
全部话题 - 话题: aqo
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发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo vs. 66
hehe, small tournament, final table, ppl start to get aggressive after every
one is sure in money.
two guys go all-in, one AQo and one 66, well, typical for short stacks.
disaster flop for AQ guy, 78J. looks like AQ is going to go naked...
turn is no better, J (come on, where're those damn A and Q?)
well, how about an 8 on the river? hehe.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo at CO, what to do?
3.5x with AQo at CO, BB (a regular) calls.
flop: QT8 rainbow (pot $3.75).
he check raises my $2 to $5.5, i raise back to $13 (put him on x% probe) and
he calls.
turn: 2, he check calls my smallish $4.
river: Q, he checks.
we both got $80 behind.
发帖数: 1458
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo, call or fold?
6max super turbo:
blind is 20/40,
btn fold, stack 415
sb shove, stack 880+20(small blind)
AQo at bb, stack 445+40(big blind)
call or fold??
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - AQo vs. 66
hehe, small tournament, final table, ppl start to get aggressive after every
one is sure in money.
two guys go all-in, one AQo and one 66, well, typical for short stacks.
disaster flop for AQ guy, 78J. looks like AQ is going to go naked...
turn is no better, J (come on, where're those damn A and Q?)
well, how about an 8 on the river? hehe.
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 屌丝的扑克研磨日记 05-26-13
1 6k 33
2 4k 5.5 + 5.5 + 5.5
3 5k 11
4 5k 60 + 60
5 6.5k 33
6 freeroll
7 25k 11
8 35k 60
9 35k 33
1) AJo 20bb 3bet shove EP 2bb open, lost to qq, knockout
2) EP 5bb open, hero reraise to 11bb with AA, LP pro cold shove 110bb, EP
allin call, hero allin call, pro kk, EP TT, flop KTx, pro win, rebuy. 22
limp, flop 245r, set over set lost to the same TT guy, rebuy, 15bb aqo sb
pot squeeze, CO limp/call, flop kjxr, hero cbet pot size as... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 屌丝的扑克研磨日记 05-27-13
4篇日记写下来,bankroll down了将近1k哈,今天又down 400,降级就在眼前,哥实在
1 4k 11 + 10
2 3k 60 + 55 + 55
3 3k 44 + 40
4 5k 11 + 11 + 11 + 11
5 10k 60
6 4k 33
1) AA win 100bb against JJ on QT2r 3bet flop. Villain is marked as overplay
fish. UTG limp, UTG+1 limp, MP min raise 2bb, BUTTON call, SB call, hero on
BB with KK pot size squeeze 12bb, MP flat, BUTTON flat, flop 456r, BUTTON
shove his rest 2x... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 80
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨天的poker after dark
几手关键牌。一个是John Juanda手里Pocket 2, 另外一个人Pocket 5, Flop 9TT,
turn 6, 这时候通过Flop John bet 2000那个人call已经知道他是Pocket... 所以John
已经知道自己牌肯定是dead牌,关键是想下多少bet能让对方fold pocket,最后他下了
另外从Mike的river不再bluff Shawn的Pair Q和Shawn得沉着call以及另一手牌那个人
面对Allen Cunningham放不下AQo,也可以体验出好多东西。AQo面对All in是绝对要坚
于All in,说明他肯定是有牌的。这种级别的高手,不会开始中对就All in,JJ也会担
发帖数: 1153
just sit at table, post SB
UTG raised 3BB, UTG+1 raised all-in for like 35BB, folded to me, I had AQo;
the player's stats hadn't been loaded yet since it normally takes about a
minute anyways, so I manually input his id and realize that he play 40% of
his hands and raise 17% of the time.
easy call now and my AQo hold against his A3o.
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - small champ
I do not play so many HU games. Maybe around 250 games all together.
But in any games(even cash games), you have to defend your blinds. Suppose
you have aqo in the blinds, you have 40BB+ stack, you have to play that hand.
Sometimes, in early stage of a tourney, I will pass the AQo hand off in the
Since not so much value for these hands.
But in later stages, the blinds is so high, you are forced to play q8o in
the blinds sometimes, since you know button raise does not mean he has much
a h
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - I caught them bluffing, they caught me unlucky
hehe, i played a hand against a chinese robot yesterday, whom i usually
avoid or steal small from (since they fold most of hands).
but yesterday she shoved twice with AQo preflop and got unlucky, so i
loosened my requirement.
i 3.5x with AcKc from MP, a calling station called, she shoved. against "
normal" her, a call is marginal for me for best case a flip, but yesterday
her 2 AQo shovings made me believe i might be way ahead. since she's short,
i made an easy call.
she had 99 and hit 9 on flop
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 很沮丧
俺是不喜欢玩HU的cash game,水平也不够,呵呵。
前天,AQo at BB,还有15 BB,UTG全进(12BB)...她还是比较紧的,所以AQo非常之
smooth called... 俺脑筋一热,反倒轻松的做出了全进的选择。
结果UTG AQs,button AKo,非常之愚蠢。
昨天,还剩40人,一个新过来的小子非常彪悍,俺不得已raise fold了一次...他又连
A9o, SB,还有12BB,这家伙button 2.5x,俺又一次只用了3秒就作出了全进的选择,
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - [合集] 很沮丧
phph (唱完山歌去成双) 于 (Tue Jan 19 00:36:51 2010, 美东) 提到:
cash head up game 和 比赛 都很不爽。
AA KK AK 都被人干掉。
fryking (赤道企鹅) 于 (Tue Jan 19 10:07:13 2010, 美东) 提到:
俺是不喜欢玩HU的cash game,水平也不够,呵呵。
前天,AQo at BB,还有15 BB,UTG全进(12BB)...她还是比较紧的,所以AQo非常之
smooth called... 俺脑筋一热,反倒轻松的做出了全进的选择。
结果UTG AQs,button AKo,非常之愚蠢。
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Should Allin or fold knowing 70% to win
Your description is a little confusing.
The short stack should allin with A8o for sure, If big stack raises with A8o
, he should call with Aqo for sure. If big stack allin with aqo, he has A8o,
hmmm, he probably should fold.
Actually, the shorty should allin a ton, any ace, such as a2o+, k7s+, k8o+, q8s+, the big stack should not call him so lightly.
If the shorty dare not allin with A8o, he will bubble for sure.
However, if shorty allin with A8o, I guess the big chip leader and 2nd chip
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yuanjunjun, Will you call this allin?!
Yesterday, 8$ for 500+35 entry. 9 players left, 7 get entry and 8th gets 200$
$. I was at SB w/ AQo. Btn tanks a while and allin. I have 3.5BB and he have
3BB. I call. BTN has 78o and I have AQo. AND I lost(he hit 7 on turn and I
hit nothing). It made me really pissed off.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这手牌是直接shove好还是check-shove
agree, mini-raising with AQo pre is meaningless, it achieves nothing:
1) no fold equity at all;
2) build an awkward pot without position and only medium strength AQo? no;
3) hide your real strength with an ok hand and take a flop? this mini-
raising doesn't do it, or instead, the other way.
as on the flop, shoving is not good in general with Qd but better than check
shoving. if you check here and he bets, there's no turning around at all
for him to fold for his stack size. even in the "best" sce... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1621
几个星期没打牌了,现在周末要出家庭任务,跑不出去了(羡慕 Frykings 啊,老婆允
许出勤,只要交税就可以了,要我,每月 1k 太简单了,牌桌上搞不到的话,就用私房
Sands 去了。
自己要求上了 NL2/5 和 NL 5/5 的 waiting list. 先上了 NL 2/5 的桌,打了一个多
小时,Floor 叫我上 5/5 的桌,当时自己正好 double up 一下,觉得牌还顺,又考虑
到 Sands NL 5/5 其实打得还蛮大的,那一帮 crazies 都是 deep stack,运气不好的
话,我这点小 profit 很可能给折腾回去,还是想赢怕输的小农思想在作怪,结果我就
没想到自己这里很快就悲剧了,AAs sb re-raise 一个老白 redneck,给人 用 KKs
push all-in, 结果人家 river 4 card straight. 一把输掉 $400。
再一个 minimum buy-ins, 头脑一热,ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7014
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 两手牌
2/5的table,local casino, 8-handed table
Hand 1: EP (reg solid white oldman) raise to 20,3 caller ahead of me. I (so
lid and aggressive image to the table) am at BB,AQo, raise to $120. Only EP
left in the pot. We both have ~$300 left behind.
Flop: Qc,10d,2d.
My thinking: EP did not have QQ or higher pairs, otherwise he would re-pop p
re-flop. So, only danger to me is 1010 or 22 in his hand. I can trap him by
presenting missed the flop.
So, I checked. EP looked at me for ~2-sec and bet to All-In.
I... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 528
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Complaining Works (和一手20/40LHE)
前天才抱怨generally running bad, 昨天去打就run good了. :)
8 handed 20/40 LHE at small card room, lots of history between regulars
V1:UTG, expert player, modern day ring game TAG (i.e., much looser than
traditional TAG, but not LAG)
V2: CO, 鱼,不是那种donate鱼是认为自己打的不错的鱼. Very loose pre, takes a
lot of weird lines post flop
Hero: BTN, 鱼(?)
Preflop: V1 open raise, V2 CC, Hero has AQo OTB and 3B, V1/V2 both call.
[I think AQo is ahead of a modern day tag's open range UTG 8 handed, once
fi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1458
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Morton's theorem
Just came across this theorem again, and want to share it with you guys. It'
s an interesting theorem that is not in poker books AFAIK.
It basically says sklansky's fundamental theorem of poker cannot be extended
to multi-way pot. I remember there was a simpler example to explain it,
kinda like prove by contradiction using a toy game.
the setup is like this, 3 players with same stack size, and they can only
push/call/fold. AND, after push/call, a player must turn his cards face up.
Button(hero) ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Morton's theorem
This is interest. I will add my 2 cents.
In a multi-way pot situation, someone's mistake can cost you equity. I think
it is fairly straight forward to understand this if we don't worry too much
about hand strength, but think about the hands in a framework of odds/
combination of hands.
Look at the example you give:
"Button(hero) push and show TT.
Small blind call and show KJs. it's a mistake, as KJs Big blind call and show AQo.
NOW, hero actually is in worst shape, TT 31.357% K... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 屌丝的扑克研磨日记 05-12-13
1 4.5k gtd 1r/1a 11 + 10 + 10
2 3k gtd 1a 60 + 55
3 4k gtd turbo 44
4 7.5k gtd 11
5 2.5k gtd 1a 11 + 10
晚上8pm,internet 开始抽筋,果断de-register第六场,试图借邻居的网络完成剩下
1号<10bb, 果断shove,挂
第二手哥小盲,44果断3bet shove utg chips leader的2bb open。对手tank and fold
,嘟嘟哝哝说kq,30% equity都没有,真把哥当rock了。紧接着下一把,哥button
with k5o,15bb stack,ope... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 屌丝的扑克研磨日记 05-22-13
1 3.5k gtd 1r/1a 11+10+10
2 3.5k gtd 11+11
3 2k gtd 44+40
4 15k gtd 60
5 1.5k gtd 11
6 3k gtd 11+10
2号3号5号,秒挂,尤其三号刚reload到300bb就拿qq和一个凶哥preflop commit150bb
1号4号 coinflip 挂
6 号15bb ato 撞上aqo 挂,-230刀
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 屌丝的扑克研磨日记 06-06-13
1 1K 11
2 750 3.3 $7.78
3 1.5K 11
4 1K 11
5 1.5K 3.3+3+3 $28.75
6 3K 11+10+10
1号,UTG+1,TJs 12bb open shove,take down。UTG A7o open shove 14bb into QQ,
2号,大盲位88 14bb 3bet shove rock 2.1x open + a flatter,take down。换桌,
第一把,UTG 16bb open shove with A9o,被两家AJo call到,suckout!紧接着第二
把,AKo,接了16bb 和8bb的两连推,hold!wow!card dead + busy with other
tables = auto ITM,呵呵。hero 大盲位,55 10bb stack call EP 5bb shove>A9s。
UTG+1 TJo 13bb shove,take down。换桌,UTG 33,15bb,看到大小盲均... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 屌丝的扑克研磨日记 06-12-13
1 750 gtd 11
2 750 gtd 3.3 + 3.3 $7.63
3 1.5k gtd 11 $219.42
4 750 gtd 11+11+11 BUBBLED
5 3.5k gtd 11+10+10
6 3.5k gtd 11
7 1k gtd 1.1+1+2+2+1
-110.7 227.05 +117.6
1 AJo 20bb 3bet shove EP pro 2.4x open < QQ, knockout
2 AKs UTG+1 6bb 3bet, MP cold call, other fold. 7d3dAc 7s 8d , flop check,
check, turn check/villain ½ pot/hero 3x shove/villain call with Ad2d,
noted. Re-buy. ITM, KQo EP 14bb open shove<10bb AQo, cri... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 想大血瓶想疯了
前两天 看了nicky大神的三部曲 就碰到刚开局不久 小盲位拿到AQo,
EP unknown open,1 caller,有效stack都是100bb以上。
所以,大神直接给 FOLD了!!!!
发帖数: 80
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - 昨天的poker after dark
几手关键牌。一个是John Juanda手里Pocket 2, 另外一个人Pocket 5, Flop 9TT,
turn 6, 这时候通过Flop John bet 2000那个人call已经知道他是Pocket... 所以John
已经知道自己牌肯定是dead牌,关键是想下多少bet能让对方fold pocket,最后他下了
另外从Mike的river不再bluff Shawn的Pair Q和Shawn得沉着call以及另一手牌那个人
面对Allen Cunningham放不下AQo,也可以体验出好多东西。AQo面对All in是绝对要坚
于All in,说明他肯定是有牌的。这种级别的高手,不会开始中对就All in,JJ也会担
发帖数: 1153
just sit at table, post SB
UTG raised 3BB, UTG+1 raised all-in for like 35BB, folded to me, I had AQo;
the player's stats hadn't been loaded yet since it normally takes about a
minute anyways, so I manually input his id and realize that he play 40% of
his hands and raise 17% of the time.
easy call now and my AQo hold against his A3o.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - about bad beat
仔细研究了一下AC (showboat, caesars, ballys, harrahs) bad beat的rules,发现
原则是输家的最小牌得是Aces over Jacks, 而且关键得是pocket AA(sssh以前也说过)
关于quads,也必须是pocket pair,而不能是比如A8,board上有888(你用A做kicker)。
所以这么说来要出bad beat,手里至少得是pair或者suited cards才有一点可能。AKo,
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AQo vs. 66
AQ sucks, yesterday I went all-in got called by AQ, I had 83 and got a 3 on
the river.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AdQd
yeah, you two are right.
yet for some reason (played too long or whatever), i played too conservative
in this hand and only called. i got AQo three hands earlier and played the
same way, won a big pot against KQo pre-flop raiser after a Q showed up on
it's a big mistake and cost my chance to advance.
BB called too, flop came as 9s9cQs, i moved all-in too late and BB (
aggressive risk taker) called with As7s, button folded. BB caught 5s on the
in retrospective, i should have at leas
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 这手牌
NL200 我UTG AQo, raise to 8, UTG+1 call, button call, blinds fold.
flop is QQT rainbow, pot is $27, I bet $21, button call.
turn is K, no flush draw, I bet $50 into $69 pot, he raised to $117, I had $
127 left.
发帖数: 1153
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - it worked! kind of...
So my standard open raise amount in this session is $6, which is 3 big
blinds, super standard.
Just when I decided to quit when the blind hit me, on the button I picked up
somehow I recalled there's this one trick so I decided to try it out.
I open raised to $61, to make it look like a typo.
And the button pushed, I was like haha gotcha and insta-called.
He had AQo,which only has 7% chance to win by the way.
here's the hand history
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - live印象最深的四个错误
闲来无聊,想起去年在local casino四个愚蠢错误。
1)string bluffed.
AQo, turn上trip As,one black guy keeps calling, pot about $200+, river club
(3 clubs). black guy makes intentional string bet $250, gets "caught" by
dealer and tells him only $50 is allowed if he bets like that... i turn over
my ace, stare at him, and... still foolishly fold to a pure bluff (with
stupid "$250 bet" illusion in my head).
2) "he mucked".
river two small pair, bet $50 for a ~$200 pot for a call, old guy calls and
i say "two pair". he pu
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - two tough hand
what're the stacks?
you look like a missed AKo, AQo hand to me actually if i didn't know.
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - what can I say?!
You can do nothing. Maybe the other guy can do nothing. Just it.
See wsop final table, 77 vs aq, flop ace 7 10, and ace queen wins in the end.
Maybe down to 15ppl on wsop, aqo vs qq, another guy with ak fold.
aq wins with a flush. runner runner
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - sick beat
It is final table. And I can see a flop, and check fold. still have 12bb
left, which is good enough, little below average, but that is ok.
No need to play 5050 there.
I do make call with 48suited against other people's allin sometimes, but
usually I have him covered. ( :)I did that yesterday in that tourney, I
raise 2.4bb utg with 48suited, guy re-raise allin with 9bb using aqo, I
called immediately since that is bubble time and I get him covered.)
However, I usually will not risk my whole tourn
发帖数: 3398
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 周日第一次玩tournament
play money
10000 buy-in 90 players
头两局很快输光, 第三局到24, 手上AQo, flop tjk,没有flash draw, 我all in,
另两个跟了, 一个9,k, 一个10,j, 当时心中狂喜, 以为要tripple了。
然后turn来了一个k, 我还在狂喜中
然后, river又来了一个k
昨天晚上又打了几把, 两次10000 buy-in的中途出局。
没chips, 就去250 buy in 90 人的, 搞了一个第二, 很有成就感。
不过发现250 buy-in的和1000 buy-in的玩家水平, 不是在一个水平线上, 差距很大。
现在计划搞几个10000 buy-in的第一后, 再上点真钱试试。
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
He also 3bet very often, almost 25-30% raised pot get repoped by him.
You might raise with ace 10o, will you allin with it?(consider you have 20+bb, invest 2.3BB)
But I guess his 3bet hand includes Q8o, Qts, 79s, even 10 2 o
Some guys does shove in with a9s, he shows 99.
Another guy shoves with a9o, he calls with aqo.

发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - lose big on super turbo satellites again
similarly with any other poker game.
You should know your hand strengh according to the position.
Also, you should know your opponent's raising range. You can call or decide
to fold depend on their range.
(That is why sometimes I call with q9o against utg raise, sometimes I fold
aqo to another opponent's utg raise.)
And bubble play is crucial for the win.
发帖数: 365
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 刚才看kkrun又拿了个第一
看你玩24+2的一手牌,你上家raise 3bb,你all in with JKo。
he called with AQo。

发帖数: 3281
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Cash Game 经验交流(三)
半个月前在FTP,我SB拿到AQo,UTG raised to $12, Button Called, I called.
FLOP Q99 2 Diamonds, I checked, UTG checked, Button bet $20, I called, UTG
raised to 60, button folded, I called.
这是个典型的可以BLUFF的FLOP,我TPTK没理由fold. FLOP我丝毫看不出UTG是有9,AA,KK
TURN 一张小牌, I checked, UTG bet 2/3 POT, around $90, I called.
RIVER 一张小牌, I checked, UTG ALL-IN, around $250.
RIVER他的bet暴露了bluff,如果bet 1/2POT, 我很可能fold. 逻辑是这样的:如果他有
一个9,三条不算很强的牌,我FLOP c
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Cash Game 经验交流(三)
aggr out of position is not so good. Because if you bet out with middle pair
, the guy in position can blow you off the hand with complete air. If you
watch the wsop main event, that Russian guy(Iwan) is very conservative out
of position, and very aggressive in position(blow AKo off with his AQo, the
flop is 8tj).
Just watch the wcoop main-event(10k buyin), even belowabove lose all chips
by playing out of position.
(3 guy left)
button raises, belowabove 3bets with a7o, flop Ad9c9h, belowabove ch
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨晚一手趣牌讨论
I have a lot of similar experience.
I know BB will repop me. I limp with aqo, he raises to 3.5bb. I 3bet to 9bb,
he allin, I call. BB shows q8o.
The same guy, raises on the button, I repop(3bet) him to 10bb with 57o. He
allin on me, I have only 30BB left at that moment, I know he can not have
much, I call his allin with 57o, he shows a3o.
My calling range and re-raise range adjusts according to the players.

FOLD了. 这牌好像怎么也拿不下来.
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 老被人all in
pretty normal.
SB vs BB. I am sb, have aqo. I limp, BB raise to 3.5bb, I reraise to 10bb.
BB(40BB) allin, I call. he has q8o
same guy, he is button, I am sb.
He raises to 3bb on button, I(57o) reraise to 10bb(, 40bb altogether for me)
, He shoves allin. I know I am behind, but can not behind too much. Though a
while, and I call. He has a4o.

range非常广, 不愿意我和我玩post flop, 然后我的小对,AJ, AT, 小联牌还真不敢
call 他们, 只好fold。我经常在UTG用小同花联牌raise 3bb, 吓唬人, sb+bb 9块
钱, 不抢白不抢。
的位置all in, 被我抓了几个AQ。
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天一手牌
haha, normal.
a hand i had the other day, 99, bet $1.75, button mini-raises to $3, i call.
flop: 952 rainbow, so dry and i got nothing to worry about.
i check, don't want to kill naked AKo, AQo, or JJ's bets, yes, he bets 1/2
pot, i call.
turn: 5, now indeed i got nothing worry about, check and he checks.
river: K, i check to let AKo (well in his range) bet, he bets pot and i
shove, he calls.
i review the hand and see nothing else i would do differently, or he would
lay down KK before river,
发帖数: 33
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - I caught them bluffing, they caught me unlucky
Last night on Fulltilt,
Caught 2 ppls bluffing allins, both time they got lucky. Both hands have
about 80+BB.
Hand 1:
I have AQo at Botton-1. UTG raise to 2BB, 4 callers to me, I limp in,
botton raise all in 90BB
All fold to me, since Botton has used that several times when multiple pps
limp in 1BB or 2BB, I felt good to call with 60BB in my hand. Botton shows
45s, I lost.
Hand 2:
QQ UTG. Raise to 4BB, Botton and Botton-1 calls.
Flop 78K rainbow, bet 10BB to see where I stand, got called by b
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - I caught them bluffing, they caught me unlucky
hand 1 i would lay down when he shoved.
yeah, some ppl love to squeeze with huge over bet, but with only 2BB
invested, calling 88BB more with AQo is not +EV play for weak me, lol.
1) against 45s or any similar hands, you're about 2:1 lead;
2) against smaller PP, flip;
3) aginast over betting AA, KK, QQ, dead meat;
4) against AK, huge dog;
5) against AQ, almost no $ to make.
so you best chance is against AJ/AT alike, which only counts a small
percentage in his overall range.
AQ/AJ are now in my s
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 终于
呵呵,不错,俺玩了2年才深深认识到其实AQo,AJo都是垃圾,尤其是cash games。
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 终于
In tourney, AQo, Ajo is better than tjs, 88 when the stack is shallow.
In cash, AQ is good hands also, usually will not lose big.
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 怒了!
That is normal.
It happened in my 26$ MTT final table, I have tt, other has aqo, flop tq2
rainbow, flop allin, turn ace, river queen.
fryking saw it.
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