

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
astrology版 - 月亮相位解析- Part III 刑相位 square
月亮相位解析- Part II 六合sextile苏珊米勒2012年4月巨蟹运势 (zz)
月亮相位解析- Part IV 拱相位 trine月亮相位解析- Part V 对冲相位 opposed
zz 月亮相位解析- Part I 合相这篇专门分析梅花相位 (四楼随便翻译了点内容)
有人贴过susan miller的11月运势么???大家也帮我看看星盘,谢谢~(星盘和相位见26楼)
合盘:Compatibility and Synastry Chart (zt)科普贴:十星体之间的刑冲相位
苏珊米勒2012年3月天蝎运势 (zz)大三角
苏珊米勒2012年3月白羊运势 (zz)双鱼七月前瞻 Susan Miller
苏珊米勒2012年3月双子运势 (zz)天蝎七月前瞻 Susan Miller
话题: moon话题: square话题: your话题: mercury话题: between
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发帖数: 2446
Moon square Mercury
The square formed between the Moon and Mercury suggests conflict between
your mind and your emotions. You have difficulties making reasonable
judgments because your feelings get in the way. Irrational decisions place
you at odds with people sometimes, and you have the feeling that you're
being treated unfairly when this may not be the case. You dwell on trivial
personal matters and may have a real sense of insecurity. You can
communicate well with those that are very close to
发帖数: 2446
Moon square Jupiter
The square formed between the Moon and Jupiter shows a state of emotional
excess. This aspect causes you to make hasty, sometimes regrettable
decisions. Often, you have a lack of concern about what others think when
you make snap judgments and irresponsible decisions on too few facts. You
are self-indulgent, and frequently too indulgent of others, as well. You can
be generous to a fault, periodically finding yourself short of needed funds
. Your happy-go-lucky demeanor makes
发帖数: 2446
Moon square Uranus
The square formed between the Moon and Uranus promises an ingenious imagination. It also produces emotional perversity and sudden inexplicable changes in moods. You become easily bored, throwing over one activity for something else more exciting. Frequent upsets and changes in circumstances, may be the order of your life. Your hair-trigger temper can fly whenever, even toward those close to you. This aspect denotes much emotional tension. As you mature, this aspect may mark yo
1 (共1页)
天蝎七月前瞻 Susan Miller合盘:Compatibility and Synastry Chart (zt)
水瓶座大概都在忙工作的事情苏珊米勒2012年3月天蝎运势 (zz)
苏珊米勒2012年1月双鱼运势 (by tipsy)苏珊米勒2012年3月白羊运势 (zz)
苏珊米勒2012年1月天蝎运势 (ZZ)苏珊米勒2012年3月双子运势 (zz)
月亮相位解析- Part II 六合sextile苏珊米勒2012年4月巨蟹运势 (zz)
月亮相位解析- Part IV 拱相位 trine月亮相位解析- Part V 对冲相位 opposed
zz 月亮相位解析- Part I 合相这篇专门分析梅花相位 (四楼随便翻译了点内容)
有人贴过susan miller的11月运势么???大家也帮我看看星盘,谢谢~(星盘和相位见26楼)
话题: moon话题: square话题: your话题: mercury话题: between