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astrology版 - The Survival Guide for Dating the Scorpio Male
哪些星座的人是口蜜腹剑?哪些则是面恶心善?天蝎七月前瞻 Susan Miller
Saturn in Scorpio:the ruthless power我太邪恶了
天蝎的使命soul mission老片回顾
Scorpio Horoscope for February 2011 zz瞎扯情人节
天蝎:we invented sexy !寂静的上元夜
十二星座兴趣爱好 Hobbies By Zodiac Sign(ZZ)[合集] 趁风儿也转一篇关于天蝎の
话题: he话题: him话题: don话题: your话题: so
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 13789
1. Leave your insecurities at the door. We all have them, yes. But if
you’re going to handle this ride, you’re going to have to be as confident
and self-assured as possible. Though he may be flattering and complimentary
at times, he also has a tendency to be brutally honest, no matter whose
feelings it hurts. And he doesn’t see why it should bother you anyway. So
don’t even try to argue with him why it’s mean to ask you if your ass
got bigger. He was just asking an honest question. And who knows, he might
like the fact it did … even if he doesn’t say.
2. Accept the double standard. Yeah, it’s not fair. But who ever said
life was going to be? He has his set of rules to play by and a set he
assigns to you. This isn’t to say though, that you can’t add a few of
your own for yourself. In fact, though he might give you a hard time for it
, deep down he’ll respect you more. Just know it will most often be “do
as I say, not as I do.” In the long run, you’ll spare yourselves both a
lot of time and energy not arguing this point. Protest a little if it makes
you feel better, but pacify him with this trait and he’ll be far more kind
and loving. And that’s all you really want anyway.
3. Learn to read in between the lines. In the underworld, what you see is
not what you get. There’s a whole lot more going on behind the scenes.
If someone’s ever accused of reading to much into things, you’ll do well
with this lesson. Because you need to read into everything. He’s
communicating with you, it’s just probably not in a language you understand
. No means yes. I hate you means I love you. Go away means come here.
Not always, but sometimes. You’re going to have to get adept at reading
his mind and learning his ways. But rest assured, he’s sending strong
messages. You just need to learn how to decipher them.
4. Be sexually open. I’m not saying you have to be a nympho, but be
comfortable with your sexuality. Be open to all things sex encompasses.
For him it’s not just about getting your jollies, it’s not even just about
an emotional connection. It’s everything. This could be anything from
educating himself on a new position to as far out as a spiritual awakening.
It can be – and often is – a form of communication and evolution. But
whatever it is, it’s transformational for him. Be open with your body,
your mind, your heart and your soul. For you too will be transformed in the
5. Don’t need him. Act like you need him, let him need you, but don’t
need him to survive. Be self-sufficient. Be able to walk away. Be able to
stand alone and be alright with that. This is not to say to not love or be
devoted or even attached to him. Just know there will be times he may
withdraw back into the underworld and you will be left alone. Not forever,
just for the time being. If you can ride out these moments, and take care
of yourself, you will be rewarded upon his return. Sometimes you may need
to coax him back into the light, sometimes he wants you to come rescue him,
but do so gently and patiently.
6. Be okay with moodiness. When you’re as sensitive as this sign is, you
’re susceptible to the moods and feelings of everything around you. This
can be very taxing on them, and it’s sometimes difficult for them to
understand where they stop and everyone else begins. Chances are, unless
you’re another fellow Scorpio, he’s got a larger repertoire of emotions
and feelings than you do. So there’s more to go through. Be patient, be
understanding, but don’t be a doormat. If he’s acting out, feel free to
call him on it – in a firm, unemotional way – and have an exit plan to
relieve yourself from it until the waters calm down a bit. A simple “I
understand you’re upset, but i don’t care to listen to this. I’m going to
get my nails done and relax while you work this out for yourself. I will
be back later this afternoon and maybe we can go see a movie if you’re
feeling up to it.” He may not like it, but chances are – when you return
and with a little head-patting and reassurance of love – he’ll move into
one of his many loving moods and all will be right in the world. For now, at
7. Let him win. Or at least let him think he did. Put up a good fight.
He likes the challenge, but there will more peace in the land if you just
let him win. And if it’s something you absolutely have to have go your way
, let him think it was his idea. And if you’re super clever, even argue
against your own point. He likes being contrary, so he’ll naturally
gravitate to the other side of the argument, even if he agrees with you deep
down. Reverse psychology goes a long with this sign. Learn to master it.
8. Don’t apply emotional pressure. He’s got enough of that in himself.
Yours are going to throw him over the edge. So that means when those angry
tears start erupting from your eyes and your voice starts hitting those
shrill high notes, he’s about ready to bounce. And don’t expect him to be
nice about it. He’s going to shut down and you’ll get that Scorponic
chilliness they are so famous for. You don’t have to bottle up your
feelings, but don’t launch an attack with them. He may be liable to launch
back … and at your weakest moment. Tell him you’re upset, let a few tears
drop, but excuse yourself until you can speak about it a calm manner. You’
ll save yourself a lot more tears with this preventative measure.
9. Be real – always. Don’t pretend to be interested in things he is if
you’re not. Don’t fake emotions if you’re not feeling them. Don’t
portray yourself one way when you’re really something else. He can see you
for who you really are. He may even know things about you that you don’t
even know about yourself. But any attempt to be other than authentic will
have him immediately mistrusting you – and you’ve practically lost the
game if that happens. And don’t be scared to show him the not so pretty
sides. He appreciates them because he knows we all have them.
10. If you think love should be easy, walk away now. He doesn’t, and love
is not an easy journey for him. So his relationships will not be either.
That doesn’t mean they won’t be fulfilling or worthwhile, they just won’t
be easy. But that’s not a bad thing. The good things in life often aren’t
easy. And sometimes it’s the blood, sweat and tears that make them so
rewarding in the end. He’s just not going to be the easiest person to deal
with, but he knows that. And he understands – to a certain extent – your
frustration. But if you can understand him and appreciate him for his
extreme ways, he will be more loyal and more devoted to you than most while
creating a life for you both that is nothing short of breathtaking.
发帖数: 144
发帖数: 13789
1 (共1页)
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Scorpio Horoscope for February 2011 zz瞎扯情人节
话题: he话题: him话题: don话题: your话题: so