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USANews版 - 失败的50年
Obama is the first Arab American president Candidate美国人,你干考吗?
右派对非法坐公车前排的ROSA PARKS怎么看?Another Anti-Capitalist Community Organizer
新时代的house negro, 川粉为什么中产阶级在消失?
Google 来的:Trump
大家知道什么是language of the future吗?精英的傲慢:奥巴马说的和刚离任的多伦多市长一样,一再说选民不感激他们达成的成就
Israeli Democracy vs. Arab Apartheid伊利诺伊州民主党前州长Blagojevich,法庭裁决20项指控17项有罪
Obama Fails George Gilder's 'Israel Test'Jury in Apple, Samsung Case Reach Verdict
Steven Plaut:世上有两种左派--愚蠢的左派和邪恶的左派前NY会计长的treasurer和fund raiser都被判有罪
话题: fail话题: verdict话题: ever话题: politics话题: political
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发帖数: 38600
So, I know what people in that time were hoping to get out of politics…
what they firmly believed they would get out of politics. Here’s the list:
A solution to the race problem.
An end to a pointless war.
A solution to the Middle East problem.
To improve education.
A solution to the problems of poverty and welfare.
An elimination of police brutality.
The race problem
Race problems have shifted over the past 50 years, but they are still very
much with us. And when I say “shifted,” I mean this: If you go to the
towns of the American South that were considered the cores of racism (in
those days it was called “bigotry”), you’ll find that black and white
people generally get along pretty well; far better than they did in the
Where racial tension survives and thrives these days is in the realm of the
political and because of political actions. The typical white hater of the
’60s derided Negroes as being bad by nature. The “angry white men” of
modern times are upset that their money, jobs, and opportunities are stolen
via politics and handed to other people. (There is of course a residue of
just plain hate.)
The bottom line here is that politics is keeping racism alive. And if the
truth is to be honestly faced, this is because a large number of political
operatives would have no job if racial prejudice evaporated. It behooves
them to keep it going.
Verdict: Fail.
Pointless war
Vietnam goes, Iraq and Afghanistan come, and Syria may be next; ho hum, just
another season in the long march of the military-industrial complex.
Verdict: Fail.
The Middle East problem
Israel, the Arabs, bombs, terrorists, dictators… which decade’s headlines
are these?
Verdict: Fail.
Test scores since the 1960s have steadily fallen; teachers’ unions have
become ever-more rapacious and arrogant, colleges ever-more expensive. Metal
detectors now adorn school buildings, teachers are forbidden to adapt the
curriculum to the students, etc.
Verdict: Fail.
Poverty and welfare
More people are on more welfare programs than ever before… and in the face
of ever-declining scarcity in the world. And again, armies of political
operatives would lose their jobs if these problems ever went away.
Verdict: Fail.
Police brutality
Eric Garner, intensely violent and overly used SWAT teams, and an ever-
increasing list of innocent victims.
At the same time, every evening’s television shows laud “law enforcement”
as our true and great saviors. Police departments are laden with bigger,
deadlier tools and massive budgets. All of this while Acton’s dictum (“
Power corrupts…”) remains.
Verdict: Fail.
发帖数: 2239
发帖数: 6519
1 (共1页)
前NY会计长的treasurer和fund raiser都被判有罪大家知道什么是language of the future吗?
芝麻蛮案子,看看黑们的推特吧Israeli Democracy vs. Arab Apartheid
My predicationObama Fails George Gilder's 'Israel Test'
Zimmerman cleared in shooting of Trayvon MartinSteven Plaut:世上有两种左派--愚蠢的左派和邪恶的左派
Obama is the first Arab American president Candidate美国人,你干考吗?
右派对非法坐公车前排的ROSA PARKS怎么看?Another Anti-Capitalist Community Organizer
新时代的house negro, 川粉为什么中产阶级在消失?
Google 来的:Trump
话题: fail话题: verdict话题: ever话题: politics话题: political