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_ZST版 - [转载] Wear sun screen:)-- (2)Re: 怎样的生活
Quotes of the Day萎男有知音了
[合集] Quotes of the Daywearing ring everyday?
Re: suckElizabeth Edwards' Final Days(ZZ)
[转载] Wear sun screen:)--(1)Re: 怎样的生活Dennis Rodman finally meets his father
[转载] Wear sunscreen:)--(3)Re: 怎样的生活The Strain Theory of Marriage - 8
别了, 老刀!!原来老墨对桃色时间最冷漠
眼泪数模一不小心说了实话Al and Tipper Gore separate after 40 years zz
the truth wears off这样很好
话题: wear话题: screen话题: sun话题: 怎样话题: www
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 332
【 以下文字转载自 Boston 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: Evy (皇家农民/老白脸倒骑小粉驴), 信区: Boston
标 题: Wear sun screen:)-- (2)Re: 怎样的生活
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Fri Nov 15 23:58:06 2002) WWW-POST
10. Understand friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold
on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the older
you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young;
11. Accept certain inalienable truths: Price will rise. Politicians will
philander. You, will get old. And whe
1 (共1页)
这样很好[转载] Wear sunscreen:)--(3)Re: 怎样的生活
politicians don't count. It's the people. We are behind trump all the way to White House."别了, 老刀!!
看外国人怎么写2010中国高考作文:仰望天空,脚踏实地the truth wears off
Quotes of the Day萎男有知音了
[合集] Quotes of the Daywearing ring everyday?
Re: suckElizabeth Edwards' Final Days(ZZ)
[转载] Wear sun screen:)--(1)Re: 怎样的生活Dennis Rodman finally meets his father
话题: wear话题: screen话题: sun话题: 怎样话题: www