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USANews版 - 如何鉴别你的社会正在遭受严重的衰落? (转载)
如何鉴别你的社会正在遭受严重的衰落? (转载)The Chavez Legacy: A Nation in Ruins, Region in Crisis
索维尔旧文重读,The Inconvenient Truth about Ghetto Communities’ Social BreakdownObamaCare 正导致以百万计的中产失去他们的良好医疗保险
Thomas Sowell: If Black Lives Matter, Why Doesn't Their Ed立刻顶上10大-Yahoo, Los Angels TImes 报道
Political Wisdom: Reactions to Chris Christie’s Speech芝加哥,黑帮继续互相杀戮
gay Arab Muslim student支持trump关于最低工资的一些想法
#Berniesellout #BernieSoldOut.西雅图定下最低工资70K的CEO遇到经济困难了
某上市公司CEO要求支持Trump的员工辞职"穆斯林难民"挑肥拣瘦: 芬兰不好, 太冷了不适合居住
Union Thugs Stage Protest at Cancer Research Event英国公投真是joke,投完票发现英镑跌成屎,纷纷反悔 (转载)
话题: elites话题: who话题: mostly话题: white话题: your
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6601
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
标 题: 如何鉴别你的社会正在遭受严重的衰落?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Apr 6 22:39:34 2018, 美东)
How To Recognize When Your Society Is Suffering A Dramatic Decline
1) Ignorant "Ghetto Culture" is popularized by the elites who are mostly
white to dumb down the masses.
2) Low achieving individuals have to be promoted beyond their competency
levels, due to absence of meritocracy.
3) The elites, who are mostly white, allow the country to become overrun
with unskilled uneducated, and non-assimalating people, who
disproportionately use the social services of the entire nation
4) The elites, who are mostly white, and media barons push perversions that
are antithesis of traditional values are not only condoned but celebrated
5) The elites, who are mostly white, with their control of mass media eschew
Traditional Family Values
6) The elites, who are mostly white, attack the Bill of Rights
7) The elites, who are mostly white, support and encourage the expansion of
Wahhabi fanatical Islam to fight Russian presence in Afghanistan in the 80'
s. Now the chickens have come home to roost.
8) Disgruntled Goat is a racist fat fuck.
Focus on the real target of your misery, not some poor "mud" sap who is no
different that you.
Your own race-mates who are far richer than you, are the ones whose boot is
laying across your face.
发帖数: 1957
1 (共1页)
英国公投真是joke,投完票发现英镑跌成屎,纷纷反悔 (转载)gay Arab Muslim student支持trump
太可笑了,签名脱欧重投的IP,绝大部分来自英国外。。。#Berniesellout #BernieSoldOut.
【浪里白条】抠米的小纸条Union Thugs Stage Protest at Cancer Research Event
如何鉴别你的社会正在遭受严重的衰落? (转载)The Chavez Legacy: A Nation in Ruins, Region in Crisis
索维尔旧文重读,The Inconvenient Truth about Ghetto Communities’ Social BreakdownObamaCare 正导致以百万计的中产失去他们的良好医疗保险
Thomas Sowell: If Black Lives Matter, Why Doesn't Their Ed立刻顶上10大-Yahoo, Los Angels TImes 报道
Political Wisdom: Reactions to Chris Christie’s Speech芝加哥,黑帮继续互相杀戮
话题: elites话题: who话题: mostly话题: white话题: your