s****2 发帖数: 921 | 1 背景:ACCT Master,09 fall 毕业。没有工作经验。本科非会计专业,所以要考cpa必
验,要么有cpa或者是cpa candidate也行。对于没cpa没工作经验的毕业生,找工作很
哪位牛人帮忙回答下,Acct phd的就业前景如何?还是直接准备cpa?
btw,就个人性格而言,做研究进公司都可以。所以这个因素忽略。 |
p**z 发帖数: 1311 | 2 USC acct是全国第一啊 据说
有个朋友国内清华acct毕业 过来读一年的USC macc进混到big 4了 |
x*********u 发帖数: 310 | 3 中级会计是“Intermediate accounting",一般分成两个部分,中级会计1和中级会计2。
有的学校又叫accounting concepts 1和2。
你们学校这些课程里面,那个4字头的financial accounting 1有点象中级会计。其余
那个intro of financial acct是学中级会计的基础。你如果没学过这门,直接学中级
果没上过intro financial acct,不让上中级会计。没上过中级会计,不让上auditing。
, |
p********g 发帖数: 127 | 4 Tax 跟 audit其实上没上Intermediate Acct 没关系吧
上过Intermediate Acct都觉得auditing 难! |
f**h 发帖数: 9 | 5 察看了网上关于CPA考试资格
觉得自己符合27个ACCT CREDIT的要求
可是那个21个BUSINESS CREDIT要怎么满足阿
本人是MASTER OF ACCT,计划09秋季毕业
还有我可不可以先交申请, 让他们看我有没有资格考, 再交钱呢
困惑中~~~~~~~~~~ |
m*****0 发帖数: 33 | 6 但是你要考cpa要有一定的accounting class credit,拿了accting degree这一项就容
非你另外有拿accting class 吧。
wonder |
i*********y 发帖数: 226 | 7 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
alanshore (小妮子) 于 (Tue Oct 16 00:52:39 2007) 提到:
没听说过什么叫private accounting firm
conceptually speaking, public accounting firm = firm that does public
这里并非指whether an accounting firm a public or a private one
U were confused?
nightwalker (walker) 于 (Tue Oct 16 10:36:10 2007) 提到:
there IS some private acct. firm. I am sure.
there are some requirement to public acct. firm, like the percentage of CPA |
p**z 发帖数: 1311 | 8 哈哈 几个月前我问过同样一个问题~哈 同学跟我一样是个闲不住的主啊.
我现在还在纠结到底要不要考CFA 8月份交表 看看12月份考level 1
但是有这个证也不能让你专业 去做finance
最多找会计活得时候 resume好看一点
但是也怕别人觉得你不是committed to the Acct professio
不过这个证的东西 拿回国应该蛮好骗人 特别国内财务不是和会计一个部门? (
treasury +acct)
看看有钱(1000+) 也有时间就去考来玩一下......
今晚去Ascend的一个Do I need a MBA event.听听怎么回事. |
c****a 发帖数: 6 | 9 国内本科4年经济学,研究生3年国际经济学。来美已两年,刚刚读完MBA,是ACCT方
向,修完了6门会计课程。现在又刚刚开始MASTER OF ACCT第一学期。打算准备CPA考
挚的谢意了! |
p**z 发帖数: 1311 | 10 it is important..
i'd probably say something along the lines like
I don't really like what I studied for, but it was too late to change.
it's a relative stable profession where a lot of opportunities exist. There
are a lot of advancement opportunities (I guess this one should be arguable
depending on the type of position you applied for)
just build the case that you like acct.
you don't have to tell the truth that you hate acct. |
l******7 发帖数: 317 | 11 teach accounting in china????? what topic you try to cover, I think the acct
prof in china pay much less than acct prof in US (>100K/yr) |
m*******h 发帖数: 147 | 12 你确定要转accounting吗? 我觉得还是再了解一下.特别是IT AUDITING.
点都不比CODING差. |
p**z 发帖数: 1311 | 13
说说 accountant怎么做application development?那个不是engineer的活吗?
cloud computing 是corporate的 future.
如果给acct的话 大概就是整个GL什么的都是线上呗。 |
p**z 发帖数: 1311 | 14
说说 accountant怎么做application development?那个不是engineer的活吗?
cloud computing 是corporate的 future.
如果给acct的话 大概就是整个GL什么的都是线上呗。 |
l******7 发帖数: 317 | 15 you have to take master, otherwise you can't take cpa exam.
BTW, you should apply accounting MBA in baruch, MS acct only for those who
has acct BS. |
e******5 发帖数: 1334 | 16 律师,和医生 OK。。
谁把ACCT 和他们并列了
ACCT 基本作奴隶,在商业的最底层。
看看这3个行业的起薪,,LOL |
r********t 发帖数: 99 | 17 之前一直做acct 觉得MBA in Accounting比较扯淡...建议要不MACC要不修几门会计的
课 够学分了 考个CPA吧 如果做BOOKEEPING的话 高中学历就够了 不用MBA这个牛刀 自
己自学下quickbook or peachtree...
MBA in Acct 也不会教你如何使用上面的软件 更不用说(SAP, ORACLE...)
会计起薪一般不高,而且entry level的东西比较琐碎...可能对有些人来说很BORING...
一般的会计工作 注重practice 你之前的行业经验 雇主比较看重 其他的学历感觉都是
浮云 很有可能被扣上overqualified的帽子...
不推荐读 如果楼主有自己的打算 另当别论~ |
b******s 发帖数: 1858 | 18 如果你要找ENTRY-LEVEL的工作,CPA FIRM是最好的选择,尤其是BIG 4。 公司招人都
喜欢来了就能上手。 如果你还在学校,最好进BIG 4.
做ACCT起家是没前途的. |
n*******8 发帖数: 893 | 19 Try to find some professionals to revise your resume.
Two people helped me to revise my resume.
First one is my acct professor. She was working for public acct firm almost
20 years and gave some advice on my resume. It looks much better than my
original version.
After that one previous student of my another professor, who is working in
big 4 as manager helped me to revise the resume further. Even though I did
not get any work opportunity from her, she really gave me a lot of help
about the resum... 阅读全帖 |
N****O 发帖数: 4202 | 20 看了看本州参加CPA考试的课程要求说是下面5个方面必须修有一门课。
• financial accounting,
• management accounting,
• auditing (Internal auditing may not be used for auditing, but may be
used as an elective),
• taxation, and
• professional ethics and responsibilities.
Courses in auditing or external auditing will satisfy the auditing and
professional ethics subject requirements.
那不是相当于只有四个方面吗?(financial accting,management accting, auditing
& taxation)
我现在差auditing & taxation,是不是只要在AACSB的progr... 阅读全帖 |
C********5 发帖数: 1065 | 21 我两个OFFER都是在学校的网站找到的,外面的也投了一堆,几乎没有什么回音,因为
跟ACCT有关放在简历上可以解释毕业后还是都没闲着。 |
n*********r 发帖数: 202 | 22 那你就做IA好啦,我看不少走的人都也是去公司做IA啊,也不错的。
要做acct,就做acct,为什么要做operation testing的IA啊。这两个又不相关。
我完全被你说得糊涂了。 |
c*****a 发帖数: 1577 | 23 expense or revenue accrual 很重要,要follow matching principle
至于什么时候付钱,收到钱,是balance sheet 的事儿,account receivable 可以
overdue 120天也可以呀
关键的问题是不要overstate revenue (income statement) or understate expenses
(also income statement)
对于A,B来说,这两个做对了,cash receipt date and cash disbursement date无所谓的
Acct payable
Acct receivable
Service revenue
vendor |
f*******1 发帖数: 377 | 24 有没有做这方面工作的达人,还请指点一,二,关于insurance accting rule,STAT
and GAAP得区别, 有什么和一般acct有区别得地方, 马上就要面了,现在一点底都没
有。万分感谢! |
k******e 发帖数: 27 | 25 加州的话需要:
24个semester units的accounting related courses
再加24个units的business related
我拿的有:intro/intermediate/advance financial acct, intro to managerial
acct, tax, financial statement analysis, audit
Business方面的课程就是Econ或者Bus,Bus Law一类的都算 |
d****g 发帖数: 713 | 26 JPM IB OP Analyst
oncampus + onsite superday
准备是王道,之前acct firm没有拿到是准备不足。主要是准备基本问题,熟悉自己的
础,GPA3.9+,master project很多金融分析的,现在的临时工作是会计类,但和数据
己知彼。 |
j***u 发帖数: 142 | 27 集团公司有一个公司是个office management co.然后把其他公司的一些expense做成各
个公司的cogs算在这个office management co.里。比如sub A company 一个travel
expense,录入到office management co.里as sub A cogs acct,并不算成travel
expense acct.请问这样记账的方法正确么? |
s******e 发帖数: 29 | 28 万事开头难,值不值得先做个评估给自己看
我是国内本科非accounting专业,现在community college攒学分,希望尽早满足24
units accounting,24units econ 的要求,可以尽快报名参加考试。
正打算做一个评估看一看是否满足150 units的要求,包括里面有几个ECON和几个ACCT
,然后再补不够的学分。 到时候等学分都够了,再做一个评估给board考核。
前后做2次考核有必要吗? 大家都是怎么操作的。
而且我国内本科有一门Financial Acct. 4 学分。 我在这的Community college里也修
了10个finanacial accounting 的学分。是不是这种就算重复了,国内的4学分就算不
小虾米脑袋越想越大,大侠来指点一下。谢谢! |
C******8 发帖数: 223 | 29 I think using AP when receive cash is not a good idea. AP acct is a aging
control acct. normally, AP accountant staff need run AP aging report to see
the payment status. it is not you real AP. Second, when you purchase the
item, it is not your real asset. |
C******8 发帖数: 223 | 30 oh...you coming from PwC....So you do not care about AP aging,. then when
you review company's AP acct and Cash receipts. it that normal to see Cash's
other side is AP? and for Cash disbursement, AP's other side is other asset
? I am not PRC CPA. I do not know PRC GAAP. Under US GAAP, I suggested LZ
using exchange/due to-from/security deposit/current liab acct. |
C******8 发帖数: 223 | 31 Okay...when you double changed;
D: bank acct/Cash 200
C: sale/revenue 100
CL/AP 100
once your refund the credit card
D: CL/AP 100
C: bank acct/Cash 100
BUT IF The transaction happened in the same month, why bother to do so many
you only need book the 100... |
b******s 发帖数: 1858 | 32 四大的M&A里面有多少accting的?本身能去做M&A都是级别比较高的,我看来的
consultant全是mgr. title的。
你要是做business consultant就别来跟accting比,这个起薪都10好几万了。 |
b******s 发帖数: 1858 | 33 请问你有几个同事,你们team 多大,都是acct?
你又是如何知道他们的薪水? 如果你比你同事级别高,恐怕你不会叫他们同事。那么
我assume你们平级。 suppose 你们都是manager leverl,那么一个公司acct 几个
manager? 如果你连manager都不是,请教你的行业。
难道也是 m&a TAx? |
t*******e 发帖数: 141 | 34 Many of juniors interview for next summer's internship position just start
taking Inter Acct, let alone tax/audit course. For big4 intern at least,
showing soft skills are more important than showing acct course/experience.
There is a reason why most of the interview questions are behavioral, not
sigh. |
y*******7 发帖数: 16 | 35 毕业第一年的工资大家都是在40k左右吗(税前)?还是我们这里(南方)特别低?
offer A: 事务所里做BP漏油事件的claim analyst 60k左右,有福利,但是这个案子大
概能做两年,是consulting dpt的,总觉得两年后对我acct的专业水平没有任何帮助
offer B: 三大赌场之一,staff accountant/auditor,各种福利也都有包括continue
education, cpa报销,但是工资大概在 37k-40k 第一年,我觉得到手会很少,还是现
在ms acct就这个价?
其他offer c, d 没有福利不考虑,但是总的工资也是在36,37,40k左右
Offer A 事务所在本州比较吃得开有480员工
Offer B 赌场有本地2500员工,全国70,000员工
w**********g 发帖数: 10 | 36 最近找工作压力很大,而周围认识的学会计的朋友不多,所以想在这里求大家有经验的
我是国内本科读了公共管理和金融的双学位出来的,之后在东部读了个public policy
1. 直接转读会计master,我附近不需要本科会计专业又提供研究生program的学校不是
2. 因为本科非会计专业,所以我计算了一下就算修完master,也不够cpa的学分要求,
没有cpa的普通大学acct master毕业对找工作帮助大吗?性价比高吗?
3. 我读的专业里统计的部分很多,所以有一些基础的database的技术,我看板上有帖
子说accounting+database... 阅读全帖 |
S*****0 发帖数: 3 | 37 其实去哪里都行,只是每个人的目标不一样,喜欢做的东西不一样。
我就是想做corporate tax,对individual tax喜欢当兴趣学习但是不想作为career发
展,我的最终目标就是在corporation做tax。本来我的规划是想进big four,然后积累
让我灰心的主要是实习下来积累的全是Individual和VC tax return的经验,完全不符
合我的career goal,后来拿到一家small firm的offer,在这家虽然我不用只做个人和
VC但还是要做很多个人的 (一大半时间做individual/trust, 一少半时间做small
corps),有种心灰意冷的感觉,没想到刚刚居然拿到一家Fortune 500的offer (tax
analyst),就果断accept了。心想如果要去那家small firm的话离我的目标太远了,将
来不会有corporation exit ... 阅读全帖 |
s*****v 发帖数: 104 | 38 谢谢mm分享!
所以如果去公司的话, 还是accountant 这条路比较宽哈?
是不是如果去制造业企业, cost acct 和budget acct 也是个不错的选择呢? |
s*****v 发帖数: 104 | 39 谢谢mm分享!
所以如果去公司的话, 还是accountant 这条路比较宽哈?
是不是如果去制造业企业, cost acct 和budget acct 也是个不错的选择呢? |
s**h 发帖数: 1889 | 40 checking acct. doesn't count. What about your saving acct. :)
account. |
g*********e 发帖数: 460 | 41 one sample... I know quite a few acct people and I saw a lot post in acct
board. It's not good choice for girls. Just gave you sth not from my
friend: I'm stat ms never worked before starting salary = manager of big 4 (
equivalant 5-8 exp). I don't need OT at all. |
g*********e 发帖数: 460 | 42 stat is not for everybody and the market is getting worse, but acct is way
worse than that. Acct is for someone is either very ambitious for big money
or interested in that. |
c****3 发帖数: 6038 | 43 高级的acct.就变成分析了
10K report的数据量大概就是我们智力的极限了 |
e*****n 发帖数: 1 | 44 mypoint同学, 你都是”HBS 的POST DOCTORAL” 了, 是”FINANCE TOP PROGRAM”里的
, 好待也有学过根据statistics来make your point把, 我这里正好
有AACSB most recent salary survey report (2002-2003), 去年的, 还是FINANCE
好点的年份,相同level 比较finance and accounting的话, 你从那里看出来"much
much higher... at least the gap should be around 40k per academic year
(8 or 9 months)”的? 用accounting举例是因为这个系列本来是在说ACCT PHD的
9 months for New Doctorate FINANCE ACCT
# reporting (from accredited schools) 104 57
p***o 发帖数: 714 | 45 acct就我所知,technically不难,但是这个专业美国学生的优势巨大
demand supply有一点很有意思,比如经济好的时候,市场对fin/acct的phd
今年申请的人数是近年最低。 |
B******e 发帖数: 16928 | 46 Admission is not as hard as you might think as other major such as finance.
Although it's true that acct dept recruit much less than finance, the
is much less in quantity and the quality difference is even larger (
frankly speaking, finance applicants have better background than
accounting applicants because applicants of both fields come from
different background but finance guys tend to have stronger math and
stat background). Life as an acct PhD student is as hard as other majors
in |
h**a 发帖数: 118 | 47 既然实在对生物没有兴趣,不如直接读acct master,不用费劲申请生物PHD,浪费精力
ACCT的MASTER,起薪35K-50K还是有的。 |
k***n 发帖数: 383 | 48 i think SJSU is better.
if i remember correctly, this program doesn't require acct undergraduate
also it should be cheaper than U san francisco.
another thing is this acct program in SJSU has a good reputation in that
area. |
w****r 发帖数: 1046 | 49 fin/acct master is totally different from fin/acct phd |
a******h 发帖数: 10 | 50 I don't know how quantitative ACCT PhD's work would be..
I was just shocked to hear the accounting PhD student in MicroEcon class
today admit that she have probleming doing basic derivatives..
I want to switch to ACCT PhD too!!
though |