bets me. However, if I have
HUDs, I can some hands.
Today, hatfiled33(some website's coach) 3bet me when I open late position.
Although, I do not have HUDs, I know he is a regular. I 4bet him in a second
, he folds.
发帖数: 270
Just had a bad beat yesterday By Q8o, ep sb shoved w/ aqo, I was ep w/ aa
called, sb reshoved w/ q8. Board is qxx8x. The ID is wudan3562, and said to
be from China. Was it you? :-)
发帖数: 4896
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 新手求教Final table策略
比如前天,我在200多人的rush tourney还剩30个人的时候我还是chip leader
我想说应该打得很LAG,偷点Blind,结果运气不好,被一个只有我1/3 stack的
人Q7s beat了 AQo,后来stack就一直减少,到最后就只拿到第10。所以昨天我stack

发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - tambufly是谁?
今天他cut off AQo 3.5x
被人在sb, 3bet , 他call, pot 24bb吧
flop好像是5h9sJc rainbow, sb bet 15 bb, 他raise到35bb, sb called,pot
turn Qh, sb check, 他 check
river,4h, sb check, 他bet 25bb, sb raise all in
sb 79h

over pair and call my 3X raise river over pair;
flat preflop button with AQ;
pair and check turn on K and call river half pot see me squeeze with K9s;
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 怎样利用notes 来narrow 对手range
对手是个tight reg. 1.3k hand history with vpip 11 6 2.3
one of the notes i have on him
"3 bet with pocket Js and check set flop... and pot turn and pot river"
I 3 bet this hand preflop with AQo to isolate MP. Villian flat behind. He is pretty tight. so he can have JJ QQ AK KK, maybe 1010 KQs and AA. I suspect him to 4 bet most of the time with AA KK. So these two hand needs to weight less in the range especially AA.
Now on the flop, i didn't hit anything. Vs villian's range, I didn't have much fol... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4158
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这手牌是直接shove好还是check-shove
为啥我4-bet with AQo, 这个对手3-bet way too much (10%). 看见flop我就直接shov
e了。后来想想check-shove似乎更好,因为对手拿着over pair或者set的话fold equit
y应该不会有什么变化,如果是check-check, 我还能看一张free card再重新在turn上定
位,想听下大家的意见。PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (9 handed
BB ($24.15)
UTG ($25.81)
Hero (UTG+1) ($35.75)
MP1 ($25.35)
MP2 ($25)
MP3 ($48.88)
CO ($25)
Button ($25)
SB ($10.17)
Preflop: Hero is UTG+1 with Qd, As
1 fold, Hero bets $0.75, MP1 raises to $2.25, 6 folds, Hero raises to $6.50,
MP1 calls $4.25
Flop: ($13.35) 2d, Jd, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这手牌是直接shove好还是check-shove
won't make a difference. He won't fold if he bet flop with the stack size.
This hand is spew. 3 betting 10% does not mean he 3 bet MP1 vs utg+1 10%.
Your 4 bet sizing is also too big. It makes it too easy for him to flat your
4 bet with KK AA. I think you should just give up on the 3 bet preflop
with AQo with the position. If it is button vs bb, it might be ok but again
4 bet size is too big..
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这手牌是直接shove好还是check-shove
1) i don't like the preflop 4-bet with AQo;
2) with only Qd on the one tone flop, i'm not sure whether shove or check
shove is a +ev play, wait for EV MM's comments bah. to me, his stack size
and pre-flop action guarantee a call most of time, without Kd or Ad in your
hand (more likely in his), your winning % may shrink big.

发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这手牌是直接shove好还是check-shove
i would fold AQo at utg+1 facing mp1 3 bet most of the time. Nothing good comes out of it by 4 betting. If you do 4 bet, remember it is a bluff, I think you should probably be check-folding a lot of flops. So 4 bet 2.5X always and you can get away post flop (do it with AA KK here too so you do not give a tell on sizing. there is really no need to 4 bet larger with AA KK either unless you are 200bb deep. ). Your fold equity does not change much.
As played i don't think you can fold post flop wit... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
I think your value should come from turn if you do have the winnning hand.. i like betting at least 15$ turn probably check behind river.. as played 20$/fold. 2 and Q here are both blank pretty much. nothing has changed since flop except forfeited bottom 2 pair.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
and flat his flop check raise probably the best. 3 bet that accomplishes
nothing.. flat and 2/3 pot if he checks to you on the turn
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
i don't like my turn bet either. it's just a random thought and not in line
with my flop raise (size, strength, etc.). it could confuse him but myself
he's a regular and i give him some credits for having a hand.
still, (no matter how) but here we're on the river, what to do?

. i like betting at least 15$ turn probably check behind river.. as played
20$/fold. 2 and Q here are both blank pretty much. nothing has changed
since flop except forfeited bottom 2 pair.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
as played 20$/fold.
发帖数: 13670
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
or slow played KK/AA

. i like betting at least 15$ turn probably check behind river.. as played
20$/fold. 2 and Q here are both blank pretty much. nothing has changed
since flop except forfeited
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
against a "normal" guy, i might choose to flat flop since i got all the
goods and board is relatively safe with my position.
against him, who's a regular and with avg+ aggressive, i guess it's ok to
mix with a raise here.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
respectfully disagree~~~~
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
pot is about $30, you mean $20 and fold trip Qs here when he comes on top?
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
He could totally call your 3 bet on the flop with Q10 Q8 here but he is
check raising all in river with a very narrow range. He also very unlikely to bluff here as played. i assume he check raise all in right? that is 80$ shove over your 20$ bet.. snap fold unless his showdown winning is like 20%.
That is the problem with the 3 bet, the range he continues is very very narrow. You only get value form KQ really anything else have you beat. There are just not so many people check riase all in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
as BB, his check raising size is pretty suspicious to me, my hand is strong
but has little room to improve. if i flat 100% here, isn't it predicatable?
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
i create a problem for myself with my turn tiny bet and i tank on the river
when he checks to me. finally i chicken since we're 160BB deep, and bet $5 (
lol) to test water, he snap calls with ... AA.
not a hand i like for tonight.

to bluff here as played. i assume he check raise all in right? that is
80$ shove over your 20$ bet.. snap fold unless his showdown winning is like
narrow. You only get value form KQ really anything else have you beat.
There are just not so many people check ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
If you want to 3 bet to mix it up here.. i would rather 3 bet with KJ. not a hand that you might be drawing to 3 outs or dead. Don't over play AQ here.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
against defending BB only, i guess AQ or TPTK here is much stronger, right?
if i only 3 bet with strong draws or sets (too strong for losing value
concern?), or fold air, or call a barrel with marginal Qx/PP. and nothing in
the middle, is it good?
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
against a regular at BB, i'm fully prepared with his flop check raise on QT8
most of time (it certainly hits almost his full range, just big or medium) to
defend against CO.
my $13 3-bet is designed for him to fold and shows him i could be serious
here too. on the other hand, i could not let semi hands like 9Ts or Q9o come
along for a ride too cheaply. for the remaining cards in the deck (coming on
turn/river), almost anything >7 could kill further action. that's a whole
lot of cards, hehe.
i ad... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1169
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
i think, as played he simply could not have better hands than you AQ at

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