

全部话题 - 话题: 60bb
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发帖数: 3932
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 郁闷
The QQ hand, I would raise at least to 15bb. After your 10bb raise was
reraised to 60bb, I would go allin to isolate him or get the side pot. But I
can't believe 33 and 77 call the 60bb raise. big blind probably didn't have
much left so he called. But small blind called 60bb with 3's when others
raised and reraised was insane.
Is this real money table??

发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - why do we hate pocket As
Fryking is great, but let us not get carried away. This 60bb buy-in magic
number that we talked about so many times is not the reason why fryking beat
NL25 with ease. He beat the game because he use his notes exceptionally
well, better than any one of us. He read the hand well with his vast
experience, not because of 60bb buy in.
I think i have said this before, 60bb is the most awkward starting stack.
you give set farmer just more than enough odds to farm you and the
simplified play make it a
发帖数: 3932
来自主题: _TexasHoldem版 - 郁闷
The QQ hand, I would raise at least to 15bb. After your 10bb raise was
reraised to 60bb, I would go allin to isolate him or get the side pot. But I
can't believe 33 and 77 call the 60bb raise. big blind probably didn't have
much left so he called. But small blind called 60bb with 3's when others
raised and reraised was insane.
Is this real money table??

发帖数: 1621
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - why do we hate pocket As
Fryking is the best. You give very good advice.
I am exclusively playing Rush NL 200 right now. I only buy in for $120,
which is 60BB. This is the stack I am most comfortable with. Based on two
1. If you play too short a stack, it is hard to see flop. Your range are
restricted to two high cards or big pair. Hands like suited connectors and
small pair become unplayabled even in position. And ppl tend to become
impatient and overplay high cards when they are short-stacked.
2. 60BB buy in i
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AK hand-------big leak?
Yeah. I also notice what causes the biggest problem here is the preflop re-
raise size. It works sometimes, but does not mean it is good play. In this
peticular hand, if there is no cold-caller, I will not 3Bet so big. However,
if I 3bet so big, and get called, there is no good option for me.
I agree everything what you have said.
When one shorter stacker( 60BB or 50BB effective) opens from early position
and get called by one cold caller, flating with AK/TT,JJ should be the best
option. Just pl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1607
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 郁闷
i'm button with qq, new player before me raises 5bb, i reraise to 10bb,
ultra loose sb and bb both call, new player goes all in(about 60bb), i think
about it and decided to call, both blinds call also, bb also all in
flop come 274 rainbow, sb checks, i bet 1/5 pot, sb calls, another 2 comes,
sb checks i put him all in he calls, river a 3
the new player who i was worried about had jj, but sb and bb had 33 and 77!!!
WTF...how can u call re-re-reraise all in and a call with that garbage?
very next
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - fold or all-in?
you're playing short stack strategy (60BB), so this is auto all-in pre-flop.
in harrington's cash game books, he specifically mentioned this in vol I. he
said (not exact words): "don't feel lucky/good/heroic when you lay down KK
in this situation, and then see your opponent show AA" ... " because in the
long term, you'll fold a lot of times to QQ, AK, AQ, JJ alike too and it
will cost you more money...". he also said, the chance that you have KK and
somebody has AA at the same time is about 1%.
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - small champ
from my knowledge, tourney and cash games are different in some way.
But when play a hand, usually it is one player against anonther player, it is very similar.
So, I like to play heads up poker, a lot of hands are involved.
In cash games, it is usually deep stack poker, usually 100bb deep.
In tourney, in the beginning, it is deep stack poker, and sometimes, FTOP
later stage, it is deep stack,around 60bb+ each people.
So, deep stack poker skill must be mastered.
Typical stage of tourney, you has
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 最近大家战绩如何
play cash only, usually 6 tables, sometimes 8 tables.
I am a newbie compare with yanjiegou2007,
but recently runing pretty good, winning 60buyins(but pretty small stack, 30
bucks only, 60bb, 0.25/.5 6max) in 5 days.
In the beginning, I play super LAG, vpip is 44%, pfr is 33%, AF is 2.8
but lose money.
Recently, I change to TAG, VPIP is 32%, PFR 22%, AF is 2.2
become winner.
Still do not figure out which style is better.
Will try 12 table MTT or sng next time after my (cash game)bonus is cleared,
发帖数: 62
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 好奇的问一下
但是Cash game里面正常stack AK不跟太正常了,如果有效stack大于100BB,我AK一般
都要放给4 Bet。昨天的一手牌,我在CO,fold到我前面一土人,raise to 6BB,我AKs
,reraise to 13BB,又fold到土人,土人推出一大把,至少60BB,我在1秒钟内就扔了
我的AKs,并亮给他看。他也亮出KK。我如果call可以说绝对要把自己的150BB commit
发帖数: 33
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - I caught them bluffing, they caught me unlucky
Last night on Fulltilt,
Caught 2 ppls bluffing allins, both time they got lucky. Both hands have
about 80+BB.
Hand 1:
I have AQo at Botton-1. UTG raise to 2BB, 4 callers to me, I limp in,
botton raise all in 90BB
All fold to me, since Botton has used that several times when multiple pps
limp in 1BB or 2BB, I felt good to call with 60BB in my hand. Botton shows
45s, I lost.
Hand 2:
QQ UTG. Raise to 4BB, Botton and Botton-1 calls.
Flop 78K rainbow, bet 10BB to see where I stand, got called by b
发帖数: 94
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 来来,继续猜hand
3bet button steal可以,但是hit了tp 不bet是为啥?
co bet 8bb很小,这时候应该raise啊? turn来了8之后,再c/r 感觉很像bluff,co在
turn的bet很强了,因为draw来了,我觉得他有可能是77 A9 这类的。。 甚至TJ ...
你的raise太多了,用一个有showdown value的牌。。
最后他是啥?你们all in了吧? 他还剩60bb...
发帖数: 3398
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - set vs set
我周末也一把, one middle position limped in, I called with AsJs, CO raise to 6bb, button called, MP folded, I called. flop KdQs9s, I checked, CO checked, button bet 16bb, I called, CO folded. Turn Ts, I checked, button checked. River Kd, I checked, button all in 60bb, I knew I would lost it but still called.
sigh! Button had KcQc.
how nice if river was Ks!
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 今天早上fold了 KK
good fold.
i had 2 similar hands yesterday.
hand 1: i 4x with KK from UTG, one caller, a korean guy over shoved 100BB
right away with AA... well, i had a bad feeling but still called with
hand 2: i picked up AA at SB, button 5x in a multi-way, i "learned" from
last hand and over shoved too, crushed QQ like a charm.

发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - call shove or fold?
if we're using a smaller stack, 60BB ($15) in this case, i'd not call flop
any more (would cost 17BB or 30% in total). it's just passive and my hand is
not improving.
even if a scary card comes:
1) play the guessing game, we need to make sure who got scared? (if actually
he hits);
2) if he leads out small/medium for value, most likely we'll be forced to
call with odds. if we raise later, we turn a once-monster into a bluffing
hand now;
3) he could hit crappy outs like A (if indeed he's playing A
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - call shove or fold?
I used to play 60bb as well. Then i realized that this is a very awkward
amount to play. It is not too small of a stack that does not give others a
good implied odds. Even if you raise 4X with pocket As, it is still
profitable for small pocket pairs to call preflop for set farming. And your
straightforward play after flop make it a sure pay off. At the same time, it
is not too big of a stack to drive out any draws after flop. When you raise
flop, they can't even lay down a draw. So i increased
发帖数: 13
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - fryking, 你rush poker 的vpip 是多少?
So you guys actually cash out whenever you reach 60BB then re-buy with
smaller stack?
I usually buyin with 100BB (NL50 Rush) and wouldn't cash out even when i
double the stack... Got backfired once in a while against deep stack but
also allows me to win some big pots too.
I think the key is to know when to fold (e.g. TPTP, Overpair etc) so the
downside of having big stack doesn't hurt you as much.
发帖数: 490
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - fryking, 你rush poker 的vpip 是多少?
I cash out when I reach 100BB+. Rebuy with 60bb, this reduce the variance
and you get bluffed less often.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - why do we hate pocket As
well, this happens to me too, if not everyday. but, at the end of a day, it'
s no big deal at all:
1) i almost never play more than 1.5 buy-ins, and i only buy-in medium, 60BB
or so (so i only play a relatively short stack), so even donks got lucky,
they won't hurt me much. chris fugerson's experiment (built a bankroll from
0 to $10K) teaches me a good lesson, if you're on a tight roll, cash out
with a strict discipline;
2) i don't expect AA to win much in a session at all. i overbet (never do -
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 大家来分析分析我的问题
for example, 25NL rush, you hold AcTs, a marginal hand but with position.
pre-flop, one limper at MP, you're at CO (60BB effective stacks for you two)
. you decide to raise to 4x, either take it down here or isolate BTN/SB/BB.
yes, they all fold, but MP calls.
flop: Ks9s2d. MP checks to you, you miss flop but decide to c-bet anyway,
6BB into 9.5BB pot. MP calls.
turn is a card you don't like, 3s. MP checks again, and you now worry a
little bit, with a Ts, you decide to check.
river is Ad, he che
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Quest, RUSH Initial Buy-in
i guess for Q1, ppl would have auto-rebuy set to 60BB.
for Q2, it really depends, i'd not suggest auto call 3.5BB with small-medium
PPs, but most of time, i'd do so.
发帖数: 490
I can barely get 3bb/100 after I adapter king's magical 60bb strat.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 看你的贴,你发了
hehe, i didn't post the losing ones...
again, if we can avoid one big mistake of a stack in each sesssion, our
stats will look much better. for example, i buy-in 60BB, one mistake could
easily cost me 600 hands (10bb/100 is high) or 1200 hands (5bb/100 is very
good already) to just come back. how many hands can we play in a day? even
rush poker.
发帖数: 44
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - nl2求教
但是bankroll不允许啊,NL25 60bb buyin现在的bankroll只够不到4 buyin的...NL5是
发帖数: 490
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 同志,请问如何称呼?
上次碰了一个 用 2, 6 offsuit, call 我 60BB allin preflop 的。
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - About showdown at river
I am not discounting that any street is important. But river is the most
important of all for the reason I gave. If you make all your decision on
the first 2 street, it would be too easy to be exploited. You either fold to
2 barrel too often or you take your TPTK hand too far by others for value.
It will work for you if you play 60bb or shorter stack, or play vs clueless
fish. If you are up against a tough regular with a medium to deep stack. You will be crushed.
发帖数: 15860
如果你只打算60BB以下short buy in的话,俺觉得你三把flop应该更强些,直接shove/
总体上,俺觉得如果你要pre-flop loose的话,后面一定要搏,否则前松后“正常”,
Ed Miller总结得好,small SCs make small flushes/str8s,所以光靠hit本身并
俺个人认为,越先出手,越有可能让比如over pair, TPTK, 2 pairs这样的牌(你的
card而stop action,你前面的铺垫可能会有相当
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - I love deep stake
靠, 这周末赢了多少?
Totally agree, like Ed Miller said, it is not the chips in the pot that scares people, it is what is left behind in your stack and what they can potentially lose. Additionally, to achieve higher win rate, deep stack play is essential. FCF will never be able to achieve 30bb/100 hand win rate playing 60bb stack. It also makes you a better poker player and learn to push your edge to the fullest.
发帖数: 1114
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - I love deep stake

scares people, it is what is left behind in your stack and what they can
potentially lose. Additionally, to achieve higher win rate, deep stack play
is essential. FCF will never be able to achieve 30bb/100 hand win rate
playing 60bb stack. It also makes you a better poker player and learn to
push your edge to the fullest.
发帖数: 3398
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 昨天两条鱼
一个我在UTG拿QQ, stack 90bb, 他在我后面UTG+1, all in 41bb, 我想了半天, 觉
得他这个all in 比较fishy,AA/KK估计不会这么大, 更象小对或者AK。 反正钱也不
多, 就call了他。结果他是KQo, turn来个str8t, 他赢了。
几圈过后, 又看见他, 只有12bb了。
另外一个是我在button拿到AQo,90bb, bet 3bb, 他在SB位置, 60bb, raised到7bb
, 我call. flop QTJ,无花, 他bet8bb, 我call。 turn K, 无花牌面, 他check
, 我想了一下, all in 75bb, 他想了半天, call了。 知道他啥牌么? 79s!
真是: 没有最鱼, 只有更鱼
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 其实扑克的回报率非常高了
Poker is a very simple and easy game. So much easier than chess or go and it
is almost ridiculous. I remember someone said on another board, "poker is
much more complicated than chess because it has more cards than the chess
pieces." I almost laughed at the computer screen. Anyone with a half brain
will not say something this stupid. Why is poker easy? It is simply
because of the decision tree. When we play any game, we need to make
decision with every move. The more option we have the more... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1394
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 再贴一手牌,大家讨论下
i played a hand recently.
effective stack is just about 60bb. i opened to 4bb with AK, a guy reraise
to 9bb from bb. i make it 30bb total. he tanked and called.
lucky for his AK, as we hit Ace on flop.
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 再贴一手牌,大家讨论下
AK 4 bet and get it in with short stack 60bb 没啥错.. 可以考虑直接shove..
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 又进入不应期..
60BB rules!
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 上来哭一哭
told you, 60BB is gold! lol.
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 60BB对40BB
呵呵,这个red pro Hal Lubarsky也是玩40BB short stack。
这把俺raise pre, check flop,他turn上就来劲了。
发帖数: 15860
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 大家说说这首牌打得有问题吗
hand 1, MP limping with TJo is not good, i'd fold TJo here or 3-4x with TJs.
TJo is a very weak hand for 46BB short stack, you may have to fold to a lot
of raises from LP or hit nothing on the flop or hit trouble flops like Txx
or Jxx. you should only play such speculative hands when deep and in
position. a trouble hand got its name for a reason.
on the flop, you can go nowhere. actually, i don't like TT guys preflop
limping either, but he got position. check fold turn is a disaster after
invest... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7793
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - everyone loves the flop
how come there is only 71$ in the pot? Are you playing 60bb again?~~~
发帖数: 457
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - WSOP trip
I left vegas yesterday. I played 2 preliminary events, event54 and event 56,
no cash. aftter I busted out from event 54, I played rio daily deep stack, $235 buy
in. 1050 participants and i got 13th for $1900. I also play 1 $550 ME
satellite and two single table sit and go, no results. That's all the
tourneys i played. In terms of cash game, i only played about 1.5 hours 1/3
game at rio and down about $50.
overall, i didnt play much. cash game tables are tougher than before (
opinion from fcf). ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 一手QQ
my2c, qq with < 60bb(if you are tag) or < 100bb (if you are lag) effective
stack, and no extra tells, especially against multiple players. Try to
invite as many players to commit as u can.
So i prefer call here.
another CORRECTION, the probability of AK hitting flop tptk is only around
30%. So the probability of ax/kx hand hitting top pair on flop is much lower
. means you are in huge favor if the ax/kx hand is invited into the pot.
the probability of AK hitting top pair on whole 5 cards board i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 292
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - How to play top pair for short stack?
Given the stack size of 60bb and the fact that it cost you 10% of that to
see a flop, if you are not comfortable to commit after flopping top pair,
then your preflop call is questionable.
发帖数: 52
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - Two hands what would u do
Hand one
Live poker casino
Hero is typical loose player on an 1/2 table play about 30% of his hands.had
some cards run with As Ks Qs etc and was hot for a while later cooled down
a bit.
Villain is a loose aggressive player with some history with hero and could
be on tilt easily just bust out once and rebuy 100bb and capable of put on
some cold bluff when hold two big cards like AK when miss the board. Just
rivered hero 20 hands before hitting his two pair on river.
Hand history. 7 ppl table
Vill... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 扑克研磨日记 06-13-13
1 1k gtd 11
2 1.5k gtd 11
3 750 gtd 3.3
4 500 gtd 22 $208
5 1.5k gtd 3.3+3+3
6 3k gtd 11+10+10 $64.60
-87.6 272.6 +185
1, AJo 10bb < 77, out
2, 66 10bb reshove CL 2bb open, CL call, <99, out
3, T7o on SB shove 6bb BB < AQo, K5s MP 6bb open shove<33, out
4, BTN 10bb K6o shove MP CL(41/0)'s limp, SB snap reshove, > SB's AJo,
double up.
Stack 25bb, Pos 4/6, first 4 get paid,这桌打得要毁三观了,昨那位奇葩哥风格大
变41/11/2,坐哥左手,再左面又是一家32/6/6,各种烂牌flat。哥慢慢看戏。10bb EP
with ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - KK face small 5bet with 200 stack OOP
6MAX NL100
villain 25/21/8 in about 40 hands
Once he 10bb 3bet me with TJs and commit to another short stack
hero about 200bb stack and villain get me covered
here is the hand,
hero CO with KK, 3bb open,
villain 3bet to 9.5bb,
hero 4bet to 29.5bb,
villain 5bet to 60bb。
发帖数: 2063
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - AK hand-------big leak?
Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players - [url=http://www.handconverter.com/hands/2348499]View hand 2348499[/url]
[url=http://www.deucescracked.com/?referrer=converter_dc]DeucesCracked Poker Videos[/url] [url=http://www.handconverter.com]Hand History Converter[/url]
BTN: $25.00
SB: $35.87
[b]Hero (BB): $33.13[/b]
[b]UTG: $15.08[/b]
MP: $25.60
CO: $28.93
[b]Pre Flop:[/b] ($0.35) Hero is BB with A :club: K :heart:
[color=red]UTG raises to $0.60[/color], MP calls $0.60, [i]3 folds[/i],... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1500
live tourney
这位rock大叔在和哥同桌的3小时里,仅仅玩过一手牌,小盲位15bb 3bet lag
chipsleader,然后flop kxy monotone open shove 60bb with AA no draw,doubled
up through chipsleader。
然后就是哥的这手牌,短筹17bb btn位wake up with QQ,哥内心欣喜若狂,正在心里
发帖数: 975
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - bovada上遇到一个机器人

发帖数: 611
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 不能丢中国人脸
呵呵,1/2 live as always.
Villain was a player able to read and make a move. Hero's image was LAG.
pre-flop hero led out with J9o at MP. Villain at BB called. Heads up. Hero
had ~300bb, Villain had ~200bb.
Flop T85r, hero cbet pot. Villain called.
Turn 3, check to hero, hero 2nd barrel, villain called.
River blank, hero thin value bluff. villain tank. Hero said, you wanna make
a move? villain said he
was figuring how much to bet. So after a while, villain bet out 60bb,with ~
80bb left. Hero tank, ... 阅读全帖
1 (共1页)