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Working版 - (转)诚心请教, 有人做过 Wipro 的 Contractor 吗
工作选择多,头疼问题在当前形势下,contractor的hourly rate能达到比工资高25%吗
遇到很烦恼的事儿,请大家帮我出出主意consulting 公司
想问个contractor offer得问题 (转载)wipro
这儿有做独立 IT consultant 的吗?被印度人毁掉的公司清单?
有谁是自己开公司做consultant/contractor 做corp to corp 的么?快四张的码工郁闷中
有人做过大公司的contractor么? (转载)[包子问]Contract role 和Permanent position 的区别在哪?
请推荐NY州工作non-compete律师 (转载)请教Contractor vs. Full time
话题: wipro话题: contractor话题: 做过话题: 诚心话题: india
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 38
在现在的 fulltime(小公司)干得不开心. 有一个职位是 Wipro 的 Contractor. 比现
在的工资高 30%. 6个月,recruiter说 project应该持续一两年, 但要到5个月才知道
是不是要续. 我有EAD,不用担心身份问题, 但从未做过 Contractor, 想诚心请教做过
(1) 是不是 Contractor 都被 client 看的很紧, 没有自己的时间?
(2) 是不是最后很多都不会续,这样自己又得找工作?
(3) Wipro是个India的公司, 有人做过吗?
(4) 签Contract的时候, 都应该仔细看什么?
发帖数: 3042
I used to deal with a lot Indian vendors, including TCS, Wipro, Congnizant,
They used to be really bad, but have improved a lot lately. If you don't
need H1B, I don't see anything to worry about.
To answer your question
1. Not really, for big consulting companies like Wipro, it's usually the on-
site manager (also from Wipro) that assigns you work. The terms can be
worked out between you and the manager.
2. True for smaller vendors, but for companies like Wipro, they are likely
to find a new project for you, but you may have to relocate.
3. I rarely saw non-indians working for wipro.
4. I know they made their employees to sign a lot contracts before rotating
them to the US. But as far as I knew, most of them are not enforceable under
the US employment law. So there's not much to worry about. Of course, it's
the best to check with a lawyer once you have the terms at hand.

【在 c********g 的大作中提到】
: 在现在的 fulltime(小公司)干得不开心. 有一个职位是 Wipro 的 Contractor. 比现
: 在的工资高 30%. 6个月,recruiter说 project应该持续一两年, 但要到5个月才知道
: 是不是要续. 我有EAD,不用担心身份问题, 但从未做过 Contractor, 想诚心请教做过
: Contractor同学给点参考意见,十分感谢!
: (1) 是不是 Contractor 都被 client 看的很紧, 没有自己的时间?
: (2) 是不是最后很多都不会续,这样自己又得找工作?
: (3) Wipro是个India的公司, 有人做过吗?
: (4) 签Contract的时候, 都应该仔细看什么?

发帖数: 38
Thanks snowslope. I will not be directly hired by Wipro. There is another
middle man here, which is a consulting firm who contact me first about this
Wipro opportunity. So I will be hired as contractor
for this consulting company to work for Wipro as a consultant on the client
I don't have any issue working with India thou. I had worked with many of
them before in another big company.


【在 s*******e 的大作中提到】
: I used to deal with a lot Indian vendors, including TCS, Wipro, Congnizant,
: etc.
: They used to be really bad, but have improved a lot lately. If you don't
: need H1B, I don't see anything to worry about.
: To answer your question
: 1. Not really, for big consulting companies like Wipro, it's usually the on-
: site manager (also from Wipro) that assigns you work. The terms can be
: worked out between you and the manager.
: 2. True for smaller vendors, but for companies like Wipro, they are likely
: to find a new project for you, but you may have to relocate.

1 (共1页)
请教Contractor vs. Full time这儿有做独立 IT consultant 的吗?
一老印找我给他client meeting压阵有谁是自己开公司做consultant/contractor 做corp to corp 的么?
Facebook 有个老中女的终于控告印度老板了有人做过大公司的contractor么? (转载)
川普快意恩仇,真英雄也 - 昔日印度H1B大户疯狂裁员 明年或空出 (转载)请推荐NY州工作non-compete律师 (转载)
工作选择多,头疼问题在当前形势下,contractor的hourly rate能达到比工资高25%吗
遇到很烦恼的事儿,请大家帮我出出主意consulting 公司
想问个contractor offer得问题 (转载)wipro
话题: wipro话题: contractor话题: 做过话题: 诚心话题: india