序号 | 主题 | 回帖 | 发帖人 | 最后回复 |
1251 | 基版危急!买买提危急!中华基督教危急! (转载) | 18 | k*****e 12-05-12 | J*****3 05-13 19:12 |
1252 | New Zach Wahls Video My Two Moms | 0 | g********d 12-05-13 | g********d 05-13 16:45 |
1253 | 分析家预测:这位年轻母亲或将2016入主白宫(ZT) | 2 | g********d 12-05-13 | t*******e 05-13 16:42 |
1254 | 其实同性恋只需要发明一个词汇而已,取得和婚姻等价的权利 | 61 | P*********0 12-05-12 | P*********0 05-13 12:37 |
1255 | 今年的大选你觉得奥巴马会有几成的几率再次当选? | 7 | c******i 12-05-11 | t*******e 05-13 11:10 |
1256 | 天主教娈童是社会强迫的。Gay community is sinking to new low | 0 | P*********0 12-05-13 | P*********0 05-13 09:33 |
1257 | 高论高论,让我另眼相看了 | 16 | P*********0 12-05-12 | P*********0 05-13 09:32 |
1258 | Godwithus 这种素质还想申请版主 | 0 | I******l 12-05-13 | I******l 05-13 00:40 |
1259 | 请扫盲:71.228IP怎么这么熟悉啊 | 1 | G*******s 12-05-12 | l*****a 05-12 21:16 |
1260 | 请问版规在那里? | 14 | G*******s 12-05-12 | D**S 05-12 20:50 |
1261 | 忍不住赞一下这个版的版务 | 4 | G*******s 12-05-12 | G*******s 05-12 20:22 |
1262 | yuchun(LI)网友请进 | 2 | G*******s 12-05-12 | k*****e 05-12 19:58 |
1263 | Godwithus到QueerNews酷儿新闻版报道 | 15 | G*******s 12-05-12 | G*******s 05-12 19:55 |
1264 | 请问本版版名的由来和意义? | 3 | G*******s 12-05-12 | y****n 05-12 19:46 |
1265 | 打个比方吧 | 3 | P*********0 12-05-12 | D**S 05-12 19:39 |
1266 | Daughter Of Cuban President, Says Father Support gay rights | 1 | g********d 12-05-12 | m******1 05-12 16:26 |
1267 | Edmund White Comes Out in Support of Marriage | 1 | g********d 12-05-12 | g********d 05-12 13:47 |
1268 | Top GOP Pollster to GOP: Reverse On Gay Issues | 3 | g********d 12-05-11 | m******1 05-12 00:05 |
1269 | Harry Reid Suddenly Supports Vote on DOMA Repeal | 3 | g********d 12-05-11 | p***2 05-11 21:01 |
1270 | 挖个与时具进的小坑吧,关于性取向 | 1 | k*****e 12-05-11 | k*****e 05-11 16:21 |
1271 | Donations Flood Obama Campaign After Gay Marriage Announcement | 1 | c******i 12-05-11 | m******1 05-11 15:50 |
1272 | 再发卡通:他们说我们的婚姻不正常 | 2 | k*****e 12-05-11 | D**S 05-11 15:34 |
1273 | Romney just could not get it! (转载) | 4 | D**S 12-05-11 | D**S 05-11 15:32 |
1274 | Re: 在facebook上看到的关于Amendment One的口水仗 | 0 | k*****e 12-05-11 | k*****e 05-11 12:08 |
1275 | Obama's LGBT Donors: Finally Fired Up, Ready to Go | 2 | g********d 12-05-10 | p****u 05-11 09:07 |
1276 | 美国总统初选 一囚犯居然赢四成票仅次奥巴马 | 4 | k*****e 12-05-10 | p****u 05-11 09:02 |
1277 | 热烈庆祝北卡通过宪法修正条款禁止同性恋结婚! (转载) | 2 | N**T 12-05-10 | k*****e 05-10 16:43 |
1278 | 爆炸新闻,奥巴马正式支持同性婚姻 | 27 | k*****e 12-05-09 | D**S 05-10 15:00 |
1279 | Romney Apologizes For Bullying | 3 | g********d 12-05-10 | D**S 05-10 14:14 |
1280 | Obama: Biden 'Got Out A Little Bit Over His Skis' On Gay Marriage | 0 | g********d 12-05-10 | g********d 05-10 12:19 |
1281 | House GOP Retaliates Against Obama in Late-Night DOMA Bill | 0 | g********d 12-05-10 | g********d 05-10 12:12 |
1282 | 最新消息, CO洲长强行要求立法会重新开会讨论CU法案! | 0 | p****u 12-05-10 | p****u 05-10 08:12 |
1283 | Romney affirms opposition to same-sex marriage | 5 | g********d 12-05-10 | k*****e 05-10 01:07 |
1284 | Former Clinton Advisor: Obama Will Endorse Marriage Equality before August | 16 | g********d 12-05-09 | D**S 05-09 23:04 |
1285 | 深度调查:中国内地大学中的同性恋生存现状(图) | 0 | m******8 12-05-09 | m******8 05-09 19:15 |
1286 | Timeline of Obama's 'Evolving' on Same-Sex Marriage | 0 | g********d 12-05-09 | g********d 05-09 17:44 |
1287 | GOProud and Log Cabin React to Obama Statement | 4 | g********d 12-05-09 | D**S 05-09 16:40 |
1288 | 61% to 39% North Carolina voters ban gay marriage and civil union | 6 | C*******r 12-05-08 | p****u 05-09 16:32 |
1289 | GOP leaders killed Colorado civil union bill | 3 | g********d 12-05-09 | D**S 05-09 14:20 |
1290 | 我回来了! | 14 | m******1 12-05-07 | z**********2 05-09 06:24 |
1291 | NC passes gay marriage ban | 2 | g********d 12-05-08 | k*****e 05-08 22:28 |
1292 | 同志剪纸艺术家一瞥——西亚蝶 | 0 | m******8 12-05-08 | m******8 05-08 19:31 |
1293 | 美国教育部长邓肯表态支持同性婚姻 | 0 | m******8 12-05-08 | m******8 05-08 19:28 |
1294 | 冰岛:人间四月天,尤其适合同志旅游 | 0 | m******8 12-05-08 | m******8 05-08 19:26 |
1295 | “我有同性恋和基督教的权利” | 0 | m******8 12-05-08 | m******8 05-08 19:24 |
1296 | Half of Americans Support Marriage Equality | 0 | m******1 12-05-08 | m******1 05-08 15:23 |
1297 | 我是如何用五年来筹划出柜的 (转载) | 4 | g********d 12-05-03 | p****u 05-08 09:44 |
1298 | 我要保卫婚姻! | 2 | k*****e 12-05-06 | t*******e 05-07 18:45 |
1299 | 北卡明天就要投票了 | 5 | m******1 12-05-07 | L****l 05-07 16:40 |
1300 | 拜登同意同性婚姻 | 5 | a***n 12-05-06 | L****l 05-07 16:38 |