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USANews版 - Trump是当代美国的斯大林
Tax Paid Prof Says Commie Stalin Never Committed Any Crimes巴马又挑畔了,床铺如何反击
奥巴马的新闻发言人Jay Carney家里挂着前苏联宣传招贴Spicer: Sometimes we disagree with the facts
Jeff Flake 这是公开和Trump撕破脸了吧奥前大统令对游行示威很欣慰
我没看出政府关门对trumps 有啥不利左逼最新民调出来了: Majority Of Americans Support Trump's Travel Ban
驱逐Illegal Aliens,59%民众支持nafta第一轮
trump: I have nothing against China希婆的竞选广告,有很多共和党参议员站台。
Pew: 57 percent say 'America First'。。。trump争辩他的大赦比clinton,obama小得多的多
Gingrich: Why the Establishment Was WrongH 去加拿大卖书,听说门票3千,有意思
话题: trump话题: stalin话题: president话题: phrase话题: 当代
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3813
Sen. Jeff Flake 今天 批评Trump是当代美国的斯大林: Mr. President, it is a
testament to the condition of our democracy that our own president uses
words infamously spoken by Josef Stalin to describe his enemies. It bears
noting that so fraught with malice was the phrase "enemy of the people,"
that even Nikita Khrushchev forbade its use, telling the Soviet Communist
Party that the phrase had been introduced by Stalin for the purpose of "
annihilating such individuals" who disagreed with the supreme leader.
1 (共1页)
H 去加拿大卖书,听说门票3千,有意思驱逐Illegal Aliens,59%民众支持
Corker原来这么牛,就这么放弃了!trump: I have nothing against China
班农吹响冲锋号Pew: 57 percent say 'America First'。。。
这次移民改革估计真的要过了Gingrich: Why the Establishment Was Wrong
Tax Paid Prof Says Commie Stalin Never Committed Any Crimes巴马又挑畔了,床铺如何反击
奥巴马的新闻发言人Jay Carney家里挂着前苏联宣传招贴Spicer: Sometimes we disagree with the facts
Jeff Flake 这是公开和Trump撕破脸了吧奥前大统令对游行示威很欣慰
我没看出政府关门对trumps 有啥不利左逼最新民调出来了: Majority Of Americans Support Trump's Travel Ban
话题: trump话题: stalin话题: president话题: phrase话题: 当代