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_BibleStudy版 - ===Morning Nourishment (2/5/2003) ===
请求弟兄姐妹的祷告[诗歌] O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (转载)
晨兴圣言 Morning Nourishment 2/6/2003[Piano] Hallelujah (哈利路亚) (转载)
Morning Nourishment 2/7/2003圣经教导关于饶恕的理解和应用讨论
Morning Nourishment 2/13/2003海德堡要理问答主日01,6版本对照
"self-esteem海德堡要理问答主日21 (转载)
O Holy Night (Charlotte Church & 多明戈)Great Christians -- Jim Elliot
【一年精读圣经】7/8 箴言 第8章Great Christians -- Eric Liddell
11月罗马书查经-第12章Great Christians -- Livingstone
话题: morning话题: rejoice话题: lord话题: 2003
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 123
Dear brothers and sisters,let’s read and get nourishment from our Lord every
morning. The following contents are from a book published by Living Stream
Ministry, which can be bought from www.lsm.org
Morning Nourishment
1 Cor 1:9. God is faithful, through whom you were called into the fellowship
of His son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Phil. 2:18, 4:4 And in like manner you also rejoice, and you rejoice together
with me.
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
1 (共1页)
Great Christians -- Livingstone"self-esteem
[转载] 儆醒祷告 (By Watchman Nee, Living Stream Ministry)O Holy Night (Charlotte Church & 多明戈)
vanityfair转的东西都不错,【一年精读圣经】7/8 箴言 第8章
Re: about Local Church11月罗马书查经-第12章
请求弟兄姐妹的祷告[诗歌] O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (转载)
晨兴圣言 Morning Nourishment 2/6/2003[Piano] Hallelujah (哈利路亚) (转载)
Morning Nourishment 2/7/2003圣经教导关于饶恕的理解和应用讨论
Morning Nourishment 2/13/2003海德堡要理问答主日01,6版本对照
话题: morning话题: rejoice话题: lord话题: 2003