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_FilmArts版 - more about musicals Re: chicago sucks too!
chicago sucks too!最近看的电影
大家知不知道[转载] more about musicals Re: chicago sucks too!
Musical movies :) Re: chicago sucks too!Re: Self-realization and music
Music of the movie"Unbearable lightness.大家都来说说怎么喜欢上歌剧,音乐剧或者唱歌什么的吧
"The Saddest Music in the World"Cats
Buena Vista Social clubPlease recommend: Broadway shows/musicals for 9-yrs old girl NYC
Travelers and Magicians[转载] 在纽约看musical (一)
话题: songs话题: phantom话题: musicals话题: like话题: webber
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 204

I like Les Mis better than Phantom, possibly because the former was my very
first experience with live performance like this. Everything impressed me, the
songs, the stage design, the performance. I was listening to the songs for a
long time after the show. By the time I watched Phantom, I was already quite
familiar with the songs. Still, the ending fascinated me. I used to like
Webber a lot, but somehow that interests have worn off...
Taste in such things is pure personal preference. Some peop
发帖数: 878
ah, I thought we were talking about musical movie. Nice education, though.


【在 p*********e 的大作中提到】
: I like Les Mis better than Phantom, possibly because the former was my very
: first experience with live performance like this. Everything impressed me, the
: songs, the stage design, the performance. I was listening to the songs for a
: long time after the show. By the time I watched Phantom, I was already quite
: familiar with the songs. Still, the ending fascinated me. I used to like
: Webber a lot, but somehow that interests have worn off...
: Taste in such things is pure personal preference. Some peop

发帖数: 859
hehe. agree to most of your comments. haven't seen aida (just hate
elton john, his songs are too pop and cheesy...although lion king
compensates this with its fantastic staging,costume, and lighting).
can't see jane eyre could be a good musical, it's rather suitable
for a play. didn't know la boheme has broadway show version now...
can't understand why they want to produce it since the music stays
the same. anyway, the opera itself is worthy to see. as for the
phantom, i still like webber's quas

【在 p*********e 的大作中提到】
: I like Les Mis better than Phantom, possibly because the former was my very
: first experience with live performance like this. Everything impressed me, the
: songs, the stage design, the performance. I was listening to the songs for a
: long time after the show. By the time I watched Phantom, I was already quite
: familiar with the songs. Still, the ending fascinated me. I used to like
: Webber a lot, but somehow that interests have worn off...
: Taste in such things is pure personal preference. Some peop

发帖数: 859
hmm, blame dolce...
the last one s/he mentioned is musical movie though,
a great one that i believe lots of people love.

【在 R****e 的大作中提到】
: ah, I thought we were talking about musical movie. Nice education, though.
: hehe
: the

1 (共1页)
请问下长周末去看百老汇的剧"The Saddest Music in the World"
Please help to find some broadway musical shows.Buena Vista Social club
明后天在纽约玩 请教买票看歌剧Travelers and Magicians
Les Mis! Les Mis! (一)《夜半歌声》
chicago sucks too!最近看的电影
大家知不知道[转载] more about musicals Re: chicago sucks too!
Musical movies :) Re: chicago sucks too!Re: Self-realization and music
Music of the movie"Unbearable lightness.大家都来说说怎么喜欢上歌剧,音乐剧或者唱歌什么的吧
话题: songs话题: phantom话题: musicals话题: like话题: webber