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Vancouver版 - Motel for Sat night
Help on motel nearby Vancouver downtown这个周末如何计划.
碧咸代表倫敦 「駛進」鳥巢接棒price checked-tofino motel
温哥华游玩两问i think cottages are better
Room near UBC~~~~ Need your help!!~~Thx!大家辛苦了!
Landing in Vancouver?请推荐 hotel/motel/Bed&Breakfast
贴一张彩虹 by DelingCheap but nice hotels/motels close to the U of British Columbia?
加拿大線未通車 又聞冬奧封路計An inconvenient truth
长青线前期工程启动连贯本拿比高贵林2016年通车很实际的问题: 住加拿大的酒店如何留消费给maid.
话题: sat话题: motel话题: night话题: guys话题: sorry
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 126
Hey, guys. I just booked the Motel for Sat night...two rooms (each one is
$126). We should pay around $40/person, pretty cheap though.
I has been here for a while, but nobody shows up. I hope you guys will like
it. Sorry about any inconvenience!!
Can you tell me when you guys will come tomorrow?
I will send my phone no. to your emails..
发帖数: 753
thanks dear!
no sorry at all!!!

【在 s********s 的大作中提到】
: Hey, guys. I just booked the Motel for Sat night...two rooms (each one is
: $126). We should pay around $40/person, pretty cheap though.
: I has been here for a while, but nobody shows up. I hope you guys will like
: it. Sorry about any inconvenience!!
: Can you tell me when you guys will come tomorrow?
: I will send my phone no. to your emails..

发帖数: 372
I like it. great job!

【在 s********s 的大作中提到】
: Hey, guys. I just booked the Motel for Sat night...two rooms (each one is
: $126). We should pay around $40/person, pretty cheap though.
: I has been here for a while, but nobody shows up. I hope you guys will like
: it. Sorry about any inconvenience!!
: Can you tell me when you guys will come tomorrow?
: I will send my phone no. to your emails..

发帖数: 126
Thanks.. Hopfully it will turn out.


【在 b***y 的大作中提到】
: I like it. great job!
发帖数: 341
great job

【在 s********s 的大作中提到】
: Hey, guys. I just booked the Motel for Sat night...two rooms (each one is
: $126). We should pay around $40/person, pretty cheap though.
: I has been here for a while, but nobody shows up. I hope you guys will like
: it. Sorry about any inconvenience!!
: Can you tell me when you guys will come tomorrow?
: I will send my phone no. to your emails..

发帖数: 54
Thank you!

【在 s********s 的大作中提到】
: Hey, guys. I just booked the Motel for Sat night...two rooms (each one is
: $126). We should pay around $40/person, pretty cheap though.
: I has been here for a while, but nobody shows up. I hope you guys will like
: it. Sorry about any inconvenience!!
: Can you tell me when you guys will come tomorrow?
: I will send my phone no. to your emails..

1 (共1页)
很实际的问题: 住加拿大的酒店如何留消费给maid.Landing in Vancouver?
555, fish MM还不收留俺...贴一张彩虹 by Deling
banff 回来的加拿大線未通車 又聞冬奧封路計
9.5 beijing->vancouver长青线前期工程启动连贯本拿比高贵林2016年通车
Help on motel nearby Vancouver downtown这个周末如何计划.
碧咸代表倫敦 「駛進」鳥巢接棒price checked-tofino motel
温哥华游玩两问i think cottages are better
Room near UBC~~~~ Need your help!!~~Thx!大家辛苦了!
话题: sat话题: motel话题: night话题: guys话题: sorry