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WashingtonDC版 - 有人知道在VA作no cost的房贷经纪人吗?
博客第四篇 -- 买房 VS 租房DC及周边,用builder的贷款,一般收的房价%的closing cost? (转载)
恭喜马上买房和refinance的同学,明年开始要缴特别税了 (转载)房子的CLOSING COST?
版上谁有卖车的? (转载)有人最近做了refinance吗?
想买房 请推荐地区以及华人agent我这个Refiance的无费用Rate的如何?
is 5k closing cost normal for highrise condo? (转载)郁闷啊郁闷。关于卫生间漏水。
有没有人遇到这样的short sale? (转载)Rooms in Reston is ready for renting.
90万的房子closing cost多少合理?同去听余华的讲座
话题: cost话题: closing话题: rate话题: va话题: loan
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10
发帖数: 1028
There is no such thing as no cost, you are paying it one way or the other.
I assume you mean no closing cost, 经纪人 does not work for free, they have
to make some money one way or another, you end up paying for it in one way
or another. But some are willing to take a smaller cut than other.

【在 o******o 的大作中提到】
: 谢谢
发帖数: 5298


【在 s****g 的大作中提到】
: There is no such thing as no cost, you are paying it one way or the other.
: I assume you mean no closing cost, 经纪人 does not work for free, they have
: to make some money one way or another, you end up paying for it in one way
: or another. But some are willing to take a smaller cut than other.

发帖数: 1028
No really, I am good friends with at least 3 房贷经纪人 and knows what goes
on behind the curtains so to speak.

【在 S*********g 的大作中提到】
: 吹毛求疵了
: have

发帖数: 10
You are righ. I meant no closing cost!
I understand that agent will make some money whether from the borrower or
the banks through commissions. Bank may come back to charge more interest
rate to get their commissions back. I guess it is up to the borrower to
figure out which option makes more sense for himself.
Do your mortgage friends offer no-closing cost no fee refiance?
发帖数: 1028
Of course they all do, if you need contact info, you can pm me.

【在 o******o 的大作中提到】
: You are righ. I meant no closing cost!
: I understand that agent will make some money whether from the borrower or
: the banks through commissions. Bank may come back to charge more interest
: rate to get their commissions back. I guess it is up to the borrower to
: figure out which option makes more sense for himself.
: Do your mortgage friends offer no-closing cost no fee refiance?
: Thanks!

发帖数: 8950
Typically, loan officer will increase rate 0.125% more to compensate the
cost of "no closing cost".

【在 o******o 的大作中提到】
: You are righ. I meant no closing cost!
: I understand that agent will make some money whether from the borrower or
: the banks through commissions. Bank may come back to charge more interest
: rate to get their commissions back. I guess it is up to the borrower to
: figure out which option makes more sense for himself.
: Do your mortgage friends offer no-closing cost no fee refiance?
: Thanks!

发帖数: 1028
Typical refi closing cost for VA is around $3500, depending on loan size,
they will need to increase enough rate to cover that cost. So if you plan to
stay in the house long term and not do another refi in the future, it is
better to pay for the closing cost yourself to get better rate.

【在 m*******r 的大作中提到】
: Typically, loan officer will increase rate 0.125% more to compensate the
: cost of "no closing cost".

发帖数: 8950
Yes, you are right. If the loan amount is small, loan officer will increase
rate more to compensate the cost.
Are you sure the current rate will be lowest one in 5-10 years? If you are
not sure, go for the no cost one.


【在 s****g 的大作中提到】
: Typical refi closing cost for VA is around $3500, depending on loan size,
: they will need to increase enough rate to cover that cost. So if you plan to
: stay in the house long term and not do another refi in the future, it is
: better to pay for the closing cost yourself to get better rate.

1 (共1页)
同去听余华的讲座is 5k closing cost normal for highrise condo? (转载)
Anyone is going to the BF at CC?有没有人遇到这样的short sale? (转载)
请推荐一个买房经纪人, 马里兰州90万的房子closing cost多少合理?
博客第四篇 -- 买房 VS 租房DC及周边,用builder的贷款,一般收的房价%的closing cost? (转载)
恭喜马上买房和refinance的同学,明年开始要缴特别税了 (转载)房子的CLOSING COST?
版上谁有卖车的? (转载)有人最近做了refinance吗?
想买房 请推荐地区以及华人agent我这个Refiance的无费用Rate的如何?
话题: cost话题: closing话题: rate话题: va话题: loan