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WaterWorld版 - 芝麻门的的又一个版本
zt George Zimmerman Is Lying (转载)
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What “PhD” Really Stands for…
话题: zimmerman话题: he话题: scalpel话题: patient话题: his
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9094
Using a medical analogy, Zimmerman did not sit for the board exam. Hence he
had no license to practice medicine. Instead of accepting the fact that he
had no authority to be a surgeon, he VOLUNTEERED to be one!
One night he packed a scalpel under his belt, drove his medical cart on the
street, and started to look for his patient to cure. A boy wearing a hoodie
caught his attention. According to his limited medical knowledge, just by
looking at the way the boy walked, Zimmerman was convinced that the boy was
ill and needed surgery. Zimmerman called the medical emergency hotline, but
was told to back off and let the real surgeon to handle this. However,
Zimmerman thought otherwise. He thought that with a scalpel in hand, he was
as good as a real surgeon can be.
When he kept following the hoodie patient, that boy became irritated and
the two exchanged words. Zimmerman said to himself: "Hmm, that fits
perfectly with the profile of an ideal patient. Finally I have a chance to
practice my medical skills on a real patient." He jumped out of the cart but
found no trace of the patient.
What happened next was a chaos and no one had a verifiable account thereof.
What was certain was that the hoodie boy and Zimmerman were involved in a
fist fight, which was not the specialty of Zimmerman at all. Frustrated by
his failure to control the patient, Zimmerman used his secretly hidden
device -- the scalpel to subdue the hoodie boy. Before, he had practiced the
scalpel on frogs, rabbits, sharks, chickens, and dogs. This was the first
time he tried his scalpel on a human. He remembered: cut to the chest. He
did forcefully and the hoodie boy collapsed and died afterwards.
When charged with murder with unauthorized use of a scalpel in a
malpractice lawsuit, Zimmerman's defense was that using scalpel was the
ONLY way for him to practice medicine. Regardless of the outcome of the
trial, the fact was that Zimmerman was not a board-certified physician to
begin with; he volunteered to be a doctor without the formal training to
become one; his failed attempt to control the patient simply reflected his
ineptness of practicing medicine; and the malpractice lawsuit was the
culmination of Zimmerman's otherwise dull life. He enjoyed the lime light,
the attention; he feared the threat, the bashing. He finally realized that
being a doctor means more than carrying a scalpel and choosing a patient at
Patient right movement fought relentlessly against his acquittal, but to no
avail. Zimmerman walked out of the courtroom as a free man. But he would
never be free. Instead he would have to hide and keep away from the "
patients" he used to love to "cure."
Zimmerman did not realize that after his acquital, when the next Zimmerman,
or Zimmerman Jr. involves in a similar scuffle, the "patients" will carry
scalpel themselves since they know they can be the next Zimmerman, without
taking the board exam. And the "patients" will not allow the next Zimmerman
or Zimmerman Jr to pull out the scalpel. There will not be patient any more.
Only Zimmerman with a scalpel!
发帖数: 162
Good article! your son wrote this? If so, he grows up and knows how to think
in a right way.
Sometimes I think there are too many stupid people in this world, they eat,
shit and argue, they pretend to be smart, but their defected brains never
run on right tracks.
1 (共1页)
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话题: zimmerman话题: he话题: scalpel话题: patient话题: his