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sysop版 - Re: new WWW: IP based scheme is not reliable
lucent, huth请进can this be a bug?
Gangs of Chicago24 PORT 有问题
Re: 一个建议:WWW bug again
被踢掉的原因Suggestion about the repeat login
Re: 这个算个问题吧?求助:: 聊天视问题!
a suggestion to new interfaceFAQ--Bug (3k必须看)
WWW bug!这个BBS怎么会事儿???
话题: www话题: stamp话题: scheme话题: ip话题: let
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7
mm, you still have not understood the security implication of this scheme.
Let me explain how a person B can hijack another person B's account to send
unauthorized letter under new WWW interface.
new WWW apparently uses a time stamp to maintain a login session, which is
shown in the URL: Stamp=########. The Stamp, unfortunately, is Unix time()
function return value (93####, my guess, I believe is true) when a person
Let's image B logins at time X, and post a letter on this BBS at time X+y
发帖数: 7
mm, you still have not understood the security implication of this scheme.
Let me explain how a person B can hijack another person B's account to send
unauthorized letter under new WWW interface.
new WWW apparently uses a time stamp to maintain a login session, which is
shown in the URL: Stamp=########. The Stamp, unfortunately, is Unix time()
function return value (93####, my guess, I believe is true) when a person
Let's image B logins at time X, and post a letter on this BBS at time X+y (
y is a positive number). A & B shares same proxy so they appears to have
the same IP address to the BBS server. A finds B's post and know the time X1
the letter is posted (easily got from the post itself). Now A knows if B is
online, he must login at a not so distant time before X1.
Now if A knows something of HTTP and programming, he can start trying access
This page is the top 10 hottest topics http page, it can be anything BBS WWW
page. X2 is the Unix time stamp, starts from X1. Since B won't stay so long,
probably 10 minutes later he posts his first letter, A need only try 10 * 60
times to get a positive answer to know B's login timestamp. From that time on,
A can officially fake as B and post letters in B's name!
The BBS WWW needs a more elaborated way to control Web sessions, not on IP
or any predictable ways.
1 (共1页)
怎么激活Re: 这个算个问题吧?
Re: MIT网页的设计者是猪啊?a suggestion to new interface
帐号总是登陆不进去,请帮助~WWW bug!
lucent, huth请进can this be a bug?
Gangs of Chicago24 PORT 有问题
Re: 一个建议:WWW bug again
被踢掉的原因Suggestion about the repeat login
话题: www话题: stamp话题: scheme话题: ip话题: let