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USANews版 - 非法移民到边界了
Canada giving refugee status to border-crossers at rising ratesSweden Attack Suspect Was Rejected Uzbek Asylum-Seeker
Trump要对难民申请发EO了Sweden Won’t Deport Asylum Seekers Accused of Broadcasting Gang Rape on Facebook
trump要签关于难民的EOAsylum Seekers Crossing Into Canada Increase With Warmer Weather
瑞典接受大量穆斯林移民, 愚蠢至极Asylum seekers in Canada who fled Trump now trapped in legal limbo
德国市长说完要接受更多的难民后,被愤怒的从众打晕,哈哈 (转载)与其交几千块给蛇头,为什么不花几百块办签证?
德国市长说完要接受更多的难民后,被愤怒的从众打晕,哈哈 (转载)Sessions把巴马司法部关于难民指南给推翻了
大拿加:欢迎美国难民政庇也有其他国家来的,这次只遣返中国的? (转载)
Teen asylum-seeker ID'd as suspect in Norway explosive caseTrump, and the Punditry's Scary Groupthink
话题: central话题: wednesday话题: seekers话题: asylum话题: arrived
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 61690
A “caravan” of hundreds of Central American asylum-seekers that President
Trump has fixated on in recent weeks arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border on
The Associated Press reported that roughly 130 Central Americans arrived in
buses in the city of Tijuana, Mexico, late Tuesday, and another 200 were
expected to arrive on Wednesday.
The first batch of asylum-seekers are expected to try and enter the U.S. on
Sunday near San Diego, The AP reported.
The group is comprised mostly of women and children.
1 (共1页)
Trump, and the Punditry's Scary Groupthink德国市长说完要接受更多的难民后,被愤怒的从众打晕,哈哈 (转载)
Video 2: 不能用巴士载人,就用空壳公司的rental cars!德国市长说完要接受更多的难民后,被愤怒的从众打晕,哈哈 (转载)
CNN: Trump admin quietly made asylum more difficultTeen asylum-seeker ID'd as suspect in Norway explosive case
Canada giving refugee status to border-crossers at rising ratesSweden Attack Suspect Was Rejected Uzbek Asylum-Seeker
Trump要对难民申请发EO了Sweden Won’t Deport Asylum Seekers Accused of Broadcasting Gang Rape on Facebook
trump要签关于难民的EOAsylum Seekers Crossing Into Canada Increase With Warmer Weather
瑞典接受大量穆斯林移民, 愚蠢至极Asylum seekers in Canada who fled Trump now trapped in legal limbo
话题: central话题: wednesday话题: seekers话题: asylum话题: arrived