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_IrishFootball版 - 我们的一点小数据
Other Freshmen interview video下场对MSU将是你们的转折点
So What?有消息说,肉鸡的老车要退休了
About ND's BCS contract今年最好的结局: split nc
BCS 如火如荼,Playoff 灯火阑珊(一镐多投)ND为什么不加入big ten啊
Notre Dame has the nations toughest schedulend还能排在25以内么
New season football predictionyy一下
[合集] New season football prediction今天明显是黑了大树
[合集] ND has good recruits this year so far现在开始考虑
话题: nd话题: teams话题: played话题: team话题: fri
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3137
【 以下文字转载自 NCAA 讨论区 】
发信人: kellyliu (Go Irish!), 信区: NCAA
标 题: 我们的一点小数据
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 19 12:00:16 2007), 转信
ND is 1 of the only 2 teams that haven't played a team with losing record.
This season, ND is the only 1 team that played 8 staight BCS-conference
teams. The second longest streak is FL-Atlantic, with 4 consecutive.
22个人今年第一次首发, 1个senior, 5个junior, 11 soph, 5 freshmen.
1 (共1页)
现在开始考虑Notre Dame has the nations toughest schedule
呵呵, 给我们一点希望New season football prediction
苦x求职路的一点总结[合集] New season football prediction
万能的LA版啊---请推荐一个素菜馆[合集] ND has good recruits this year so far
Other Freshmen interview video下场对MSU将是你们的转折点
So What?有消息说,肉鸡的老车要退休了
About ND's BCS contract今年最好的结局: split nc
BCS 如火如荼,Playoff 灯火阑珊(一镐多投)ND为什么不加入big ten啊
话题: nd话题: teams话题: played话题: team话题: fri