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yoga版 - Yoga Poses
问问姐妹们有什么矫正骨盆的好办法我练Bikram Yoga 高温瑜珈 的感受:7 - 姿势分解
炼yoga可以弄好肩膀痛吗?NEWEST BEGINNER
星星 这个好了 不过有点恐怖Arm pain - office syndrome (转载)
today's deal for arlington $47 for 7 classesBigfuzzydoug’s Ten Points to Swimming (转载)
请推荐yoga中对减腹部赘肉效果好的动作【游泳必读】 Bigfuzzydoug’s Ten Points to Swimming (转载)
Hot yoga 初练Bigfuzzydoug’s Ten Points to Swimming
话题: your话题: pose话题: right话题: foot话题: left
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12988
在这个帖子里,我会慢慢贴一些瑜伽动作的照片和相对应的名称(Sanskrit and
English names)。
下面的信息,是从http://www.myyogaonline.com 上拿来的,感谢感谢。他们的图片够大,每个动作说明得很详细。如果有错误的地方,欢迎大家指正。
发帖数: 12988
01. Downward Facing Dog Pose: Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana (AH-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAHS-anna)
adho = downward
mukha = face
svana = dog
- Elongates and releases tension from your spine
- Stretches your hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands
- Strengthens your arms, shoulders, and back
- Improves mobility of your digestive system
- Relieves back pain, headaches, insomnia and fatigue
- Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
- Downward-Facing Dog is a mild inversion that calms the nervous system
and helps relieve stress
- Wrist problems like carpal tunnel syndrome or arthritis
- High blood pressure
- Eye or inner ear infection
- Avoid this pose in late-term pregnancy
1. Come onto your hands and knees with your palms just forward of the
2. Spread your fingers with your index finger forward, knees under your
hips and toes tucked.
3.Inhale and lift your knees away from the floor as sit-bones reach
towards the ceiling.
4. At first, keep the knees slightly bent and the heels lifted away from
the floor.
5.Exhale and elongate up through your tailbone moving the abdomen
towards the heels.
6.Your heels lower and your legs lengthen without strain to the
hamstrings or a pull on the pelvis.
7.Roll your upper thighs inward slightly and roll the heels outward
8.Maintain light pressure on the bases of your index fingers.
9.Widen the shoulder blades and feel them move towards your tailbone.
10.Keep a long neck with your head comfortable in line with the arms.
11.Your elbow and knee joints should not be locked.
12.Emphasize length in the spine as you keep even weight on the hands
and feet. For beginners, a slight softness can be kept in the knees, and
the heels do not have to touch the floor.
13.Hold for several breaths, then exit to a new pose or come down to
rest in child's pose or thunderbolt pose.
- Ease pressure on your wrists by placing a wedge under your palms or
performing the pose on your elbows.
- Elevate hands on blocks or on the seat of a chair to release and open
your shoulders.
发帖数: 12988
02. Child Pose: Balasana
Balasana (bah-LAHS-anna)
bala = child
- Gently stretches your lower back, hips, thighs, knees, and ankles
- Relaxes you spine, shoulders, and neck
- Increases blood circulation to your head which reduces headaches
- Massages your internal organs
- Calms the mind (central nervous system) thus helping relieve stress
and tension
- Knee injuries or problems like cartilage or ligament tears
- Ankle problems
- Avoid for those with high blood pressure, eye or ear infections
- Pregnancy
- Diarrhea
1. Start by kneeling on your hands and knees.
2. Release your toes on the floor and separate your knees about hip
width apart.
3. As you exhale, slowly lower your buttocks towards your heels feeling
the tailbone lengthen away from the back of your pelvis.
4. As your torso folds over your thighs, lengthen the back of your neck
before your forehead rests on the floor.
5. Lay your arms by the thighs with palms facing up and feel how the
weight of your shoulders lightly spreads the shoulder blades.
6. Take several slow breaths into the belly and lower your back as you
rest here.
7. As you exit, inhale and lengthen the torso forward over the thighs
and rise up as the tailbone presses down into the pelvis and towards the
- Place your forehead on your fist or a cushion if your head does not
easily rest on the floor.
- Leave arms forward, about shoulder width apart if your head can rest
on floor, but neck is not comfortable or your buttocks are high from the
- Place a cushion between the buttocks and your heels if the stretch
across the knees is too deep.
- Place a thin cushion or rolled up towel under your ankles if the
stretch is too deep for the ankle joint or if the foot muscles are cramping.
发帖数: 12988
03.Wide Seated Forward Bend Pose: Upavistha Konasana
(oo-pah-VEESH-tah cone-AHS-anna)
upavistha = seated, sitting
kona = angle
- Stretches the adductor muscles of your groin
- Stretches your hamstring muscles
- Strengthens the supportive musculature of your spine
- Encourages activation of your core muscles
- Traditionally throught to increase blood flow to the pelvis, thus
keeping the pelvic region healthy
Low Back Pain:
- Sit up on a block or blanket, high enough that you can maintain the
natural curve of your low back.
- When you are folding forward, use your hands for support on the floor.
- If you cannot safely enter and exit the pose without pain, it is not
appropriate for you.
Sacroiliac Joint Pain:
- Avoid wide legged poses until the pain subsides.
- Return with caution, using your core to support you.
- The hormone Relaxin causes the bones of the pelvis to be more mobile
that usual.
- Take your legs slightly less than 90 degrees, and gently lift and
support the pelvic floor muscles (a Kiegel) to prevent unnecessary shearing
in the pubic symphis.
- Do not allow your stomach to be compressed against the floor.
1. Sit with your legs open to a 90 degree angle (with your pelvis in the
2. Flex your feet to align the knees, toes pointing up to the sky. If
you feel your pelvis rocking back, or you feel a loss of the curve in the
low back, sit up on some height like a firm cushion to allow the pelvis to
tilt forward.
3. Place the finger tips on the floor behind your hips.
4. Inhale, drawing up the sides of the body, creating space in the
spine. Stay here if you are already feeling a substantial stretch in the
5. Before folding, first support your low back using your core
musculature. Draw the muscles of your pelvic floor gently upward with
mulabhanda (the same muscles you use to stop and start the flow of urine),
also draw in your lower abdomen gently.
6. Exhale as you start to walk your hands out in front of you.
7. Slowly, using your breath as a guide, keep your spine long and lead
with your heart.
8. Stop when you feel you have reached a challenging but sustainable
position. Rather than trying to get closer to the eath, imagine growing
longer through the spine.
9. Breathe comfortably as you hold this forward bend.
10. To exit the pose, exhale and reconnect with your core muscle support
and then slowly walk your hands back towards your body.
11. Gently bend your knees and bring the legs back together.
- If you have knee discomfort or you have a inability to straighten your
legs, place a rolled up blanket or towel under the bend of each knee for
- If you are in between the stage of supporting your self with your
hands,and allowing your torso to meet the floor, use a bolster to rest your
torso on, or a block for your forehead but ensure you are supporting your
low back by gently contracting your lower belly.
- Avoid rounding the lumbar spine to avoid stress on the discs between
the vertebrae.
发帖数: 12988
04. Bound Angle Pose: Baddha Konasana
Baddha Konasana (BAH-dah cone-AHS-anna)
baddha = bound
kona = angle
- Stretches and expands your inner thigh, groin and knee muscles.
- Stretches your lower back and upper gluteal muscles, when you are in
the forward bend variation.
- Massages your abdominal organs and improves digestive circulation.
- Helps reduces menstrual symptoms and discomfort.
- Can be therapeutic for those suffering from sciatica.
- Aids in relieving fatigue, anxiety and mild depression.
- Is a beneficial pose during pregnancy to help ease the process of
Avoid the Bound Angle Pose if you have a
- Groin or knee injury.
- Lower back injury or a herniated vertebral disc
- Current or previous iliosacral instability condition.
1. Begin sitting with your legs straight out in front of you.
2. Lightly move the flesh away from your sit bones. If your groin region
is limited in flexibility, elevate you hips 2-3 inches on a cushion or
folded blanket.
3. Bring the soles of your feet slowly together as you bend your knees.
Your knees should feel no discomfort or pressure.
4. Bring your heels close to your groin with your hands. Inhale as you
reach up through the top the of the head.
5. Then exhale as you release your knees towards the earth and gently
press the soles of your feet together.
6. Adding support, hold onto the big toes with the middle and index
fingers. Keeping the outer edges of your feet grounded on the floor and
touching each other. If the toe-hold does not feel natural to you, hold onto
the outer edges of your ankles or shins.
7. The initial stage of this pose is to find length from your sit bones,
through your spine, and up through the crown. Find a balanced connection in
your sit bones so that the pelvis is positioned in a neutral line with the
8. By sitting in the center of your sit bones, you will find that the
pelvic floor (perineum) is parallel to the floor and your spine is neutral
like being in Tadasana (Mountain Pose).
9. Remaining tall, breathe slowly and relax your shoulders to bring
space into your neck and into the base of your skull.
10. Lightly engage your shoulder blades as though they hug the back
ribs, but at the same time, there isn’t any tightness between your shoulder
11. Feel that your knees are not being forced to the ground by muscular
contraction or gravity. Instead, visualize the top of your thigh-bones
sliding away from your hip socket. This release in the hips transmits a
release into your knees.
12. Remain in this pose comfortably and with breath for one to five
13. To exit, place your hands on your outer thighs or knees. Then
inhale, as your hands help lift the knees and straighten the legs back to
their forward position.
14. Shake and tap the legs lightly to release the energy from your knees
and hips.
- Sit on a higher support if your knees are very high and if your back
rounds excessively through the lumbar region. Sitting higher will increase
the mobility in the groin allowing your knees to settle more with gravity,
which will help add lift and extension through your spine.
- To add a forward bend, insure your knees and pelvis are set. Inhale as
you lift your heart center and lengthen the front of the torso. As you
exhale, fold forward from your hips (not the lower back). Feel that you are
shifting forward from the center of your sit bones to the front edge of the
sit bones. The back should not round as to avoid compression or injury in
your vertebral and iliosacral joints. As the belly and back remain long,
feel your chest flow over the feet (chest bone away from pubic bone).
Maintaining a light hold on your big toes, ankles, or shins, release the
back of your neck and head. Relax into deep breathing into your belly and
lower back. To exit, exhale while contracting muscles in your abdomen and
core. Then inhale as you slowly lift your head and chest.
发帖数: 12988
05. Standing Forward Bend: Uttanasana
Uttanasana (OOT-tan-AHS-anna)
ut = intense
tan= to stretch or extend
- The Standing Forward Bend pose:
- Stretches your hips, hamstrings, and calves.
- Strengthens your thighs and knees.
- Massages your internal organs and helps improves digestion and cleanses
mucous from the lungs.
- Relaxes you central nervous system and helps calm your mind
- Helps relieve stress
- Helps reduces headaches, fatigue, insomnia.
- Helps relieve symptoms of menopause and is therapeutic for osteoporosis.
- Avoid the Standing Forward Bend if you have:
- Lower back problems or your have back injury, however you can perform this
pose with knees bent and hands supporting on the thighs.
- High blood pressure.
- A late term pregnancy.
- Eye or inner ear infection.
1. As you stand in Mountain Pose (Tadasana), place your hands on your hips
and inhale.
2. As you exhale, soften your knees and fold slowly forward from your hips.
Counterbalance your body weight by moving your tailbone and hips back
slightly as the body leans forward.
3. Keep your knees soft so your sit bones point up to the ceiling and your
hip points roll forward into the upper thighs.
4. Rest your hands on the ground beside your feet or hold onto your elbows.
Ensure that your feet are still parallel (second and middle toes pointing
forward). Hollow out your belly and encourage the chest bone to float down
to the top of your feet and increase the space between your pubis and your
chest bone. Feel that the fold comes from your hip joint and not from
rounding of your lower back.
5. If the hamstrings feel ease in this stretch, slowly extend your knees
more while pushing your sit bones up to the ceiling.
Root into the heels as you slightly turn the top of the thighs inwards. This
inwards rotation of your thighs aligns and isolates more of the inner
hamstring lines.
6. Let your head dangle so the crown of yourhead reaches down to the floor
so your gaze is through the legs. Hold for several slow breathes.
To exit, contract your abdominal and core muscles.
7. As you inhale, place your hands on your hips, soften your knees, and
reach your chest far forward. Rise up from your hips keeping your back long.
Keep the length between the pubis and chest bone. Continue to lengthen your
torso as you come up to standing.
- For easier version, open your feet hip width apart and keep your feet
- For deeper version, hold onto the back of your ankles and wrap forearms on
calves and allow assistance from your arms to increase the fold at your hip
发帖数: 12988
06. Head to Knee Pose: Janu Sirsasana
Janu Sirsasana
(JAH-new shear-SHAHS-anna)
janu = knee
sirsa = head
- Stretches your spine, back muscles, hamstrings, and groins.
- Massages and stimulates your internal organs like the liver and kidneys.
- Improves digestion and helps heal gastric ailments.
- Calms the mind and central nervous system.
- Relieves anxiety, fatigue, headache, and menstrual discomfort.
- Helps relieve symptoms of menopause.
- Therapeutic for high blood pressure, depression, and insomnia.
- Knee injuries - Avoid flexion of the injured knee if discomfort occurs. -
- Try performing with the bent knee supported on a folded blanket.
- Low back injury especially if history of lumbar disc herniation.
- Diarrhea
- Asthma
1. Sit on the floor and elevate your sitbones on a block or folded blanket.
Lengthen your left leg straight out from your hip joint and bend your right
knee, and place the bottom of the foot comfortably against the inner left
2. To create a deeper stretch, place the right heel back toward your
perineum. If the heel is drawn into the perineum, the shin bone will be at a
right angle to the left leg.
3. The right leg and knee should comfortably release into the ground. If not
, support your right knee with a folded blanket underneath it.
To improve your alignment, shift your left sit-bone and pelvis back enough
to feel your hip points (ASIS) creating a perpendicular line with your left
4. Continue to position your torso so your navel and chest will line up
square with your left leg.
5. Place the hands beside the hips for support.
6. Inhale and extend tall through the top the head creating length in the
front torso and belly.
7. Exhale and lightly send length and energy down your left leg as though
you are reaching through the ball of the foot. This will send a spreading
motion into the toes. If the stretch is deep, remain here keeping your toes
vertical. You may wish to use a strap around the left foot to aid your
pelvic alignment and keep the spine evenly lengthened.
8. If your back and hamstrings feel open, inhale and reach up with both arms
creating more length in your spine. Exhale and fold forward from the very
base of the hip joints feeling that you are coming forward from the groins
and to the front of the sit bones. The hands come down to rest on either
side of the left thigh as you continue to lengthen the front of the torso
from the pubis to the sternum.
9. The hands may reach forward all the way to hold the left foot. Be mindful
as to not to pull yourself forcefully into the forward bend. Rounding the
spine and pulling forward can lead to injury.
10. Continue to fold over your left leg, if the back and hamstrings permit,
keeping the original alignment of hips and torso. Keep the breath slow and
steady. Encourage the breath to fill the back body, groins, and back of your
left leg
11. To increase the integrity of the pose, keep your right foot active.
Energetically, engage the top of the right foot into the floor and press
your right heel toward the inner groin of the left leg. Remain in the pose
for one to three minutes.
12. To exit, contract your core abdominal mucles and, with an inhalation,
lift your torso back to vertical. Lengthen the right leg forward and shake
both legs. Repeat with the legs reversed for the same length of time.
- Elevate your hips by sitting on a cushion or folded blanket to encourage
the forward bend to occur at the hip joint and not the low back.
- Place a folded blanket or cushion under your bent knee if your knee does
not comfortably release onto the ground.
- To aid the stretch in your hamstrings and reduce the use of your hip
flexors, use a strap by looping it around the sole of the foot. Keep a
steady hold onto the strap with your chest open and your front torso
- Most important - Avoid pulling yourself forcefully forward when using a
发帖数: 3917
发帖数: 34


【在 L**********s 的大作中提到】
: 在这个帖子里,我会慢慢贴一些瑜伽动作的照片和相对应的名称(Sanskrit and
: English names)。
: 有很多动作,在不同的瑜伽流派里,有不同的名字。我们就取比较常用的好了,反正,名字无所谓,动作做好了就行。
: 还有,排名不分先后,LOL
: 下面的信息,是从http://www.myyogaonline.com 上拿来的,感谢感谢。他们的图片够大,每个动作说明得很详细。如果有错误的地方,欢迎大家指正。

发帖数: 12988

【在 j***u 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢lz。请继续。
today's deal for arlington $47 for 7 classes我练Bikram Yoga 高温瑜珈 的感受:7 - 姿势分解
请推荐yoga中对减腹部赘肉效果好的动作NEWEST BEGINNER
Hot yoga 初练Arm pain - office syndrome (转载)
发帖数: 12988
07. Chair Pose: Utkatasana
utkata = fierce
- Strengthens the hip flexor msucles, the front of your thighs, you adductor
musclces of your inner thighs and the gluteus mesucles of your hips.
- Strengthens and stretches your calf muscles.
- Opens your chest and shoulders.
- Improves the range of motion in your ankles.
- Increases proprioception (or the sense of position in space) in your feet.
- Traditionally thought to stimulate your abdominal organs and your heart.
- Low Back Pain - Only go as deep into the pose as you can while still
maintaining your natural lumbar curve. Stop before your low back flattens or
pops backwards. Continue to draw in the lower belly to support your spine.
- Shoulder Injury - If you are unable to raise your arms overhead without
pain, or without compensating by puffing out your lower ribs, only move
within your pain free range, stopping before your ribs jut forward, and keep
the arms shoulder width apart.
- Neck Pain / Dizziness - Do not look up towards the hands but simply look
straight forward.
1.Come into Tadasana / Mountain pose.
2.Standing with your big toes touching, your heels slightly apart, lift and
spread your toes, feeling the four points of the foot rooting down - the big
toe mound, the pinky toe mound, the inner heel and the outer heel. Lower
your toes keeping this connection in your feet.
3.Your lower belly draw in slightly to support your spine. Your shoulder
blades move down your back helping keep your chest broad and open across
your collar bones.
4.Inhale and raise your arms overhead, with your palms facing each other.
5.Keep your shoulder blades moving down your back, without any shrug or
lifting. Arms should remain shoulder width apart or if you are able to
bring your hands towards each other without shruggin, your palms may touch.
6.Keep your arms in front of or at the same level as your ears.
7.Draw your lower ribs towards your pelvis.
8.Reestablish your connection with the four points of your feet, then exhale
as you sit back as if your were about to sit into a chair. Keep the
natural curve of your lower back, finding balance between drawing in your
lower belly while sending your tailbone towards the earth.
9.Lengthen out through the top of your head and turn your gaze up towards
your hands or to where the ceiling meets the wall. Let your eyes guide the
movement of your neck.
10.Draw the inner thighs toward each other and with each breath feel the
counter action of rooting down with your feet and hips as your rise up with
your upper body.
11.Breathe comfortably as you hold.
12.To exit Chair Pose, root your feet, draw in your lower belly, and then
inhale to straighten your legs.
13.Exhale as your flow your hands to the side returning to Mountain Pose.
- Stiffness or Pain in the Ankles – If you are unable to keep your heels
firmly rooted on the ground, fold or roll your mat a little bit at a time
until you are able to ground your entire foot into the earth.
- Avoid rounding the lumbar spine to avoid stress on the discs between the
- Use a block between your thighs to increase the activation of your inner
thigh muscles. You can place a block between your thighs close to your
groin. As you move into the pose, hold the block in place with your legs.
发帖数: 12988
08. Warrior I Pose: Virabhadrasana I
Virabhadrasana I (veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna)
Virabhadra = the name of the warrior who is an incarnation of Shiva
- Strengthens your shoulders, arms, thighs, ankles and the muscles of your
- Expands your chest, lungs and shoulders.
- Stretches your hip flexors, abdomen, and ankles.
- Develops stamina and endurance in your thighs and core muscles.
- Stimulates abdominal organs and digestion.
- Improves your balance, concentration, and core awareness.
- Heart problems
- High blood pressure
- Medical conditions that affect balance
- Shoulder Problems (Tendonitis or Bursitis) - As your arms are raised keep
- - your hands open and arms parallel to avoid compression into the shoulder
- Neck Problems - Maintain eyes forward and keep your chin parallel to the
1. Begin in Mountain Pose. Exhale as you step your left foot back three to
four feet. Align your left heel behind your right heel and then turn you
left foot out 45 degrees keeping your right foot forward.
2. Rotate your hips so both of your hip points are facing forward and
parallel to the fron of your mat.
3. Gently root the outer edges of your left foot into the mat as your hips
and shoulders rotate forward.
4. Inhale and raise your arms perpendicular to the ground keeping your arms
open, shoulder width apart and parallel to each other.
5. Reach through your fingertips as the palms face inwards and draw your
shoulders blades down encouraging your shoulders to move down and away from
the neck. Feel as though your shoulder blades lightly hug into your back.
6. As you exhale, contract your abdominal muscles and tilt your pelvis so
your tailbone moves down and under. Slowly bend your right knee placing
aligning your knee over your heel.
7. As you continue to breathe, feel your right heel anchoring allowing the
toes to lighten and spread. Applying slightly more pressure in your right
heel rather than the toes will keep your right knee more stable and will
minimize the force being placed into the knee joint. Continue to draw your
tailbone under and towards the pubic bone and feed the bottom front ribs in
keeping your abdomen from swaying outward.
8. Picture the pubic bone lifting towards your navel.
9. Keep strengthening the pose by pressing the outer left heel into the
floor sending a lifting energy up the left leg into the pelvis and through
to the arms.
10. Stay tall over the pelvis feeling your ribcage (especially the back edge
) lift away from your pelvis. Keep your head in a neutral position, gazing
forward, or tilt your head back and look comfortably up at your thumbs.
11. Breathe slowly and stay for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
12. To exit, exhale to lower your arms and place your hands onto the hips.
Inhale as you press firmly into your right heel and step your left leg
forward. Exhale to release your hands from the hips and adjust your feet and
pelvis into Mountain Pose.
13. Take a few breaths and then repeat with the other side for the same
length of time.
- Beginners may find it difficult to keep the back heel grounded, therefore
move your left foot a few inches to the left so your heels are staggered and
not aligned.
- If you have difficulty balancing or find the pose to deep, decrease the
distance between your feet several inches; ensure that your right knee is
still over the heel and not over the toes.
- For a deeper variation, move your left heel back a few more inches and
bring your right thigh parallel with the floor; ensure that your right knee
is still over the heel and not over the toes, and keep your tailbone
reaching lightly under.
- For more challenge, bring the palms together in prayer as the arms are
raised; keep your shoulders from rising and continue to hug the shoulder
blades into the back; lightly press the pinky region of your palms together
moving more energy up the arms and creating a subtle external rotation of
the arms.
发帖数: 12988
09. Warrior II Pose: Virabhadrasana II
Virabhadrasana II (veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna)
Virabhadra = name of a warrior who is an incarnation of Shiva
- Strengthens your shoulders, arms, thighs, legs and ankles.
- Stretches your groins, thighs, and ankles.
- Expands your chest, lungs and shoulders.
- Stimulates abdominal organs and digestion.
- Increases stamina and endurance.
- Rlieves backaches, especially through the second trimester of pregnancy.
- Improves balance, concentration and core awareness.
- High blood pressure
- Medical conditions that affect balance
- Diarrhea
- Neck problems - Keep your head and neck looking forward from the chest
rather than over your front arm
1. Standing in Mountain Pose, exhale as you step your left foot back three
to four feet. Align you left heel behind the right heel and then turn your
left foot out 90 degrees. Turn your hips out to the left and firm your
thighs feeling the center of the right knee cap move in line with the center
of the right ankle.
2. Inhale and raise your arms so they are parallel to the floor over your
3. Widen your shoulder blades are you open your chest and collar bones.
4. Rotate your plams so they are facing downward.
5. As you exhale, bend the right knee forward over your right heel, the
right shin should be perdendicular to the floor (as a guide, you should be
able to see your right big toe and inner edge of your right foot.
6. Maintain even grounding through your right foot. Apply slightly more
pressure in your right heel rather than the toes, this will keep your right
knee more stable.
7. Draw your tailbone under and towards the pubic bone and feed the bottom
front ribs in keeping the abdomen from swaying outward.
8. Strengthen this position by pressing the outer left heel into the floor.
Continue to stretch the arms away from the shoulders as they flow parallel
to the floor. Avoid leaning the upper body over the right thigh, stay tall
over your pelvis.
9. You gaze should move forward over your right arm down the middle finger,
using this as a focal point.
10. Breathe slowly and stay here for 30 seconds to one minute.
11. To exit, inhale and straighten your right leg. Exhale and lower your
12. Reverse your feet facing the other way and repeat for the same length of
time for the left leg.
- If you have difficulty balancing or find the pose to deep, decrease the
distance between your feet several inches; ensure that your right knee is
sill over your heel and not over your toes.
- For deeper variation, move your left heel back a few more inches and bring
the right thigh parallel with the floor, ensure that your right knee is
still over your heel and not over your toes and keep your tailbone reaching
lightly under.
发帖数: 12988
10. Warrior III Pose: Virabhadrasana III
Virabhadrasana III
Virabhadra = the name of the warrior who is an incarnation of Shiva
- Strengthens your back, leg, shoulder and arm muscles.
- Stretches your hamstrings and out thighs.
- Expands your chest, lungs and shoulders.
- Improves your memory and concentration.
- Improves your core awareness, posture, balance and coordination.
- Tones and invigorates your whole body.
- Builds core stregth in your torso, abdomen, spine and pelvic floor.
- Quiets your mind, calms your nervous system and reduces anxiety.
- Stimulates your abdominal organs and digestion.
- High blood pressure.
- Recent or chronic foot, ankle, knee, leg, or hip problems.
- Recent or chronic lower back injuries.
- If you are pregnant, support the pose with the hands on a chair or some
other support.
1. Stand in Mountain Pose.
2. With an exhalation, step your left foot back, two feet ,while keeping
your body weight forward on your right foot. Keep your right toes facing
3. Feel your right toes spread and discover an even grounding through the
sole of your right foot.
4. Place you hands on your hips to align your hips and shoulders
perpendicular to the front of the mat.
5. Contract your inner core muscles by drawing in the navel and waist.
6. Sustain a feeling that your are containing the lower organs with a
circular band of muscle, then inhale and lift your left foot as your lean
your torso forward feeling a hinging motion at your hips.
7. Send your gaze straight down as you flex forward from the hips finding a
new focal point.
8. As your torso and left leg move into a parallel position with the floor,
lengthening both legs without locking into the bottom knee.
9. The left hip may lift higher than the right. Keep your left hip level
with the right hip feeling a shift into correct postural alignment.
10. Visualize more length moving into the left leg and spine. Continue the
rooting into the right foot and contracting into the core muscles.
11. To increase the effect of the balance, release your hands from your hips
and stretch your arms directly out to the sides expanding your chest or
directly forward in line with your head and neck.
12. If your arms are extended forward, turn your palms to face each other so
the shoulder blades can draw down away from your ears.
13. Breathe slowly and stay here for five to ten breaths.
14. To exit, inhale as you lift your chest and place your left foot back
into Mountain Pose.
15. Exhale as you lower your arms, and take a few breaths as you rest and
then repeat on the left side for the same length of time.
- For Beginners - If you find your balance is not steady, place one hand on
a wall.
- If coming forward to parallel with the floor is too vigorous, hinge
forward only part way while keeping your upper body and lifted leg in one
energetic line.
- For more challenge, extend your arms forward with your arms in line with
your head and neck. Hands can remain open, shoulder width apart, or you can
interlace your fingers with index fingers pointing forward (Shiva mudra).
This pose can also transition directly out of Virabhadrasana I by slowing
leaning forward onto the front foot and gradually lifting your back leg into
the balance. Extra coordination and greater awareness to hip alignment is
发帖数: 12988
11. Eagle Pose: Garudasana
Garudasana (gah-rue-DAHS-anna)
Garuda = mythic king of the birds (vehicle of Vishnu) / eagle
- Strengthens your thighs, ankles, and calves.
- Stretches your shoulders, arms and upper back.
- Develops focus and concetnration as it improves your balance and
- Knee Injuries - Avoid full version of foot behind calf-only cross one leg
over the other.
- Late term pregnancy and obesity (issues with balancing)
- Headache
- Medical conditions that affect balance
- Low blood pressure
1. Standing in Mountain Pose, place your feet parallel and hip width apart.
2. Extend your spine tall and fix your gaze forward at a focal point.
3. Contract your core muscles as you shift your weight into your right foot
and then slightly bend your knees.
4. As you inhale, raise your right foot and cross your right left over your
left thigh. Balance on your left foot keeping your left knee from traveling
too far forward over your toes.
5. Feel as though your are always bringing your body weight even throughout
the corners of your supporting foot, rather than letting the weight travel
heavy into your toe mounds. This will allow your to shift the force loads
out of your knee and more into your strong thigh and hip muscles.
6. If you right hip and knee feel ease, wrap your right toes around the back
of the right lower calf muscle and ankle.
7. Keep your left knee slightly bent and maintain a steadiness with the
contraction of your core muscles.
8. Keeping your gaze on a focal point and breathing, raise your arms
parallel to the floor.
9. Place you left elbow on the inside of your right elbow and bend your
elbows so that your forearms are perpendicular to the floor.
10. If the elbows feel ease, turn the palms outwards and continue crossing
the forearms so the plams come together.
11. Lightly reach the elbows forward to spread the back of your shoulders
and upper back. Lightly press the pad of your right thumb against the left
hand to further the twist in your wrists.
12. Hold for several breaths.
13. To exit, slowly unwind the limbs, uncross the legs and come back to
Mountain Pose.
14. Repeat on the other side, reversing arm and leg positions.
- For easier balance, place one hand on a wall.
- For less hip stretch, do not wrap your toes around your calf and instead
press the right big toe on the ground as the legs cross.
- For deeper version, slowly bend forward resting your right elbow on the
right knee.
发帖数: 12988
12. Tree Pose: Vrksasana
Vrksasana (vrik-SHAHS-anna)
vrksa = tree
- Stretches your inner thighs, groin and shoulders.
- Strengthens your thighs, calves, core, and foot muscles.
- Strengthens your posture.
- Calms and relaxes your mind and central nervous system.
- Develops balance.
- Increases your mind / body awareness.
- Late term pregnancy and obesity (issues with balancing)
- Headache
- Medical conditions that affect balance
- Insomnia
- High blood pressure - don't raise arms overhead
- Low blood pressure
1. Standing in Mountain Pose, place your feet parallel and hip width apart.
2. Extend your spine tall and fix your gaze forward at a focal point.
Contract your core muscles as you shift your weight to your right foot.
3. As you inhale, raise your left foot and place the sole of your left foot
on your ankle, calf, mid thigh, or upper thigh with your toes pointing down.
4. Keep your gaze at one point as you breathe.
5. Feel that your left knee is comfortably pointing out to the side.
6. The center of your pelvis should not drop to the left causing the entire
pelvis to shift right.
7. Gently press your left foot into the right inner leg. Visualize keeping
your hip points and shoulders level with the ground by engaging your right
outer hip muscles and pressing lightly into the right big toe mound.
8. Feel an energetic connection rising from the medial (inner) arch of the
right foot upwards to your inner groin line. Keep a light contraction in
your core muscles to keep the abdomen from falling forward.
9. Place palms in the prayer at the heart. As you inhale, slowly raise your
arms overhead with your hands still in prayer. Keep the shoulder blades from
rising to avoid tension in the neck. Continue to press your right foot
lightly into the ground as the crown of the head lifts. Stay here for
several breaths
10. As you exit, exhale and slowly lower your palms to heart and softly
place your left foot on the floor into Mountain Pose. Pause to shake the
right foot and repeat on the other side.
- If you have difficulty balancing, place a finger on a wall for support or
keep the left toes touching the floor as the left heel rests against the
right ankle.
- Roll up loose leggings if the foot slides down the support leg.
Tags: Yoga, Tree Pose, Vrksasana, asanas, yoga pose, poses, postures, pose
发帖数: 12988
13. Triangle Pose: Utthita Trikonasana
Utthita Trikonasana
(oo-TEE-tah trik-cone-AHS-anna)
utthita = extended, trikona = three angle
- Expands your chest and shoulders.
- Increases mobility of your hip joints.
- Increases neck mobility.
- Stretches your spinal muscles.
- Strengthens and tones muscles of your thights.
- Stretches calf muscles, hamstrings, and hip musculature.
- Increases proprioception (the sense of position in space) of feet and
- Neck Pain - Keep the head level and look straight forward.
- Low Back Pain - Turn the back foot in slightly to limit force across the -
- Sacroiliac joint, and allow the hip to naturally rotate inwards.
1. Stand at the top of your mat in Mountain Pose. Take a big step back (
approximately 3 feet) with your right foot, turning your foot towards the
side of the mat while keeping your left toes pointing forward. Your two hip
points are now facing the side of the mat.
2. Inhale as you take your arms out in a “T” with your palms pointing down
. You shoulders are relaxed while moving your shoulder blades down your
3. Exhale as you begin to hinge at your hip towards your left leg, deepening
the crease where your hip bone meets your pelvis.
4. Continue to reach out through the top of the head, keeping the spine long
, and both sides of the torso of equal length. Lift your knee cap on your
front thigh, contracting the quadriceps to support your knee.
5. Allow your left hand to float towards your (from beginner to advanced)
shin, a block on the inside of the foot, a block on the outside of the foot,
or your fingers/palm on the mat or big toe.
6. Your right arm will float up towards the sky, keeping the arms in a “T”
. Which ever hand position you choose for your bottom hand, ensure you keep
your spine and torso long, without creating a bend in the waist.
7. Draw your low belly in to support the lower spine.
8. Tuck your chin in slightly, lengthening the top of the neck near the
skull, and turn your gaze up towards your right hand.
9. Keep your connection with the earth, especially grounding with the
outside of your back foot, and all four corners of your front foot.
10. Breathe comfortably as you hold the position.
11. To exit the pose, on an exhale look down towards your left foot, draw
your low belly in, root down through the feet, and inhale as you rise up.
12. Turn and step back to the top of the mat and repeat on the opposite side.
- Use satya (truthfulness) with yourself to determine how far you will enter
into the pose. Often backing off our furthest limit in Trikonasana allows a
better opening in the pelvis and shoulders.
- Although the intention is to square our hips to side of the mat, do not
force this action which can put unnecessary stress across the joints of the
lower back. To increase the opening of your pelvis, move from your feet.
Connecting strongly through both feet (as above) to allow movement to
trickle up to the pelvis. Imagine the tailbone lengthening away from the
crown of the head and the crown away from the tail.
- Maintain space between the ribcage and the pelvis on both sides of the
body. Focus on keeping the spine long and avoid crunching your ribs into the
- If you have neck pain, keep the head level and look straight forward.
发帖数: 1322
thanks a lot!
发帖数: 12988
14. Gate Pose: Parighasana
parigha = a bar used for locking a gate
- Stretches your hamstrings.
- Strecther your adductor muscles and your calf muscles.
- Stretches the accessory muscles of breathing between your ribs.
- Stretched you torso muscles.
- Opens your chect and shoulders.
- Traditionally thought to stimulate your abdominal organs and your lungs.
- Patellar Bursitis / Tendonitis of the Knee - Do not perform this pose
kneeling on your injured knee. You may sit in a chair, with the injured
knee bent, foot flat on the floor.
- Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Injury of the Knee - This pose may put
too much strain on the extended leg, and an injured PCL may not be able to
support the knee sufficiently.
- Neck Pain / Dizziness - Do not look up towards the hand but simply look
straight forward.
1. Come into a kneeling position on your mat. Your toes can be curled under
for more stability and to open the soles of the feet, or you may place the
tops of your feet flat on your mat.
2. Extend your right leg out to your side, outwardly rotating at the hip so
that your knee cap is facing the sky.
3. Keep your extended leg in the same plane as the kneeling leg, and keep
the hip of you kneeling leg over your knee.
4. Inhale and reach your left arm overhead, lengthening the side of your
5. Exhale as you hinge over to the right, allowing the right hand to gently
rest on your thigh, skin, ankle or foot.
6. Keeping your left hip stacked over your left knee, reach the left arm
overhed, beside your ear, keeping your shoulder blade moving down your back.
7. Turn and gaze up towards the sky, keeping the back of your neck long.
8. Breathe comfortably as you hold.
9. To exit, energertically draw your inner thighs towards each other, draw
in the lower belly and then inhale as your lift up to verticle.
10. Exhale as you gently slide the extended leg back to kneeling and then
switch sides.
- In this pose your core muscles are holding you in place, not the position
of the hand on the leg. You should be able to keep the form of the pose
while hovering the hand above the extended leg.
- You may cushion your knee more by folding over your mat or placing a
blanket under your knee cap.
- Using a block – Instead of placing your hand on your extended leg, you
may use a block on the floor behind your leg, remembering there are 3
possible heights to the block.
- You may also point the toes of the extended leg, bringing the sole of your
foot down towards the floor. Maintain the outward rotation at the hip so
that the knee cap continues to face up towards the sky.
发帖数: 12988
15. Revolved Triangle Pose: Parivrtta Trikonasana
Parivrtta Trikonasana (par-ee-vrit-tah trik-cone-AHS-anna)
utthita = revolved
trikona = three angle
- Expands your chest and shoulders.
- Increases neck mobility.
- Stretches your spinal muscles and increases spinal range of motion.
- Strengthens and tones muscles of your tighs.
- Stretches your calf muscles, hamstrings, and hip musculature.
- Can relieve upper back tension.
- Increases proprioception (or the sense of position in space) of your feet
and ankles.
- Traditionally thought to stimulate abdominal organs.
- Neck Pain - Keep your head in line with the spine, do not look over your
- Low Back Pain / Sacroiliac Joint Pain - Ensure your hip points are facing
forward with your feet hip width apart, turn the back foot forward
significantly to limit force across the Sacroiliac joint and allow the twist
to move from the thoracic spine / upper back.
- History of lumbar or low back disc herniation or bulge.
- Low Blood Pressure - Do not fold below horizontal to keep the head level
with the heart.
1. Stand at the top of your mat in Mountain Pose / Tadasana.
2. Take a big step back (approximately three feet) with your right foot,
turn your foot out approximately 25 degrees or less to the side of the mat
while keeping your left toes pointing forward.
3. Your two hip points are now facing the side of the mat.
4. Note - Foot alignment with increasing difficulty. 1 - Feet hip width
apart. 2 - Heel to heel alignment. 3 - Heel to arch alignment.
5. Bring your left hand to your waist and as you inhale raise your right arm
overhead, lengthening your spine at the same time.
6. Root the outside of your back foot, draw in your lower belly to support
your low back and exhale as you hinge forward at the waist, keeping your
spine long and reaching out with your right arm.
7. Depending on your range of motion, allow your right hand to float towards
your (from beginner to advanced) shin, a block or the floor on the inside
of the foot, a block or the floor on the outside of the foot, or your
fingers looping your big toe.
8. Inhale and continue to lengthen out through the crown of your head,
keeping the spine long.
9. Root the outside of your back foot once again and keep your hips level,
imagining you could balance an object on your sacrum (the flat bony part at
the base of your spine).
10. Exhale and rotate to the left, extending your left arm up towards the
sky and turning to gaze at your left palm.
11. Breathe comfortably.
12. To exit the pose, on an exhale look down towards your left foot, draw
your low belly in, root down through the feet, and inhale as you rise up,
lowering your hands to your waist. Step back to the top of the mat and
repeat on the opposite side.
- Shoulder Injury / Tightness - Keep the revolved side hand at the waist
rather than extending it up towards the sky. This often enables those of us
with shoulder or chest tightness to get greater spinal rotation.
- Calf Injury / Tightness - If you are unable to keep your back heel on the
earth you can fold or roll up your mat under your back heel so that you can
practice rooting the foot. With time gradually decrease the amount of
height under your heel.
- Use caution with more advanced foot placement such as heel to heel
alignment or heel to arch alignment. These foot positions place your hips
and lower spine in rotation to the right first, before you attempt to rotate
to the left, thus increasing the tension and torque across the lower spine,
putting you at risk of injury.
- Although we may think of this as a spinal twist for our lower back, in
reality our lumbar spine has very little rotation, and the majority of the
twist comes from the upper back or thoracic spine. Think of leading the
twist from your heart centre to increase the rotation, while keeping your
lower ribs drawing in to gently engage the core.
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踢球如果肌肉太粗也不好Bigfuzzydoug’s Ten Points to Swimming
Bigfuzzydoug’s Ten Points to Swimming (转载)一个公主和一个在morgan stanley的帅T的故事
发帖数: 12988
16. Half Moon Pose: Ardha Chandrasana
are-dah chan-DRAHS-anna
ardha = half
candra = shining, translated as "moon"
- Expands your chest and shoulders.
- Increases mobility of your hip joints.
- Increases neck mobility.
- Lengthens your sprinal muscles.
- Strengthens and tones muscles of your thighs and calves.
- Stretches your hamstrings and goin muscles.
- Increases proprioception (the sense of position in space) of the feet and
- Traditionally thought to improve digestion and menstruation, relieve
stress and aid in healing diseases of your legs.
- Neck Pain - Keep the head level and look straight forward.
- Low Back Pain / Sacroiliac Pain - Ensure you are drawing in the muscles of
your lower belly and the muscles of your pelvic floor (used to stop the
flow of urine) to support your pelvis and low back before entering the pose.
- Low Blood Pressure - This pose is similar to other inversions, where the
head is below the heart. Use a block under your support hand (see below) to
raise your head to the same level as your heart, or above.
1. Stand at the top of your mat in Mountain Pose. Take a big step back (
approximately 3 feet) with your right foot, turning your foot towards the
side of the mat while keeping your left toes pointing forward. Your two hip
points are now facing the side of the mat.
2. Take the arms out in a “T” with your palms pointing down; your
shoulders are relaxed while moving your shoulder blades down your back.
3. Place you right hand at your waist.
4. Start to bend your left knee, gradually shifting your weight into your
left leg as you lift your right foot off the floor. Maintain equal weight in
your inner arch, outer arch, forefoot, and heel of your standing foot.
5. Simultaneously allow your left hand to float towards the floor or a block
(see below), “spidering” your fingers so that you are on the finger pads
with fingers spread.
6. Your hand should be roughly 12 inches in front of your left foot, stacked
directly under your shoulder. Look down to begin, finding a drishti, or
gaze point that is unmoving.
7. Keep reaching out through the top of your head to encourage length in the
spine and neck
8. Flex your right foot strongly to align the shin, keeping your toes
pointing to the side wall.
9. Pressing out through your heel to lengthen the leg, raise your leg so
that it is parallel to the floor or eventually slightly higher to be in a
long line continuous with your waist.
10. Keeping your left knee cap lifted so that the quadriceps is contracted,
begin to straighten your standing leg. Imagine your tail tucking under
gently so that your right hip opens further to the right wall.
11. To deepen the pose you may extend your right arm up towards the sky,
palm facing the same direction as your right toes. You may also turn your
gaze to the side wall, or up to your right hand, continuing to lengthen out
through the top of your head.
12. Breathe comfortably for at least five breaths.
13. To exit the pose, exhale looking down towards your left foot, lower the
right hand to your waist, gracefully lowering the right foot back to the
earth just as you began.
14. Draw the low belly in, root down through your feet, and inhale as you
rise up.
15. Turn on your heels and repeat on the opposite side.
- Using a Block - Before you enter the pose, place a block at the top of the
mat. The block has three heights – tall and skinny, short and skinny, and
short and wide. Use the block just as you would use the floor. Often a block
can enable us to achieve more space and enjoyment in our pose.
- Although the intention is to square our hips to side of the mat, do not
force this action which can put unnecessary stress across the joints of the
lower back.
- First focus on stability and strength in both legs – rooting with all
four corners of the standing foot, and pressing out through the heel of the
raised leg – next ensure length in the spine by reaching out through the
crown of your head as well as through the tailbone. Then you can gently tuck
the tailbone and start to imagine an outward rotation at both hips to open
deeper into the pelvis.
- Do not lock your knee joint of the standing leg. Engage the quadriceps (
front thigh muscle) by lifting the knee cap up the leg. This avoids
hyperextension in the knee joint.
- If you have neck pain, keep your head level and look straight forward. If
the pain persists, you are not ready for the pose.
发帖数: 12988
在这个帖子里,我会慢慢贴一些瑜伽动作的照片和相对应的名称(Sanskrit and
English names)。
下面的信息,是从http://www.myyogaonline.com 上拿来的,感谢感谢。他们的图片够大,每个动作说明得很详细。如果有错误的地方,欢迎大家指正。
发帖数: 12988
01. Downward Facing Dog Pose: Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana (AH-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAHS-anna)
adho = downward
mukha = face
svana = dog
- Elongates and releases tension from your spine
- Stretches your hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands
- Strengthens your arms, shoulders, and back
- Improves mobility of your digestive system
- Relieves back pain, headaches, insomnia and fatigue
- Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
- Downward-Facing Dog is a mild inversion that calms the nervous system
and helps relieve stress
- Wrist problems like carpal tunnel syndrome or arthritis
- High blood pressure
- Eye or inner ear infection
- Avoid this pose in late-term pregnancy
1. Come onto your hands and knees with your palms just forward of the
2. Spread your fingers with your index finger forward, knees under your
hips and toes tucked.
3.Inhale and lift your knees away from the floor as sit-bones reach
towards the ceiling.
4. At first, keep the knees slightly bent and the heels lifted away from
the floor.
5.Exhale and elongate up through your tailbone moving the abdomen
towards the heels.
6.Your heels lower and your legs lengthen without strain to the
hamstrings or a pull on the pelvis.
7.Roll your upper thighs inward slightly and roll the heels outward
8.Maintain light pressure on the bases of your index fingers.
9.Widen the shoulder blades and feel them move towards your tailbone.
10.Keep a long neck with your head comfortable in line with the arms.
11.Your elbow and knee joints should not be locked.
12.Emphasize length in the spine as you keep even weight on the hands
and feet. For beginners, a slight softness can be kept in the knees, and
the heels do not have to touch the floor.
13.Hold for several breaths, then exit to a new pose or come down to
rest in child's pose or thunderbolt pose.
- Ease pressure on your wrists by placing a wedge under your palms or
performing the pose on your elbows.
- Elevate hands on blocks or on the seat of a chair to release and open
your shoulders.
发帖数: 12988
02. Child Pose: Balasana
Balasana (bah-LAHS-anna)
bala = child
- Gently stretches your lower back, hips, thighs, knees, and ankles
- Relaxes you spine, shoulders, and neck
- Increases blood circulation to your head which reduces headaches
- Massages your internal organs
- Calms the mind (central nervous system) thus helping relieve stress
and tension
- Knee injuries or problems like cartilage or ligament tears
- Ankle problems
- Avoid for those with high blood pressure, eye or ear infections
- Pregnancy
- Diarrhea
1. Start by kneeling on your hands and knees.
2. Release your toes on the floor and separate your knees about hip
width apart.
3. As you exhale, slowly lower your buttocks towards your heels feeling
the tailbone lengthen away from the back of your pelvis.
4. As your torso folds over your thighs, lengthen the back of your neck
before your forehead rests on the floor.
5. Lay your arms by the thighs with palms facing up and feel how the
weight of your shoulders lightly spreads the shoulder blades.
6. Take several slow breaths into the belly and lower your back as you
rest here.
7. As you exit, inhale and lengthen the torso forward over the thighs
and rise up as the tailbone presses down into the pelvis and towards the
- Place your forehead on your fist or a cushion if your head does not
easily rest on the floor.
- Leave arms forward, about shoulder width apart if your head can rest
on floor, but neck is not comfortable or your buttocks are high from the
- Place a cushion between the buttocks and your heels if the stretch
across the knees is too deep.
- Place a thin cushion or rolled up towel under your ankles if the
stretch is too deep for the ankle joint or if the foot muscles are cramping.
发帖数: 12988
03.Wide Seated Forward Bend Pose: Upavistha Konasana
(oo-pah-VEESH-tah cone-AHS-anna)
upavistha = seated, sitting
kona = angle
- Stretches the adductor muscles of your groin
- Stretches your hamstring muscles
- Strengthens the supportive musculature of your spine
- Encourages activation of your core muscles
- Traditionally throught to increase blood flow to the pelvis, thus
keeping the pelvic region healthy
Low Back Pain:
- Sit up on a block or blanket, high enough that you can maintain the
natural curve of your low back.
- When you are folding forward, use your hands for support on the floor.
- If you cannot safely enter and exit the pose without pain, it is not
appropriate for you.
Sacroiliac Joint Pain:
- Avoid wide legged poses until the pain subsides.
- Return with caution, using your core to support you.
- The hormone Relaxin causes the bones of the pelvis to be more mobile
that usual.
- Take your legs slightly less than 90 degrees, and gently lift and
support the pelvic floor muscles (a Kiegel) to prevent unnecessary shearing
in the pubic symphis.
- Do not allow your stomach to be compressed against the floor.
1. Sit with your legs open to a 90 degree angle (with your pelvis in the
2. Flex your feet to align the knees, toes pointing up to the sky. If
you feel your pelvis rocking back, or you feel a loss of the curve in the
low back, sit up on some height like a firm cushion to allow the pelvis to
tilt forward.
3. Place the finger tips on the floor behind your hips.
4. Inhale, drawing up the sides of the body, creating space in the
spine. Stay here if you are already feeling a substantial stretch in the
5. Before folding, first support your low back using your core
musculature. Draw the muscles of your pelvic floor gently upward with
mulabhanda (the same muscles you use to stop and start the flow of urine),
also draw in your lower abdomen gently.
6. Exhale as you start to walk your hands out in front of you.
7. Slowly, using your breath as a guide, keep your spine long and lead
with your heart.
8. Stop when you feel you have reached a challenging but sustainable
position. Rather than trying to get closer to the eath, imagine growing
longer through the spine.
9. Breathe comfortably as you hold this forward bend.
10. To exit the pose, exhale and reconnect with your core muscle support
and then slowly walk your hands back towards your body.
11. Gently bend your knees and bring the legs back together.
- If you have knee discomfort or you have a inability to straighten your
legs, place a rolled up blanket or towel under the bend of each knee for
- If you are in between the stage of supporting your self with your
hands,and allowing your torso to meet the floor, use a bolster to rest your
torso on, or a block for your forehead but ensure you are supporting your
low back by gently contracting your lower belly.
- Avoid rounding the lumbar spine to avoid stress on the discs between
the vertebrae.
发帖数: 12988
04. Bound Angle Pose: Baddha Konasana
Baddha Konasana (BAH-dah cone-AHS-anna)
baddha = bound
kona = angle
- Stretches and expands your inner thigh, groin and knee muscles.
- Stretches your lower back and upper gluteal muscles, when you are in
the forward bend variation.
- Massages your abdominal organs and improves digestive circulation.
- Helps reduces menstrual symptoms and discomfort.
- Can be therapeutic for those suffering from sciatica.
- Aids in relieving fatigue, anxiety and mild depression.
- Is a beneficial pose during pregnancy to help ease the process of
Avoid the Bound Angle Pose if you have a
- Groin or knee injury.
- Lower back injury or a herniated vertebral disc
- Current or previous iliosacral instability condition.
1. Begin sitting with your legs straight out in front of you.
2. Lightly move the flesh away from your sit bones. If your groin region
is limited in flexibility, elevate you hips 2-3 inches on a cushion or
folded blanket.
3. Bring the soles of your feet slowly together as you bend your knees.
Your knees should feel no discomfort or pressure.
4. Bring your heels close to your groin with your hands. Inhale as you
reach up through the top the of the head.
5. Then exhale as you release your knees towards the earth and gently
press the soles of your feet together.
6. Adding support, hold onto the big toes with the middle and index
fingers. Keeping the outer edges of your feet grounded on the floor and
touching each other. If the toe-hold does not feel natural to you, hold onto
the outer edges of your ankles or shins.
7. The initial stage of this pose is to find length from your sit bones,
through your spine, and up through the crown. Find a balanced connection in
your sit bones so that the pelvis is positioned in a neutral line with the
8. By sitting in the center of your sit bones, you will find that the
pelvic floor (perineum) is parallel to the floor and your spine is neutral
like being in Tadasana (Mountain Pose).
9. Remaining tall, breathe slowly and relax your shoulders to bring
space into your neck and into the base of your skull.
10. Lightly engage your shoulder blades as though they hug the back
ribs, but at the same time, there isn’t any tightness between your shoulder
11. Feel that your knees are not being forced to the ground by muscular
contraction or gravity. Instead, visualize the top of your thigh-bones
sliding away from your hip socket. This release in the hips transmits a
release into your knees.
12. Remain in this pose comfortably and with breath for one to five
13. To exit, place your hands on your outer thighs or knees. Then
inhale, as your hands help lift the knees and straighten the legs back to
their forward position.
14. Shake and tap the legs lightly to release the energy from your knees
and hips.
- Sit on a higher support if your knees are very high and if your back
rounds excessively through the lumbar region. Sitting higher will increase
the mobility in the groin allowing your knees to settle more with gravity,
which will help add lift and extension through your spine.
- To add a forward bend, insure your knees and pelvis are set. Inhale as
you lift your heart center and lengthen the front of the torso. As you
exhale, fold forward from your hips (not the lower back). Feel that you are
shifting forward from the center of your sit bones to the front edge of the
sit bones. The back should not round as to avoid compression or injury in
your vertebral and iliosacral joints. As the belly and back remain long,
feel your chest flow over the feet (chest bone away from pubic bone).
Maintaining a light hold on your big toes, ankles, or shins, release the
back of your neck and head. Relax into deep breathing into your belly and
lower back. To exit, exhale while contracting muscles in your abdomen and
core. Then inhale as you slowly lift your head and chest.
发帖数: 12988
05. Standing Forward Bend: Uttanasana
Uttanasana (OOT-tan-AHS-anna)
ut = intense
tan= to stretch or extend
- The Standing Forward Bend pose:
- Stretches your hips, hamstrings, and calves.
- Strengthens your thighs and knees.
- Massages your internal organs and helps improves digestion and cleanses
mucous from the lungs.
- Relaxes you central nervous system and helps calm your mind
- Helps relieve stress
- Helps reduces headaches, fatigue, insomnia.
- Helps relieve symptoms of menopause and is therapeutic for osteoporosis.
- Avoid the Standing Forward Bend if you have:
- Lower back problems or your have back injury, however you can perform this
pose with knees bent and hands supporting on the thighs.
- High blood pressure.
- A late term pregnancy.
- Eye or inner ear infection.
1. As you stand in Mountain Pose (Tadasana), place your hands on your hips
and inhale.
2. As you exhale, soften your knees and fold slowly forward from your hips.
Counterbalance your body weight by moving your tailbone and hips back
slightly as the body leans forward.
3. Keep your knees soft so your sit bones point up to the ceiling and your
hip points roll forward into the upper thighs.
4. Rest your hands on the ground beside your feet or hold onto your elbows.
Ensure that your feet are still parallel (second and middle toes pointing
forward). Hollow out your belly and encourage the chest bone to float down
to the top of your feet and increase the space between your pubis and your
chest bone. Feel that the fold comes from your hip joint and not from
rounding of your lower back.
5. If the hamstrings feel ease in this stretch, slowly extend your knees
more while pushing your sit bones up to the ceiling.
Root into the heels as you slightly turn the top of the thighs inwards. This
inwards rotation of your thighs aligns and isolates more of the inner
hamstring lines.
6. Let your head dangle so the crown of yourhead reaches down to the floor
so your gaze is through the legs. Hold for several slow breathes.
To exit, contract your abdominal and core muscles.
7. As you inhale, place your hands on your hips, soften your knees, and
reach your chest far forward. Rise up from your hips keeping your back long.
Keep the length between the pubis and chest bone. Continue to lengthen your
torso as you come up to standing.
- For easier version, open your feet hip width apart and keep your feet
- For deeper version, hold onto the back of your ankles and wrap forearms on
calves and allow assistance from your arms to increase the fold at your hip
发帖数: 12988
06. Head to Knee Pose: Janu Sirsasana
Janu Sirsasana
(JAH-new shear-SHAHS-anna)
janu = knee
sirsa = head
- Stretches your spine, back muscles, hamstrings, and groins.
- Massages and stimulates your internal organs like the liver and kidneys.
- Improves digestion and helps heal gastric ailments.
- Calms the mind and central nervous system.
- Relieves anxiety, fatigue, headache, and menstrual discomfort.
- Helps relieve symptoms of menopause.
- Therapeutic for high blood pressure, depression, and insomnia.
- Knee injuries - Avoid flexion of the injured knee if discomfort occurs. -
- Try performing with the bent knee supported on a folded blanket.
- Low back injury especially if history of lumbar disc herniation.
- Diarrhea
- Asthma
1. Sit on the floor and elevate your sitbones on a block or folded blanket.
Lengthen your left leg straight out from your hip joint and bend your right
knee, and place the bottom of the foot comfortably against the inner left
2. To create a deeper stretch, place the right heel back toward your
perineum. If the heel is drawn into the perineum, the shin bone will be at a
right angle to the left leg.
3. The right leg and knee should comfortably release into the ground. If not
, support your right knee with a folded blanket underneath it.
To improve your alignment, shift your left sit-bone and pelvis back enough
to feel your hip points (ASIS) creating a perpendicular line with your left
4. Continue to position your torso so your navel and chest will line up
square with your left leg.
5. Place the hands beside the hips for support.
6. Inhale and extend tall through the top the head creating length in the
front torso and belly.
7. Exhale and lightly send length and energy down your left leg as though
you are reaching through the ball of the foot. This will send a spreading
motion into the toes. If the stretch is deep, remain here keeping your toes
vertical. You may wish to use a strap around the left foot to aid your
pelvic alignment and keep the spine evenly lengthened.
8. If your back and hamstrings feel open, inhale and reach up with both arms
creating more length in your spine. Exhale and fold forward from the very
base of the hip joints feeling that you are coming forward from the groins
and to the front of the sit bones. The hands come down to rest on either
side of the left thigh as you continue to lengthen the front of the torso
from the pubis to the sternum.
9. The hands may reach forward all the way to hold the left foot. Be mindful
as to not to pull yourself forcefully into the forward bend. Rounding the
spine and pulling forward can lead to injury.
10. Continue to fold over your left leg, if the back and hamstrings permit,
keeping the original alignment of hips and torso. Keep the breath slow and
steady. Encourage the breath to fill the back body, groins, and back of your
left leg
11. To increase the integrity of the pose, keep your right foot active.
Energetically, engage the top of the right foot into the floor and press
your right heel toward the inner groin of the left leg. Remain in the pose
for one to three minutes.
12. To exit, contract your core abdominal mucles and, with an inhalation,
lift your torso back to vertical. Lengthen the right leg forward and shake
both legs. Repeat with the legs reversed for the same length of time.
- Elevate your hips by sitting on a cushion or folded blanket to encourage
the forward bend to occur at the hip joint and not the low back.
- Place a folded blanket or cushion under your bent knee if your knee does
not comfortably release onto the ground.
- To aid the stretch in your hamstrings and reduce the use of your hip
flexors, use a strap by looping it around the sole of the foot. Keep a
steady hold onto the strap with your chest open and your front torso
- Most important - Avoid pulling yourself forcefully forward when using a
发帖数: 3917
发帖数: 34


【在 L**********s 的大作中提到】
: 在这个帖子里,我会慢慢贴一些瑜伽动作的照片和相对应的名称(Sanskrit and
: English names)。
: 有很多动作,在不同的瑜伽流派里,有不同的名字。我们就取比较常用的好了,反正,名字无所谓,动作做好了就行。
: 还有,排名不分先后,LOL
: 下面的信息,是从http://www.myyogaonline.com 上拿来的,感谢感谢。他们的图片够大,每个动作说明得很详细。如果有错误的地方,欢迎大家指正。

请教GYM训练项目的名称,实在不懂什么意思星星 这个好了 不过有点恐怖
发帖数: 12988

【在 j***u 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢lz。请继续。
发帖数: 12988
07. Chair Pose: Utkatasana
utkata = fierce
- Strengthens the hip flexor msucles, the front of your thighs, you adductor
musclces of your inner thighs and the gluteus mesucles of your hips.
- Strengthens and stretches your calf muscles.
- Opens your chest and shoulders.
- Improves the range of motion in your ankles.
- Increases proprioception (or the sense of position in space) in your feet.
- Traditionally thought to stimulate your abdominal organs and your heart.
- Low Back Pain - Only go as deep into the pose as you can while still
maintaining your natural lumbar curve. Stop before your low back flattens or
pops backwards. Continue to draw in the lower belly to support your spine.
- Shoulder Injury - If you are unable to raise your arms overhead without
pain, or without compensating by puffing out your lower ribs, only move
within your pain free range, stopping before your ribs jut forward, and keep
the arms shoulder width apart.
- Neck Pain / Dizziness - Do not look up towards the hands but simply look
straight forward.
1.Come into Tadasana / Mountain pose.
2.Standing with your big toes touching, your heels slightly apart, lift and
spread your toes, feeling the four points of the foot rooting down - the big
toe mound, the pinky toe mound, the inner heel and the outer heel. Lower
your toes keeping this connection in your feet.
3.Your lower belly draw in slightly to support your spine. Your shoulder
blades move down your back helping keep your chest broad and open across
your collar bones.
4.Inhale and raise your arms overhead, with your palms facing each other.
5.Keep your shoulder blades moving down your back, without any shrug or
lifting. Arms should remain shoulder width apart or if you are able to
bring your hands towards each other without shruggin, your palms may touch.
6.Keep your arms in front of or at the same level as your ears.
7.Draw your lower ribs towards your pelvis.
8.Reestablish your connection with the four points of your feet, then exhale
as you sit back as if your were about to sit into a chair. Keep the
natural curve of your lower back, finding balance between drawing in your
lower belly while sending your tailbone towards the earth.
9.Lengthen out through the top of your head and turn your gaze up towards
your hands or to where the ceiling meets the wall. Let your eyes guide the
movement of your neck.
10.Draw the inner thighs toward each other and with each breath feel the
counter action of rooting down with your feet and hips as your rise up with
your upper body.
11.Breathe comfortably as you hold.
12.To exit Chair Pose, root your feet, draw in your lower belly, and then
inhale to straighten your legs.
13.Exhale as your flow your hands to the side returning to Mountain Pose.
- Stiffness or Pain in the Ankles – If you are unable to keep your heels
firmly rooted on the ground, fold or roll your mat a little bit at a time
until you are able to ground your entire foot into the earth.
- Avoid rounding the lumbar spine to avoid stress on the discs between the
- Use a block between your thighs to increase the activation of your inner
thigh muscles. You can place a block between your thighs close to your
groin. As you move into the pose, hold the block in place with your legs.
发帖数: 12988
08. Warrior I Pose: Virabhadrasana I
Virabhadrasana I (veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna)
Virabhadra = the name of the warrior who is an incarnation of Shiva
- Strengthens your shoulders, arms, thighs, ankles and the muscles of your
- Expands your chest, lungs and shoulders.
- Stretches your hip flexors, abdomen, and ankles.
- Develops stamina and endurance in your thighs and core muscles.
- Stimulates abdominal organs and digestion.
- Improves your balance, concentration, and core awareness.
- Heart problems
- High blood pressure
- Medical conditions that affect balance
- Shoulder Problems (Tendonitis or Bursitis) - As your arms are raised keep
- - your hands open and arms parallel to avoid compression into the shoulder
- Neck Problems - Maintain eyes forward and keep your chin parallel to the
1. Begin in Mountain Pose. Exhale as you step your left foot back three to
four feet. Align your left heel behind your right heel and then turn you
left foot out 45 degrees keeping your right foot forward.
2. Rotate your hips so both of your hip points are facing forward and
parallel to the fron of your mat.
3. Gently root the outer edges of your left foot into the mat as your hips
and shoulders rotate forward.
4. Inhale and raise your arms perpendicular to the ground keeping your arms
open, shoulder width apart and parallel to each other.
5. Reach through your fingertips as the palms face inwards and draw your
shoulders blades down encouraging your shoulders to move down and away from
the neck. Feel as though your shoulder blades lightly hug into your back.
6. As you exhale, contract your abdominal muscles and tilt your pelvis so
your tailbone moves down and under. Slowly bend your right knee placing
aligning your knee over your heel.
7. As you continue to breathe, feel your right heel anchoring allowing the
toes to lighten and spread. Applying slightly more pressure in your right
heel rather than the toes will keep your right knee more stable and will
minimize the force being placed into the knee joint. Continue to draw your
tailbone under and towards the pubic bone and feed the bottom front ribs in
keeping your abdomen from swaying outward.
8. Picture the pubic bone lifting towards your navel.
9. Keep strengthening the pose by pressing the outer left heel into the
floor sending a lifting energy up the left leg into the pelvis and through
to the arms.
10. Stay tall over the pelvis feeling your ribcage (especially the back edge
) lift away from your pelvis. Keep your head in a neutral position, gazing
forward, or tilt your head back and look comfortably up at your thumbs.
11. Breathe slowly and stay for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
12. To exit, exhale to lower your arms and place your hands onto the hips.
Inhale as you press firmly into your right heel and step your left leg
forward. Exhale to release your hands from the hips and adjust your feet and
pelvis into Mountain Pose.
13. Take a few breaths and then repeat with the other side for the same
length of time.
- Beginners may find it difficult to keep the back heel grounded, therefore
move your left foot a few inches to the left so your heels are staggered and
not aligned.
- If you have difficulty balancing or find the pose to deep, decrease the
distance between your feet several inches; ensure that your right knee is
still over the heel and not over the toes.
- For a deeper variation, move your left heel back a few more inches and
bring your right thigh parallel with the floor; ensure that your right knee
is still over the heel and not over the toes, and keep your tailbone
reaching lightly under.
- For more challenge, bring the palms together in prayer as the arms are
raised; keep your shoulders from rising and continue to hug the shoulder
blades into the back; lightly press the pinky region of your palms together
moving more energy up the arms and creating a subtle external rotation of
the arms.
发帖数: 12988
09. Warrior II Pose: Virabhadrasana II
Virabhadrasana II (veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna)
Virabhadra = name of a warrior who is an incarnation of Shiva
- Strengthens your shoulders, arms, thighs, legs and ankles.
- Stretches your groins, thighs, and ankles.
- Expands your chest, lungs and shoulders.
- Stimulates abdominal organs and digestion.
- Increases stamina and endurance.
- Rlieves backaches, especially through the second trimester of pregnancy.
- Improves balance, concentration and core awareness.
- High blood pressure
- Medical conditions that affect balance
- Diarrhea
- Neck problems - Keep your head and neck looking forward from the chest
rather than over your front arm
1. Standing in Mountain Pose, exhale as you step your left foot back three
to four feet. Align you left heel behind the right heel and then turn your
left foot out 90 degrees. Turn your hips out to the left and firm your
thighs feeling the center of the right knee cap move in line with the center
of the right ankle.
2. Inhale and raise your arms so they are parallel to the floor over your
3. Widen your shoulder blades are you open your chest and collar bones.
4. Rotate your plams so they are facing downward.
5. As you exhale, bend the right knee forward over your right heel, the
right shin should be perdendicular to the floor (as a guide, you should be
able to see your right big toe and inner edge of your right foot.
6. Maintain even grounding through your right foot. Apply slightly more
pressure in your right heel rather than the toes, this will keep your right
knee more stable.
7. Draw your tailbone under and towards the pubic bone and feed the bottom
front ribs in keeping the abdomen from swaying outward.
8. Strengthen this position by pressing the outer left heel into the floor.
Continue to stretch the arms away from the shoulders as they flow parallel
to the floor. Avoid leaning the upper body over the right thigh, stay tall
over your pelvis.
9. You gaze should move forward over your right arm down the middle finger,
using this as a focal point.
10. Breathe slowly and stay here for 30 seconds to one minute.
11. To exit, inhale and straighten your right leg. Exhale and lower your
12. Reverse your feet facing the other way and repeat for the same length of
time for the left leg.
- If you have difficulty balancing or find the pose to deep, decrease the
distance between your feet several inches; ensure that your right knee is
sill over your heel and not over your toes.
- For deeper variation, move your left heel back a few more inches and bring
the right thigh parallel with the floor, ensure that your right knee is
still over your heel and not over your toes and keep your tailbone reaching
lightly under.
发帖数: 12988
10. Warrior III Pose: Virabhadrasana III
Virabhadrasana III
Virabhadra = the name of the warrior who is an incarnation of Shiva
- Strengthens your back, leg, shoulder and arm muscles.
- Stretches your hamstrings and out thighs.
- Expands your chest, lungs and shoulders.
- Improves your memory and concentration.
- Improves your core awareness, posture, balance and coordination.
- Tones and invigorates your whole body.
- Builds core stregth in your torso, abdomen, spine and pelvic floor.
- Quiets your mind, calms your nervous system and reduces anxiety.
- Stimulates your abdominal organs and digestion.
- High blood pressure.
- Recent or chronic foot, ankle, knee, leg, or hip problems.
- Recent or chronic lower back injuries.
- If you are pregnant, support the pose with the hands on a chair or some
other support.
1. Stand in Mountain Pose.
2. With an exhalation, step your left foot back, two feet ,while keeping
your body weight forward on your right foot. Keep your right toes facing
3. Feel your right toes spread and discover an even grounding through the
sole of your right foot.
4. Place you hands on your hips to align your hips and shoulders
perpendicular to the front of the mat.
5. Contract your inner core muscles by drawing in the navel and waist.
6. Sustain a feeling that your are containing the lower organs with a
circular band of muscle, then inhale and lift your left foot as your lean
your torso forward feeling a hinging motion at your hips.
7. Send your gaze straight down as you flex forward from the hips finding a
new focal point.
8. As your torso and left leg move into a parallel position with the floor,
lengthening both legs without locking into the bottom knee.
9. The left hip may lift higher than the right. Keep your left hip level
with the right hip feeling a shift into correct postural alignment.
10. Visualize more length moving into the left leg and spine. Continue the
rooting into the right foot and contracting into the core muscles.
11. To increase the effect of the balance, release your hands from your hips
and stretch your arms directly out to the sides expanding your chest or
directly forward in line with your head and neck.
12. If your arms are extended forward, turn your palms to face each other so
the shoulder blades can draw down away from your ears.
13. Breathe slowly and stay here for five to ten breaths.
14. To exit, inhale as you lift your chest and place your left foot back
into Mountain Pose.
15. Exhale as you lower your arms, and take a few breaths as you rest and
then repeat on the left side for the same length of time.
- For Beginners - If you find your balance is not steady, place one hand on
a wall.
- If coming forward to parallel with the floor is too vigorous, hinge
forward only part way while keeping your upper body and lifted leg in one
energetic line.
- For more challenge, extend your arms forward with your arms in line with
your head and neck. Hands can remain open, shoulder width apart, or you can
interlace your fingers with index fingers pointing forward (Shiva mudra).
This pose can also transition directly out of Virabhadrasana I by slowing
leaning forward onto the front foot and gradually lifting your back leg into
the balance. Extra coordination and greater awareness to hip alignment is
发帖数: 12988
11. Eagle Pose: Garudasana
Garudasana (gah-rue-DAHS-anna)
Garuda = mythic king of the birds (vehicle of Vishnu) / eagle
- Strengthens your thighs, ankles, and calves.
- Stretches your shoulders, arms and upper back.
- Develops focus and concetnration as it improves your balance and
- Knee Injuries - Avoid full version of foot behind calf-only cross one leg
over the other.
- Late term pregnancy and obesity (issues with balancing)
- Headache
- Medical conditions that affect balance
- Low blood pressure
1. Standing in Mountain Pose, place your feet parallel and hip width apart.
2. Extend your spine tall and fix your gaze forward at a focal point.
3. Contract your core muscles as you shift your weight into your right foot
and then slightly bend your knees.
4. As you inhale, raise your right foot and cross your right left over your
left thigh. Balance on your left foot keeping your left knee from traveling
too far forward over your toes.
5. Feel as though your are always bringing your body weight even throughout
the corners of your supporting foot, rather than letting the weight travel
heavy into your toe mounds. This will allow your to shift the force loads
out of your knee and more into your strong thigh and hip muscles.
6. If you right hip and knee feel ease, wrap your right toes around the back
of the right lower calf muscle and ankle.
7. Keep your left knee slightly bent and maintain a steadiness with the
contraction of your core muscles.
8. Keeping your gaze on a focal point and breathing, raise your arms
parallel to the floor.
9. Place you left elbow on the inside of your right elbow and bend your
elbows so that your forearms are perpendicular to the floor.
10. If the elbows feel ease, turn the palms outwards and continue crossing
the forearms so the plams come together.
11. Lightly reach the elbows forward to spread the back of your shoulders
and upper back. Lightly press the pad of your right thumb against the left
hand to further the twist in your wrists.
12. Hold for several breaths.
13. To exit, slowly unwind the limbs, uncross the legs and come back to
Mountain Pose.
14. Repeat on the other side, reversing arm and leg positions.
- For easier balance, place one hand on a wall.
- For less hip stretch, do not wrap your toes around your calf and instead
press the right big toe on the ground as the legs cross.
- For deeper version, slowly bend forward resting your right elbow on the
right knee.
发帖数: 12988
12. Tree Pose: Vrksasana
Vrksasana (vrik-SHAHS-anna)
vrksa = tree
- Stretches your inner thighs, groin and shoulders.
- Strengthens your thighs, calves, core, and foot muscles.
- Strengthens your posture.
- Calms and relaxes your mind and central nervous system.
- Develops balance.
- Increases your mind / body awareness.
- Late term pregnancy and obesity (issues with balancing)
- Headache
- Medical conditions that affect balance
- Insomnia
- High blood pressure - don't raise arms overhead
- Low blood pressure
1. Standing in Mountain Pose, place your feet parallel and hip width apart.
2. Extend your spine tall and fix your gaze forward at a focal point.
Contract your core muscles as you shift your weight to your right foot.
3. As you inhale, raise your left foot and place the sole of your left foot
on your ankle, calf, mid thigh, or upper thigh with your toes pointing down.
4. Keep your gaze at one point as you breathe.
5. Feel that your left knee is comfortably pointing out to the side.
6. The center of your pelvis should not drop to the left causing the entire
pelvis to shift right.
7. Gently press your left foot into the right inner leg. Visualize keeping
your hip points and shoulders level with the ground by engaging your right
outer hip muscles and pressing lightly into the right big toe mound.
8. Feel an energetic connection rising from the medial (inner) arch of the
right foot upwards to your inner groin line. Keep a light contraction in
your core muscles to keep the abdomen from falling forward.
9. Place palms in the prayer at the heart. As you inhale, slowly raise your
arms overhead with your hands still in prayer. Keep the shoulder blades from
rising to avoid tension in the neck. Continue to press your right foot
lightly into the ground as the crown of the head lifts. Stay here for
several breaths
10. As you exit, exhale and slowly lower your palms to heart and softly
place your left foot on the floor into Mountain Pose. Pause to shake the
right foot and repeat on the other side.
- If you have difficulty balancing, place a finger on a wall for support or
keep the left toes touching the floor as the left heel rests against the
right ankle.
- Roll up loose leggings if the foot slides down the support leg.
Tags: Yoga, Tree Pose, Vrksasana, asanas, yoga pose, poses, postures, pose
发帖数: 12988
13. Triangle Pose: Utthita Trikonasana
Utthita Trikonasana
(oo-TEE-tah trik-cone-AHS-anna)
utthita = extended, trikona = three angle
- Expands your chest and shoulders.
- Increases mobility of your hip joints.
- Increases neck mobility.
- Stretches your spinal muscles.
- Strengthens and tones muscles of your thights.
- Stretches calf muscles, hamstrings, and hip musculature.
- Increases proprioception (the sense of position in space) of feet and
- Neck Pain - Keep the head level and look straight forward.
- Low Back Pain - Turn the back foot in slightly to limit force across the -
- Sacroiliac joint, and allow the hip to naturally rotate inwards.
1. Stand at the top of your mat in Mountain Pose. Take a big step back (
approximately 3 feet) with your right foot, turning your foot towards the
side of the mat while keeping your left toes pointing forward. Your two hip
points are now facing the side of the mat.
2. Inhale as you take your arms out in a “T” with your palms pointing down
. You shoulders are relaxed while moving your shoulder blades down your
3. Exhale as you begin to hinge at your hip towards your left leg, deepening
the crease where your hip bone meets your pelvis.
4. Continue to reach out through the top of the head, keeping the spine long
, and both sides of the torso of equal length. Lift your knee cap on your
front thigh, contracting the quadriceps to support your knee.
5. Allow your left hand to float towards your (from beginner to advanced)
shin, a block on the inside of the foot, a block on the outside of the foot,
or your fingers/palm on the mat or big toe.
6. Your right arm will float up towards the sky, keeping the arms in a “T”
. Which ever hand position you choose for your bottom hand, ensure you keep
your spine and torso long, without creating a bend in the waist.
7. Draw your low belly in to support the lower spine.
8. Tuck your chin in slightly, lengthening the top of the neck near the
skull, and turn your gaze up towards your right hand.
9. Keep your connection with the earth, especially grounding with the
outside of your back foot, and all four corners of your front foot.
10. Breathe comfortably as you hold the position.
11. To exit the pose, on an exhale look down towards your left foot, draw
your low belly in, root down through the feet, and inhale as you rise up.
12. Turn and step back to the top of the mat and repeat on the opposite side.
- Use satya (truthfulness) with yourself to determine how far you will enter
into the pose. Often backing off our furthest limit in Trikonasana allows a
better opening in the pelvis and shoulders.
- Although the intention is to square our hips to side of the mat, do not
force this action which can put unnecessary stress across the joints of the
lower back. To increase the opening of your pelvis, move from your feet.
Connecting strongly through both feet (as above) to allow movement to
trickle up to the pelvis. Imagine the tailbone lengthening away from the
crown of the head and the crown away from the tail.
- Maintain space between the ribcage and the pelvis on both sides of the
body. Focus on keeping the spine long and avoid crunching your ribs into the
- If you have neck pain, keep the head level and look straight forward.
发帖数: 1322
thanks a lot!
发帖数: 12988
14. Gate Pose: Parighasana
parigha = a bar used for locking a gate
- Stretches your hamstrings.
- Strecther your adductor muscles and your calf muscles.
- Stretches the accessory muscles of breathing between your ribs.
- Stretched you torso muscles.
- Opens your chect and shoulders.
- Traditionally thought to stimulate your abdominal organs and your lungs.
- Patellar Bursitis / Tendonitis of the Knee - Do not perform this pose
kneeling on your injured knee. You may sit in a chair, with the injured
knee bent, foot flat on the floor.
- Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Injury of the Knee - This pose may put
too much strain on the extended leg, and an injured PCL may not be able to
support the knee sufficiently.
- Neck Pain / Dizziness - Do not look up towards the hand but simply look
straight forward.
1. Come into a kneeling position on your mat. Your toes can be curled under
for more stability and to open the soles of the feet, or you may place the
tops of your feet flat on your mat.
2. Extend your right leg out to your side, outwardly rotating at the hip so
that your knee cap is facing the sky.
3. Keep your extended leg in the same plane as the kneeling leg, and keep
the hip of you kneeling leg over your knee.
4. Inhale and reach your left arm overhead, lengthening the side of your
5. Exhale as you hinge over to the right, allowing the right hand to gently
rest on your thigh, skin, ankle or foot.
6. Keeping your left hip stacked over your left knee, reach the left arm
overhed, beside your ear, keeping your shoulder blade moving down your back.
7. Turn and gaze up towards the sky, keeping the back of your neck long.
8. Breathe comfortably as you hold.
9. To exit, energertically draw your inner thighs towards each other, draw
in the lower belly and then inhale as your lift up to verticle.
10. Exhale as you gently slide the extended leg back to kneeling and then
switch sides.
- In this pose your core muscles are holding you in place, not the position
of the hand on the leg. You should be able to keep the form of the pose
while hovering the hand above the extended leg.
- You may cushion your knee more by folding over your mat or placing a
blanket under your knee cap.
- Using a block – Instead of placing your hand on your extended leg, you
may use a block on the floor behind your leg, remembering there are 3
possible heights to the block.
- You may also point the toes of the extended leg, bringing the sole of your
foot down towards the floor. Maintain the outward rotation at the hip so
that the knee cap continues to face up towards the sky.
有人试过meditation吗?Hot yoga 初练
today's deal for arlington $47 for 7 classes我练Bikram Yoga 高温瑜珈 的感受:7 - 姿势分解
发帖数: 12988
15. Revolved Triangle Pose: Parivrtta Trikonasana
Parivrtta Trikonasana (par-ee-vrit-tah trik-cone-AHS-anna)
utthita = revolved
trikona = three angle
- Expands your chest and shoulders.
- Increases neck mobility.
- Stretches your spinal muscles and increases spinal range of motion.
- Strengthens and tones muscles of your tighs.
- Stretches your calf muscles, hamstrings, and hip musculature.
- Can relieve upper back tension.
- Increases proprioception (or the sense of position in space) of your feet
and ankles.
- Traditionally thought to stimulate abdominal organs.
- Neck Pain - Keep your head in line with the spine, do not look over your
- Low Back Pain / Sacroiliac Joint Pain - Ensure your hip points are facing
forward with your feet hip width apart, turn the back foot forward
significantly to limit force across the Sacroiliac joint and allow the twist
to move from the thoracic spine / upper back.
- History of lumbar or low back disc herniation or bulge.
- Low Blood Pressure - Do not fold below horizontal to keep the head level
with the heart.
1. Stand at the top of your mat in Mountain Pose / Tadasana.
2. Take a big step back (approximately three feet) with your right foot,
turn your foot out approximately 25 degrees or less to the side of the mat
while keeping your left toes pointing forward.
3. Your two hip points are now facing the side of the mat.
4. Note - Foot alignment with increasing difficulty. 1 - Feet hip width
apart. 2 - Heel to heel alignment. 3 - Heel to arch alignment.
5. Bring your left hand to your waist and as you inhale raise your right arm
overhead, lengthening your spine at the same time.
6. Root the outside of your back foot, draw in your lower belly to support
your low back and exhale as you hinge forward at the waist, keeping your
spine long and reaching out with your right arm.
7. Depending on your range of motion, allow your right hand to float towards
your (from beginner to advanced) shin, a block or the floor on the inside
of the foot, a block or the floor on the outside of the foot, or your
fingers looping your big toe.
8. Inhale and continue to lengthen out through the crown of your head,
keeping the spine long.
9. Root the outside of your back foot once again and keep your hips level,
imagining you could balance an object on your sacrum (the flat bony part at
the base of your spine).
10. Exhale and rotate to the left, extending your left arm up towards the
sky and turning to gaze at your left palm.
11. Breathe comfortably.
12. To exit the pose, on an exhale look down towards your left foot, draw
your low belly in, root down through the feet, and inhale as you rise up,
lowering your hands to your waist. Step back to the top of the mat and
repeat on the opposite side.
- Shoulder Injury / Tightness - Keep the revolved side hand at the waist
rather than extending it up towards the sky. This often enables those of us
with shoulder or chest tightness to get greater spinal rotation.
- Calf Injury / Tightness - If you are unable to keep your back heel on the
earth you can fold or roll up your mat under your back heel so that you can
practice rooting the foot. With time gradually decrease the amount of
height under your heel.
- Use caution with more advanced foot placement such as heel to heel
alignment or heel to arch alignment. These foot positions place your hips
and lower spine in rotation to the right first, before you attempt to rotate
to the left, thus increasing the tension and torque across the lower spine,
putting you at risk of injury.
- Although we may think of this as a spinal twist for our lower back, in
reality our lumbar spine has very little rotation, and the majority of the
twist comes from the upper back or thoracic spine. Think of leading the
twist from your heart centre to increase the rotation, while keeping your
lower ribs drawing in to gently engage the core.
发帖数: 12988
16. Half Moon Pose: Ardha Chandrasana
are-dah chan-DRAHS-anna
ardha = half
candra = shining, translated as "moon"
- Expands your chest and shoulders.
- Increases mobility of your hip joints.
- Increases neck mobility.
- Lengthens your sprinal muscles.
- Strengthens and tones muscles of your thighs and calves.
- Stretches your hamstrings and goin muscles.
- Increases proprioception (the sense of position in space) of the feet and
- Traditionally thought to improve digestion and menstruation, relieve
stress and aid in healing diseases of your legs.
- Neck Pain - Keep the head level and look straight forward.
- Low Back Pain / Sacroiliac Pain - Ensure you are drawing in the muscles of
your lower belly and the muscles of your pelvic floor (used to stop the
flow of urine) to support your pelvis and low back before entering the pose.
- Low Blood Pressure - This pose is similar to other inversions, where the
head is below the heart. Use a block under your support hand (see below) to
raise your head to the same level as your heart, or above.
1. Stand at the top of your mat in Mountain Pose. Take a big step back (
approximately 3 feet) with your right foot, turning your foot towards the
side of the mat while keeping your left toes pointing forward. Your two hip
points are now facing the side of the mat.
2. Take the arms out in a “T” with your palms pointing down; your
shoulders are relaxed while moving your shoulder blades down your back.
3. Place you right hand at your waist.
4. Start to bend your left knee, gradually shifting your weight into your
left leg as you lift your right foot off the floor. Maintain equal weight in
your inner arch, outer arch, forefoot, and heel of your standing foot.
5. Simultaneously allow your left hand to float towards the floor or a block
(see below), “spidering” your fingers so that you are on the finger pads
with fingers spread.
6. Your hand should be roughly 12 inches in front of your left foot, stacked
directly under your shoulder. Look down to begin, finding a drishti, or
gaze point that is unmoving.
7. Keep reaching out through the top of your head to encourage length in the
spine and neck
8. Flex your right foot strongly to align the shin, keeping your toes
pointing to the side wall.
9. Pressing out through your heel to lengthen the leg, raise your leg so
that it is parallel to the floor or eventually slightly higher to be in a
long line continuous with your waist.
10. Keeping your left knee cap lifted so that the quadriceps is contracted,
begin to straighten your standing leg. Imagine your tail tucking under
gently so that your right hip opens further to the right wall.
11. To deepen the pose you may extend your right arm up towards the sky,
palm facing the same direction as your right toes. You may also turn your
gaze to the side wall, or up to your right hand, continuing to lengthen out
through the top of your head.
12. Breathe comfortably for at least five breaths.
13. To exit the pose, exhale looking down towards your left foot, lower the
right hand to your waist, gracefully lowering the right foot back to the
earth just as you began.
14. Draw the low belly in, root down through your feet, and inhale as you
rise up.
15. Turn on your heels and repeat on the opposite side.
- Using a Block - Before you enter the pose, place a block at the top of the
mat. The block has three heights – tall and skinny, short and skinny, and
short and wide. Use the block just as you would use the floor. Often a block
can enable us to achieve more space and enjoyment in our pose.
- Although the intention is to square our hips to side of the mat, do not
force this action which can put unnecessary stress across the joints of the
lower back.
- First focus on stability and strength in both legs – rooting with all
four corners of the standing foot, and pressing out through the heel of the
raised leg – next ensure length in the spine by reaching out through the
crown of your head as well as through the tailbone. Then you can gently tuck
the tailbone and start to imagine an outward rotation at both hips to open
deeper into the pelvis.
- Do not lock your knee joint of the standing leg. Engage the quadriceps (
front thigh muscle) by lifting the knee cap up the leg. This avoids
hyperextension in the knee joint.
- If you have neck pain, keep your head level and look straight forward. If
the pain persists, you are not ready for the pose.
发帖数: 11850

【在 L**********s 的大作中提到】
: 05. Standing Forward Bend: Uttanasana
: Uttanasana (OOT-tan-AHS-anna)
: ut = intense
: tan= to stretch or extend
: Benefits:
: - The Standing Forward Bend pose:
: - Stretches your hips, hamstrings, and calves.
: - Strengthens your thighs and knees.
: - Massages your internal organs and helps improves digestion and cleanses
: mucous from the lungs.

发帖数: 12988
as long as you feel stretched. it is not about perfection, my dear.

【在 b**k 的大作中提到】
: 这个腿没伸直的,也行吗?
发帖数: 12988
17. Mountain Pose: Tadasana
Tadasana (tah-DHAS-anna)
tada = mountain
- Develops correct posture.
- Strengthens your thighs, ankles and feet.
- Tones your abdominal muscles.
- Calms and clears your mind and nervous system.
- Headache
- Medical conditions that affect balance
- Insomnia
- Low blood pressure
1. Stand with the inner edge of your big toes touching.
2. Align your feet parallel to each other by placing your heels slightly
apart, with the second and middle toes pointing forward. Encourage the toes
and bones of your feet to spread and increase in surface area. Allow your
toes to remain soft as you find balance over the four corners of your feet.
3. Feel a gentle grounding of the feet into the earth and allow your thigh
muscles to be active without locking the knees. Imagine your sit bones
slightly reaching down towards the inside of your heels as the pubic bone
slightly lifts towards the navel. Feel a line of energy lifting and
lightening your spine through the core, all the way up to the top of the
4. Keep your chin parallel to the floor maintaining length through the neck.
Feel a line of balance from the top of your head down through the pelvis.
5. As your gaze remains forward, imagine your chest and shoulder blades
equally broad and open. Release your shoulders giving space for the neck as
the top of your chest bone lightly lifts. Avoid sending your chest and ribs
out and forward. Let your arms drape beside your body naturally. Relax your
eyes, tongue and facial muscles.
6. Breathe slowly and with fluidity as you hold Mountain Pose for 30 seconds.
- If you have difficulty balancing, widen your feet a few inches keeping
your second and middle toes pointing forward.
- Stand with your back directly against a wall to find the alignment in this
pose. Your heels, sacrum (middle of pelvis), and shoulder blades gently
touch the wall. When your body is in proper alignment, your lower back and
back of the head should not touch the wall.
发帖数: 11850
hehe, ok
其实是总在p90x yoga里面听Tony说手够不到底没关系,重要是腿要伸直

【在 L**********s 的大作中提到】
: as long as you feel stretched. it is not about perfection, my dear.
发帖数: 3583

【在 b**k 的大作中提到】
: hehe, ok
: 其实是总在p90x yoga里面听Tony说手够不到底没关系,重要是腿要伸直
: 可能不同coach理解不同吧

发帖数: 11850


【在 n******d 的大作中提到】
: 我听到的是不要把膝关节锁住,能多直听从你身体的感觉,上身贴大腿是关键,也不知道对不对?
发帖数: 3583

【在 b**k 的大作中提到】
: 上身贴大腿这个是一样的,也就是靠骨盆而不是脊柱,不能弯背
: 知道对不对?

发帖数: 12988
松你的心. listen to your body, go with the flow and set your body and heart
如果你确实想perfect your postures, 在做这个stretch的动作时,我会建议坐着做,
如果身体不是很flexible的话,其实用辅助的毛巾,or yoga strap。保持脊柱(背部)
straight, 先让腹部靠近大腿,再慢慢让胸部贴近膝盖,最后才是头部尽量靠近脚踝处

【在 b**k 的大作中提到】
: hehe, ok
: 其实是总在p90x yoga里面听Tony说手够不到底没关系,重要是腿要伸直
: 可能不同coach理解不同吧

Arm pain - office syndrome (转载)Bigfuzzydoug’s Ten Points to Swimming (转载)
大家练瑜珈的时候会出汗吗?【游泳必读】 Bigfuzzydoug’s Ten Points to Swimming (转载)
发帖数: 12988
18. Extended Side Angle Pose: Utthita Parsvakonasana
(oo-TEE-tah parsh-vah-cone-AHS-anna)
utthita = extended
parsva = side, flank
kona = angle
- Strengthens your thighs, hips, knees, and ankles.
- Stretches your groin, back, spine, waist, ankles, lungs (intercostals) and
- Massages and stimulates your abdominal organs.
- Increases endurance and stamina.
- High or low blood pressure
- Knee injuries
- Headache
- Insomia
- Neck Problems – Keep your gaze in the same direction as the heart center
or gaze down to the floor allowing your neck to be even on both sides.
1. Begin in Mountain Pose. Exhale as you step three to four feet apart.
2. Lift your arms horizontally so they are parellel to the floor with your
palms facing down. Keep you arms full of engery as you feel your shoulder
blade and heart region open.
3. While your legs are straight, angle your left foot in slightly to the
right and turn your right foor out 90 degrees. The right heel should be
aligned with the left heel after adjusting your ankles.
4. Lightly contract your thighs, and then rotate your right thigh outward
just enough that the center of your kneecap follows the centerline of your
right ankle. Rotate the left hip slightly forward (or inwards), while
rotating your upper torso back to the left thus preventing your torso from
facing downwards later in the pose.
5. As you inhale, ground your left heel to the floor. Then exhale and bend
your right knee over your right ankle, so that the shin is perpendicular to
the floor (as if performing a Warrior stance).
6. As you bend your right knee, gently connect the outer right foot into the
earth so that your knee continues to follow an even, centered line over
your heel.
7. If your strength permits, position your right thigh parallel to the floor
. Do not allow your thigh or hips to fall lower than the level of your bent
8. Continue to ground your left heel to the floor. As you exhale, contract
your abdominal and core muscles as you place the right side of your torso
down on your right thigh. Without falling heavy into your thigh, press your
right fingertips (or palm) on the floor just outside of your right foot. 9.
Bring energy into the pose by connecting the right knee against the inner
arm. During this phase of the pose, your abdomen may passively push out
creating an increased arch in the lower back. To prevent this unwanted
passive arching, pull in your abdomen enough that your tail bone draws under
and towards the pubis.
9. As your left arm is now reaching straight up from the shoulder to the
ceiling, firm your shoulder blades against the back ribs. Then turn your
left palm to face toward your head, and as you inhale reach your arm over
the back of your left ear. Your palm should be facing the floor without
creating a crowded feeling in the neck and shoulder.
10. Continue to elongate and stretch from your left heel through your left
fingertips, feeling a natural lengthening along the entire left side of your
body. If comfortable, turn your head to look at the left arm while keeping
the sides of the neck even. As the left side of the body lengthens, mimick
this length along the right side of the torso as well. Stay evenly engaged
through both feet encouraging lightness rather than heaviness
Focus on long, rich breaths to fuel the thighs’ stamina. Stay for 30
seconds to 1 minute.
11. To exit, inhale as you press both heels actively into the floor. Feel
your left arm reach and pull you toward the ceiling. As your right leg
straightens, bring your spine balanced over your pelvis and flow your arms
horizontal to the floor. Reverse the feet and repeat for the same length of
time to the left. Then, return to Mountain Pose.
- For an increased stretch to your groin, perform this pose with the lower
arm in front of the bent-knee thigh. As your fingertips or hand connect with
the floor, bring the back of your right shoulder against the inner knee so
that your shoulder can firmly press into the knee.
- For Beginners - Instead of placing the hand on the floor, rest your
forearm on the top of your bent-knee thigh. Avoid resting on the thigh and
collapsing into the right shoulder. Encourage the length to move between
right shoulder and neck and to lightly lift the upper body weight away from
the bent-knee thigh. Beginners may also place a block under the hand as a
发帖数: 1154


【在 L**********s 的大作中提到】
: 在这个帖子里,我会慢慢贴一些瑜伽动作的照片和相对应的名称(Sanskrit and
: English names)。
: 有很多动作,在不同的瑜伽流派里,有不同的名字。我们就取比较常用的好了,反正,名字无所谓,动作做好了就行。
: 还有,排名不分先后,LOL
: 下面的信息,是从http://www.myyogaonline.com 上拿来的,感谢感谢。他们的图片够大,每个动作说明得很详细。如果有错误的地方,欢迎大家指正。

发帖数: 1154

【在 L**********s 的大作中提到】
: 01. Downward Facing Dog Pose: Adho Mukha Svanasana
: Adho Mukha Svanasana (AH-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAHS-anna)
: adho = downward
: mukha = face
: svana = dog
: Benefits
: - Elongates and releases tension from your spine
: - Stretches your hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands
: - Strengthens your arms, shoulders, and back
: - Improves mobility of your digestive system

发帖数: 11850


【在 L**********s 的大作中提到】
: 不好意思,我原本只是要你放松一些,哈哈哈。练瑜伽时,最重要是放松你的肌肉,放
: 松你的心. listen to your body, go with the flow and set your body and heart
: free.
: 如果你确实想perfect your postures, 在做这个stretch的动作时,我会建议坐着做,
: 如果身体不是很flexible的话,其实用辅助的毛巾,or yoga strap。保持脊柱(背部)
: straight, 先让腹部靠近大腿,再慢慢让胸部贴近膝盖,最后才是头部尽量靠近脚踝处
: 。如果一时靠不近,也没关系,就拉着毛巾或者strap,不要弯腰。慢慢地练,就好,
: 千万不要急。急了,容易受伤。

发帖数: 12988

【在 b**k 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢,我原先的柔韧性还可以,做这个动作问题不大
: 我主要的问题在于髋关节,经常容易掰筋,尤其横向分不开
: 现在觉得这个放松挺有学问的,比如之前练的那个孕妇瑜伽,末尾总让人侧躺着放松,
: 很容易睡着。但又不是真的松,老师提到那块肉哪块就刻意松一下,换下一块不由得上
: 一块又紧了点,以保持身体的平衡。很有趣,很难每一块都同时真的松。不由想到,死
: 人挺尸该是什么个姿势呢?
: heart

发帖数: 11850

【在 L**********s 的大作中提到】
: 笑死!死人挺尸。。。
: corpse据说是最难练的一个动作,有段时间我常常躺那里,闭目养神,然后才发现,妈
: 呀,我从来都是这里放松了,那里又紧张了。看起来躺那里啥都没做,其实只有自己知
: 道,忙得很咧。

发帖数: 7178

【在 b**k 的大作中提到】
: hehe, ok
: 其实是总在p90x yoga里面听Tony说手够不到底没关系,重要是腿要伸直
: 可能不同coach理解不同吧

发帖数: 7178

【在 L**********s 的大作中提到】
: 笑死!死人挺尸。。。
: corpse据说是最难练的一个动作,有段时间我常常躺那里,闭目养神,然后才发现,妈
: 呀,我从来都是这里放松了,那里又紧张了。看起来躺那里啥都没做,其实只有自己知
: 道,忙得很咧。

发帖数: 5079
Thanks! Really helpful!

【在 L**********s 的大作中提到】
: 16. Half Moon Pose: Ardha Chandrasana
: are-dah chan-DRAHS-anna
: ardha = half
: candra = shining, translated as "moon"
: Benefits:
: - Expands your chest and shoulders.
: - Increases mobility of your hip joints.
: - Increases neck mobility.
: - Lengthens your sprinal muscles.
: - Strengthens and tones muscles of your thighs and calves.

发帖数: 5477
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一个公主和一个在morgan stanley的帅T的故事today's deal for arlington $47 for 7 classes
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