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Working版 - Layoff News: Target and Ebay's Magento Division (转载)
有没有特别烦公司里那些倚老卖老的supporting staff的one article form BW Jan 12 about outsourcing
该不该当TEAM LEAD职场沉浮的感慨
年终被layoff, 身份紧急求助!!!where are the jobs?
how do you feel if you are " quiet"?????[合集] 大屠杀开始了!---关于outsoursing的讨论
公司layoff人到底要不要给两个月的notice?Re: please tell me, is this just a rumor?
Lay off 后找工作正确 Re: 千万不要对公司产生爱情
Job Opportunity: Magento E-commerce developerRe: A Boiled Frog
[转载] 97年回国老海龟的一点肺腑之言 zt[合集] 出征
话题: ebay话题: layoff话题: magento话题: management
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18403
【 以下文字转载自 ITRelief 俱乐部 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: ITRelief
标 题: Layoff News: Target and Ebay's Magento Division
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Apr 19 20:20:59 2014, 美东)
target倒是confirm layoff 400. mainly in tech services
and human resources:
他们吹捧外包烙印的CIO滚蛋了, 不知道
烙印是不是牺牲了白女, 乘虚而入了。
------------------------- Ebay
1. Ebay 也在layoff (3/13/2014) Magento Division:
2. Ebay's outsourcing department worker on ebay:
I always had to defend my job in the Outsourcing Department, since
outsourcing was never a popular topic. eBay’s former CEO, Meg Whitman, ran
for governor of California and was defeated in large part to her role in
outsourcing jobs from eBay. My thoughts on outsourcing in general are mixed.
eBay did a good job when it outsourced, because it never laid off any
internal employees. In fact, outsourcing allowed the company to move people
from lower level jobs like answering basic emails and chats, to higher level
, such as account management. But perhaps it would have been possible to do
Many of us felt Meg Whitman pandered to the stock analysts. The stock value
was her only concern, and the stock analysts cared about margins. So she did
what she had to do to improve the margins. I’m glad Obama found ways to
incentivize companies to return work to the US. I wish he got more credit
for doing so in the US. We have a notoriously short memory.
Glassdoor's review of Ebay:
“Very bad management. Conduct mass layoff recently, using moving to Seattle
as excuse. What a bad business decision.”
Anonymous Employee (Current Employee)
I have been working at eBay Inc. full-time for more than 8 years
Pros – Work life balance is reasonable.
Cons – A lot of politics among camp of management that came from big
Advice to Senior Management – Blame the non-performance of eBay division on
the management rather than the rank and file. No leadership.
No, I would not recommend this company to a friend
1 (共1页)
[合集] 出征公司layoff人到底要不要给两个月的notice?
lay off 残酷场景回放 (往事不堪回首)(1)Lay off 后找工作
[合集] lay off 残酷场景回放 (往事不堪回首)(1)Job Opportunity: Magento E-commerce developer
DC的ICC东窗事发了,哈哈[转载] 97年回国老海龟的一点肺腑之言 zt
有没有特别烦公司里那些倚老卖老的supporting staff的one article form BW Jan 12 about outsourcing
该不该当TEAM LEAD职场沉浮的感慨
年终被layoff, 身份紧急求助!!!where are the jobs?
how do you feel if you are " quiet"?????[合集] 大屠杀开始了!---关于outsoursing的讨论
话题: ebay话题: layoff话题: magento话题: management