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WaterWorld版 - 为什么要习武和练枪?
美国文化提倡‘YOU PUNCH ME, I PUNCH BACK' (转载)像我老婆
hit others at bottom是什么意思?"意识"英语怎么说?
我实在想不通[合集] 朱令案件网战回顾和分析
计算机中毒, 显示为FBI Alert, 还有 hand-cuff[合集] 假设确是孙维因为这个那个要杀朱令, 那么投毒现场反而肯定不在6
总觉得有人背后说我坏话怎么办Why people around me feel pressure from me?
什么是妄想,给本版的傻基科普一下。吻别爱人造成机场封闭的男子PIC (Rev..)
人死后到底有没有灵魂?怎么解释那些有NDE的人?驴象之争:Conan Vs Jay (转载)
话题: your话题: sense话题: security话题: practiced话题: same
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2443
When shit happens, you go into shock and your consciousness is at a
standstill, your body doesn't know how to react to the situation.
This is where muscle memory comes in, your body goes through the same
motions that you have practiced thousands of times without your head telling
it what to do.
But, there's a big but here, it's very easy to develop a false sense of
security if you are not 100% committed. Anybody can hit a heavy bag for 10
minutes and feel like they can take on the world, yet have they really made
their muscles remember? Kicking experts say your kick only starts to become
effective after you have practiced that same kick at least 10000 times. It's
pretty much the same story for punches and other basic techniques.
So, if you're not absolutely serious about training, there's no point in starting now. Having no sense of security and being paranoid is better than having a false
sense of security, period. Instead, get yourself a gun and start practicing
. It is far less work and takes much less time and when the situation calls
for a gun, you know you are ready.
Me? I am always ready.
Remember, this goes for all of you out there, not just guys.
发帖数: 1942
胆小的人在危机到来是犯傻, 大脑停止思考。 所以人要有勇, 就是要有胆量


【在 a***c 的大作中提到】
: When shit happens, you go into shock and your consciousness is at a
: standstill, your body doesn't know how to react to the situation.
: This is where muscle memory comes in, your body goes through the same
: motions that you have practiced thousands of times without your head telling
: it what to do.
: But, there's a big but here, it's very easy to develop a false sense of
: security if you are not 100% committed. Anybody can hit a heavy bag for 10
: minutes and feel like they can take on the world, yet have they really made
: their muscles remember? Kicking experts say your kick only starts to become
: effective after you have practiced that same kick at least 10000 times. It's

发帖数: 2443
我说自信可以培养, 就有人说国男生来都很懦弱
我说应变能力是从不断练习而产生出来的本能, 你就扯什么勇什么胆

【在 g******i 的大作中提到】
: 胆小的人在危机到来是犯傻, 大脑停止思考。 所以人要有勇, 就是要有胆量
: telling
: made
: become
: 's

发帖数: 1942
胆小懦弱的人有个P的自信. 我看见就恶心

【在 a***c 的大作中提到】
: 我说自信可以培养, 就有人说国男生来都很懦弱
: 我说应变能力是从不断练习而产生出来的本能, 你就扯什么勇什么胆
: 思维也太感性了吧

1 (共1页)
驴象之争:Conan Vs Jay (转载)计算机中毒, 显示为FBI Alert, 还有 hand-cuff
"My husband is an American, he is white"总觉得有人背后说我坏话怎么办
the 83rd academy best motion movie goes to........人死后到底有没有灵魂?怎么解释那些有NDE的人?
美国文化提倡‘YOU PUNCH ME, I PUNCH BACK' (转载)像我老婆
hit others at bottom是什么意思?"意识"英语怎么说?
我实在想不通[合集] 朱令案件网战回顾和分析
话题: your话题: sense话题: security话题: practiced话题: same