h********a 发帖数: 6364 | 1 怎么我的帐号登陆不了呢
输入帐号和密码sign in就跟没反应一样,
要reset 的话就提示
There's a temporary problem
There's a temporary problem with the service. Please try again. If you
continue to get this message, try again later.
尝试"It looks like this inbox has been blocked"
Internal error
The server encountered an internal error while
your request was being processed that prevented the page from being
包子感谢 | h********a 发帖数: 6364 | 2 哦,好象是hotmail自己服务器出问题了
【在 h********a 的大作中提到】 : 怎么我的帐号登陆不了呢 : 输入帐号和密码sign in就跟没反应一样, : 要reset 的话就提示 : There's a temporary problem : There's a temporary problem with the service. Please try again. If you : continue to get this message, try again later. : 尝试"It looks like this inbox has been blocked" : 那里点连接过去还是 : Internal error : The server encountered an internal error while