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USANews版 - 印度神汉加入NYU School of Law
NY市长不拉稀噢被联邦政府调查FBI 仍没有拿到司法授权重启调查
印度神汉也被轰走了,民主党也不会信任他了三哥Preet Bharara是民主党,为啥搞希拉里?
Bharara refused to return call from Trump邮件私人服务器根本无足轻重
纽约州众议院议长入狱希拉里终结者:战力破天的印度铮铮铁汉Preet Bharara
邮件门重启是三哥Bharara发威了 (转载)Preet Bharara牛逼,开始调查纽约市长了
F B I 一直在查Clinton foundation,看来是有收获烙印检察官Bharara长着蓝眼睛?
邮件门发生后稀拉拉还敢参选,应该有内幕老床砍Preet Bharara也没什么不对。
话题: bharara话题: new话题: york话题: law话题: he
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发帖数: 29576
Those hoping that the ousted U.S. attorney would run for office may have to
wait a bit longer.
Less than two weeks after Preet Bharara was unexpectedly fired, the former U
.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York has landed a new gig. In
the immediate wake of his dramatic ouster, speculation quickly turned to how
Bharara, one of the most popular figures in New York politics, might
leverage his incredible political capital. Democrats itching for new
leadership have long hoped that Bharara, an anti-corruption, anti-Wall
Street crusader, might use his free time to take on Donald Trump. Alas, it
appears Bharara has something a little less partisan and a little more
pedestrian in store for the immediate future: joining the faculty of New
York University School of Law as a Distinguished Scholar-In-Residence.
“I am honored to join the NYU School of Law,” Bharara announced Tuesday on
Twitter, where he recently created a personal account, just weeks before he
was fired. “I am thrilled for this opportunity to continue addressing the
issues I so deeply care about—criminal and social justice, honest
government, national security, civil rights, and corporate accountability,
to name a few.”
Bharara’s move surely comes as a disappointment to Democrats hoping to
leverage his prominence into political office. The Wall Street Journal
recently reported that strategists had been approaching him with offers to
run for office in New York, either against New York City Mayor Bill de
Blasio in 2017 or Governor Andrew Cuomo in 2018. While both story lines are
certainly compelling—Bharara had launched corruption investigations into
both men while U.S. attorney—several strategists suggested to the Hive that
the timing was politically inconvenient, and that there was little chance
he could unseat either incumbent.
Making the jump to academia is likely a smarter play, for now, should
Bharara still harbor national ambitions. A professorship allows the 48-year-
old to remain in the public sphere and keep his apolitical reputation intact
, all while protecting him from the stain of a more corporate career. As
Adam Levine, a former senior aide to New York Senator Daniel Moynihan told
me last week, whatever job Bharara took next would likely say a lot about
his future plans. Ditching the public sector to become a law firm rainmaker
or consultant, he suggested, would have indicated that he would not return
to politics for a while. “If you tell me that that’s what he’s
considering, that, to me, says that he’s playing a long game, and [the jobs
of New York governor, Supreme Court justice, or attorney general], he doesn
’t think he can get for the next 10 years.”
According to the Journal, Bharara had also fielded other traditional offers,
ranging from partnerships at major law firms to faculty positions at
Columbia and Harvard law schools. But for now, his move to N.Y.U. suggests
he is biding his time before making any bigger, future moves. It might give
him an excuse, too, to relocate his family from Westchester—a necessary
first step before potentially re-entering New York City politics. We hear
there are some nice apartments along Washington Square.
1 (共1页)
老床砍Preet Bharara也没什么不对。左逼对尼哥,劳模,缠头特能戒急用忍,唯独对华人科学家
trump试图给Bharara打电话,感谢他邮件门重启是三哥Bharara发威了 (转载)
Mueller把劣质粉的英雄Preet Bharara招来调查trumpF B I 一直在查Clinton foundation,看来是有收获
NY市长不拉稀噢被联邦政府调查FBI 仍没有拿到司法授权重启调查
印度神汉也被轰走了,民主党也不会信任他了三哥Preet Bharara是民主党,为啥搞希拉里?
Bharara refused to return call from Trump邮件私人服务器根本无足轻重
纽约州众议院议长入狱希拉里终结者:战力破天的印度铮铮铁汉Preet Bharara
话题: bharara话题: new话题: york话题: law话题: he