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Working版 - Research Scientist 的 prevailing wage 大约多少? (转载)
H1B Prevailing Wage问题
问牛牛们一个关于 Prevailing Wage Determination 的问题
急问 H1B transfer
H1B 1st 3 year extension DIY need HELP!!! 9035 LCA
推荐:手把手教你怎么查找h1b的prevailing wage (转载)
h1b LCA申请的问题 (转载)
Prevailing wage 和 H1-B 延期-有经验的,请帮忙看看
H1b transfer 多久能够收到receipt
话题: scientist话题: research话题: prevailing话题: wage话题: iss
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 546
【 以下文字转载自 Postdoc 讨论区 】
发信人: tshen (ghost), 信区: Postdoc
标 题: Research Scientist 的 prevailing wage 大约多少?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 23 21:32:10 2010, 美东)
终于说服老板把postdoc的title搞成research scientist了,2月份就准备开始办H1B,
到今天ISS告诉我PWD下来了,research scientist的prevailing wage是66K,H1B办不
OES/SOC Code: 19-2012
OES/SOC Title: Physicists
level 1的prevailing wage才46K,level 2的倒是65K。难道是学校ISS搞错了?
一般research scientist到底prevailing wage多少阿?有没有懂行的哥么说说
发帖数: 300
Where did you live ?
You postdoc and scientist are really high if this is
an academic institution.

【在 t***n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Postdoc 讨论区 】
: 发信人: tshen (ghost), 信区: Postdoc
: 标 题: Research Scientist 的 prevailing wage 大约多少?
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 23 21:32:10 2010, 美东)
: 物理postdoc,57K
: 终于说服老板把postdoc的title搞成research scientist了,2月份就准备开始办H1B,
: 到今天ISS告诉我PWD下来了,research scientist的prevailing wage是66K,H1B办不
: 了了。悲剧了。
: 我不甘心,仔细查了查http://www.flcdatacenter.com上的数据,其中
: OES/SOC Code: 19-2012

发帖数: 546
Maryland. The postdoc salary is high because it come from a national lab.
What is the prevailing wage for Research Scientist in your university?
The HR really pissed me off. I suspect they made some mistakes, but they
refuse to let me know the detail.

【在 c******k 的大作中提到】
: Where did you live ?
: You postdoc and scientist are really high if this is
: an academic institution.

发帖数: 1622
research scientist salary could be 46k
senior research scientist salary could be 66k
so you need to clary that you are the level 1

【在 t***n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Postdoc 讨论区 】
: 发信人: tshen (ghost), 信区: Postdoc
: 标 题: Research Scientist 的 prevailing wage 大约多少?
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 23 21:32:10 2010, 美东)
: 物理postdoc,57K
: 终于说服老板把postdoc的title搞成research scientist了,2月份就准备开始办H1B,
: 到今天ISS告诉我PWD下来了,research scientist的prevailing wage是66K,H1B办不
: 了了。悲剧了。
: 我不甘心,仔细查了查http://www.flcdatacenter.com上的数据,其中
: OES/SOC Code: 19-2012

发帖数: 546
Thanks for your reply
I suspected the same thing. However, ISS refused to disclose any details
about the PW to me, for example, the returned part of ETA Form 9141. And
they claim there is no mistakes on their side.
They recommend that I change my title, while they have no ideal of what
the PW should be for any title, so I have to change the title first,
then they file ETA 9141 again. Which is a really long process, not to
mention that the PW back could still be ridiculously high.
Anybody have si

【在 m***f 的大作中提到】
: 可能ISS搞错你的title了,
: research scientist salary could be 46k
: senior research scientist salary could be 66k
: so you need to clary that you are the level 1

发帖数: 1075
From my experience, if they refuse to disclose the details, there is no way
for you to find out. But you can forward what you found to the HR, and tell
he/she it does not match what he/she told you. If you're lucky, they will
investigate in this. But in my case, I forwarded a USCIS link to them to
show them that the attorney messed up with my case. But they still stick to
whatever the attorney told them.
So, good luck and fight, but prepare for the worst.

【在 t***n 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for your reply
: I suspected the same thing. However, ISS refused to disclose any details
: about the PW to me, for example, the returned part of ETA Form 9141. And
: they claim there is no mistakes on their side.
: They recommend that I change my title, while they have no ideal of what
: the PW should be for any title, so I have to change the title first,
: then they file ETA 9141 again. Which is a really long process, not to
: mention that the PW back could still be ridiculously high.
: Anybody have si

1 (共1页)
H1b transfer 多久能够收到receipt
H1B需要申请prevailing wage determination么
Damned H1B prevailing wage line
请教 part time H1B
h1b prevailing wage
急问, 关于今年H1B申请的问题
请问h1-b的WAGE_RATE_1, PREVAILING_WAGE_1都是什么意思呀?
H1b 申请由这个规定么?谢谢
话题: scientist话题: research话题: prevailing话题: wage话题: iss