

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Unix版 - Re: [转载] 一个很急迫的问题,谢谢
standalone sun box questionHow to use files with names like "-123.txt"?
Any idea on batch renaming files?weriod problem : how to delete .nfs83C4 file
a question about rename不好意思,问个问题
can I reinstall the whole system without format dsk?how to rename a bunch of files
how to turn off sendmailHelp! shell programming
有关Unix shell script的问题A question about awk
I am crazy about this!!Dumb Questions on Solaris 2.7 Installation
root做不到的事?soloris 2.5 unable to login
话题: 急迫话题: file话题: temporary话题: files话题: nfsxxxx
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 87
【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区 】
【 原文由 jerry 所发表 】
You are using a NFS server to store all your temporary files. In this case,
if a file is deleted while some processes still opens that file, the file
will be renamed as .nfsXXXX, and the space is not released.
So check your porgram to close all the temporary files you opened before exit.
1 (共1页)
soloris 2.5 unable to loginhow to turn off sendmail
help urgent!有关Unix shell script的问题
Question: How to make room for /?I am crazy about this!!
how to handle *.pkg files?root做不到的事?
standalone sun box questionHow to use files with names like "-123.txt"?
Any idea on batch renaming files?weriod problem : how to delete .nfs83C4 file
a question about rename不好意思,问个问题
can I reinstall the whole system without format dsk?how to rename a bunch of files
话题: 急迫话题: file话题: temporary话题: files话题: nfsxxxx