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USANews版 - MIT Climate CoLab contest is entering semi-finalist phase
Trump要砍NOAA的经费了If the gov can have spending and revenue proposed separately
Global warming stopped 16 years agoRyan Smith: The Reality That Awaits Women in Combat
majority Super-Rich Support Obama再解释一下08的免费住房项目
交易员擅自交易 瑞银巨亏20亿美元"It was unfair to reward good grades"
法国两大银行遭降级 欧债担忧复燃欧元区失业率达到创纪录的12.1%
意大利将欧元推向悬崖?WSJ: 全球投资者撤离中国股市
Markets muted after S&P threatens euro debt rating左棍继续闹: 我认为吃动物和娈童癖没有什么差别
话题: climate话题: colab话题: change话题: plans话题: goals
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 83
*** Objective
The goal of Climate CoLab is to harness the collective intelligence of
thousands of people from all around the world to address complex societal
problems, starting with global climate change.
Inspired by systems like Wikipedia and Linux, Climate CoLab is an open
problem-solving platform where a growing community of over 90,000 people --
including over 300 of the world’s leading experts on climate change and
related fields -- work on and evaluate plans to reach global climate change
By constructively engaging a broad range of scientists, policymakers,
business people, practitioners, investors, and concerned citizens, we hope
Climate CoLab can help build -- and gain momentum for -- plans for achieving
global climate change goals that are more detailed, actionable, and
effective than any that would have otherwise been developed.
*** Approach
How can an open online network
help us achieve global climate change goals?
Nearly every country in the world -- along with many companies, cities,
regions, and other organizations -- have outlined goals for addressing
climate change. But there is still much work to be done to create the
detailed implementation plans to actually achieve these goals, let alone
ensure that these actions are enough to protect ourselves from the risks of
climate change.
In the same way that Linux welcomes thousands of software developers to help
build its operating system, and that Wikipedia lets anyone edit the world’
s largest encyclopedia, Climate CoLab enables thousands of people and
organizations from around the world to help build such implementation plans.
To do this, people with a broad range of expertise are welcome to submit,
evaluate, and select proposals for what to do about various aspects of the
climate change problem. They also can integrate ideas from many other
proposals to suggest local, national, and global plans (coming soon). This
activity occurs in a series of interrelated online contests (which we call
“contest webs”) that are run on the platform each year.
*** Engagement
Anyone can join Climate CoLab’s open community and participate:
Submit actions. Do you have a practice or project that can contribute to
meeting global climate goals? Submit your proposal into one of our open
contests or workspaces.
Combine actions into integrated plans. Collect compatible proposals in an
integrated proposal to suggest plans for how to meet climate goals. (Re-
opening soon.)
Network, find collaborators, and help other members’ work. Find and
collaborate with others on the platform interested in similar topics. You
can comment on their proposals and even ask to join their team.
Support, share, and vote. Give a thumbs-up to the proposals you think are
the best, and help them get recognition. During the voting period, you can
help them win their contest’s Popular Choice Award.
*** Evaluation
Proposals are reviewed by international experts who participate as contest
Judges, and graduate students or young professionals who participate as
contest Fellows. In addition, members can use tools on the platform and
work with a specialized team led by MIT to estimate the impact their
proposal could have on greenhouse gas emissions or reducing the risks of
climate change impacts.
*** Rewarding Impactful Work
Each year, we give away prizes to people and teams who develop -- or
contribute to -- top-rated climate change actions and implementation plans.
And from 2013-2016, we've welcomed our community and winners to MIT for the
Crowds & Climate conference. Check out our open contests for this year’s
activity and prizes.
*** Research
CCI’s research team studies how to combine experts and crowds in solving
complex societal problems. See our recent research and presentations.
/*** My active proposals are receiving great appreciations! ***/
Proposal 1:
Commercial flapping-shutter ornithopter era will come soon
Proposal 2:
High efficient shutter propeller for marine or aircraft application
Proposal 3:
Shutter-like turbine for low head shallow river/canal/sewer hydropower
发帖数: 83
please go there to support me. thank you.
1 (共1页)
左棍继续闹: 我认为吃动物和娈童癖没有什么差别交易员擅自交易 瑞银巨亏20亿美元
Octomom is charged with welfare fraud法国两大银行遭降级 欧债担忧复燃
西北大学按种族招生的理由和读者评论 (转载)意大利将欧元推向悬崖?
油价2016年或难以突破每桶60美元Markets muted after S&P threatens euro debt rating
Trump要砍NOAA的经费了If the gov can have spending and revenue proposed separately
Global warming stopped 16 years agoRyan Smith: The Reality That Awaits Women in Combat
majority Super-Rich Support Obama再解释一下08的免费住房项目
话题: climate话题: colab话题: change话题: plans话题: goals