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话题: xinjiang话题: china话题: genocide话题: uyghurs话题: killed
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【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: cccpwx (堪数插管吸血日,谋划提裤走人时!), 信区: Military
标 题: 新疆哈萨克人,对我鳖新疆政策的评论
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Sep 26 00:53:17 2017, 美东)
Is China trying to exterminate Uyghurs?
Rinat Abdekadir, I'm a Kazakh-Chinese who was born in Xinjiang.
Updated 6h ago
Are you serious?
My Turkish friends, has China even committed a single act of genocide
against Uyghurs for the 60+ years of Chinese rule of Xinjiang?
Armenian Genocide - Turks deny it although there is plenty of evidence, 1.5
million innocents killed
Greek Genocide - Turks deny it although there is plenty of evidence, over 1
million innocents killed
Assyrian Genocide - Hundreds of Thousands killed.
Kurdish Conflict - Thousands of civilians killed
May I continue?
To my Turkish Cousins, I am a Kazakh from Xinjiang. I agree the CCP has been
a bit too harsh to the Uyghurs, the overwhelming might of the police state
is not good. People feel like they are already considered terrorists by
security guards and what not, people when they are chatting with friends on
the internet are sure not to talk about independence or else they might get
sent in for questioning. But calling that genocide is completely untrue:
People can educate their kids in Uyghur perfectly fine, the Kurdish language
was banned until recently in Turkey. Double standards?
Uyghurs don’t get round up and shot, although if you even as so much try to
protest about independence you WILL get arrested. This isn’t very
different from Turkey 20 years ago when it comes to the Kurds however.
Hans aren’t swamping Xinjiang, in the Qing dynasty Hans made up 33% of the
population in Xinjiang. Hans have always been the dominant group in Northern
Xinjiang. Southern Xinjiang is still majority Uyghur.
I agree there ARE a lot of problems with the way China is handling Xinjiang,
and I would gladly agree with you on that. Calling what China is doing
Genocide is COMPLETELY false, is China rounding up Uyghurs and putting them
in gas chambers? Are they being killed wholesale?
Even Uyghur activists don’t describe what China is doing as Ethnic
Cleansing, there has been no population movement, Uighur birth rates and
population growth are well above average for China and they are officially
allowed to have more children than Han people.
Please, recognize your own faults first and protest for the truth and not
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话题: xinjiang话题: china话题: genocide话题: uyghurs话题: killed