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WaterWorld版 - Today's Refinance Rates -- 10/20/11
Today's Refinance Rates -- 10/14/11为啥美国鸡蛋不按照小中大分啊?
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Refinance Rates are still low -- 12/13/11这个 Jumbo 倒珍寶奶美女是我的菜 (转载)
Refinance Opportunity -- The Best Rates! 9/12/11有感于一个les朋友
credit 755分贷款10万不到15年fixed rate 2.99% 算还可以么?转:大家小心所谓的生物系博士!
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关于买房子贷款的利率 和 买车lease赚credit的问题 (转载)找主人了,低价转让二手家电,学习用品
话题: arm话题: year话题: jumbo话题: rates话题: fixed
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 22
Refinance Rates on 10/20/2011:
The conforming FRM( < 417K ):
1) 30 year fixed, 3.875;
2) 20 year fixed, 3.875;
3) 15 year fixed 3.25;
4) 10 year fixed 3.25;
The conforming ARM( < 417K ):
1) 3 year ARM, 2.75;
2) 5 year ARM, 2.75;
3) 7 year ARM, 3;
High Balance Comforming FRM (417k-625k):
1) 30 year fixed, 4.25;
2) 15 year fixed, 3.5;
High Balance Comforming ARM (417k-625K):
1) 5 year ARM, 3;
2) 7 year ARM, 3.25;
JUMBO Loan ( >625K ):
1) 5 Year JUMBO ARM, 3.625;
2) 7 Year JUMBO ARM, 4.125;
4)10 Year JUMBO ARM, 4.5;
5)30 Year JUMBO Fixed, 5.125.
Note: The rates are subject to mid-day changes. This is
true when stock and bond markets move radically during the day.
Also the rates are No Point No Fee. So APR = Note Rate.
The investor refinance rates will be higher than those above.
Best Regards,
Please feel free contact me at:
Email: l************[email protected]
Realtor/ Loan Consultant
DRE#: 01895015
1 (共1页)
找主人了,低价转让二手家电,学习用品credit 755分贷款10万不到15年fixed rate 2.99% 算还可以么?
大家帮忙看看,是回国还是留?纽约地铁抓拍 绝美的亚裔女
周末影院:《应声虫拯救世界》(2009) (转载)关于买房子贷款的利率 和 买车lease赚credit的问题 (转载)
Today's Refinance Rates -- 10/14/11为啥美国鸡蛋不按照小中大分啊?
Today's Refinance Rates -- 12/02/11挖个坑,请帮忙填。
Refinance Rates are still low -- 12/13/11这个 Jumbo 倒珍寶奶美女是我的菜 (转载)
Refinance Opportunity -- The Best Rates! 9/12/11有感于一个les朋友
话题: arm话题: year话题: jumbo话题: rates话题: fixed