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话题: terror话题: cases话题: snapshot话题: jihadist话题: threat
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There Have Been More Jihadist Terror Cases in U.S. in 2015 Than in Any Year
Since 9/11
By Michael W. Chapman | September 4, 2015 | 4:57 PM EDT

(CNSNews.com) – The “Terror Threat Snapshot” for August 2015, released by
the majority staff of the House Homeland Security Committee, states the
terror threat level in America is high and “getting steadily worse,” and
that there have been “more U.S.-based jihadist terror cases in 2015 than in
any full year since 9/11.”
The “Terror Threat Snapshot” also reported that the Islamic State “is
fueling the Islamist terror” globally; that Islamist terrorists “are
intent on killing law enforcement” officers and U.S. troops, as well as
civilians; and that 25,000 fighters from 100 countries have traveled to
Syria and Iraq to join the Islamic State.
In addition, more than 250 Americans have traveled, or attempted to travel,
to Syria to fight with the Islamists.
“The terror threat level in the U.S. homeland is high, and the situation is
getting steadily worse,” said the report. “There have been more U.S.-
based jihadist terror cases in 2015 than in any full year since 9/11.”
In 2015 so far, there have been 30 U.S.-based jihadist cases, the committee
informed CNSNews.com. In 2001, after the Sept. 11 attacks, there were only
two U.S.-based jihadist cases uncovered that year, the committee said.
One of those cases involved Jose Padilla, also known as Abudullah al-Muhajir
, a U.S. citizen convicted on multiple counts of criminal conspiracy related
to jihadist terrorism; the second case was the Portland Seven, a group of
American Muslims who were attempting to join Al Qaeda but were thwarted by
the FBI.
Islamic terrorists. (AP)
For the August 2015 “Terror Threat Snapshot,” the majority staff of the
Homeland Security Committee reported that, “In July alone, a terrorist
murdered U.S. service members in Chattanooga, and authorities arrested
extremists seeking to live-stream a terrorist attack on a college campus and
planning to kill U.S. vacationers on the beaches of Florida.”
“The number of U.S. terrorist cases involving homegrown violent jihadists
has gone from 38 in July 2010 to 122 today—a three-fold increase in just
five years,” reads the Snapshot.
For those 122 cases, 80 percent of them “have occurred or been disrupted
since 2009,” said the report. “Authorities have arrested or charged at
least 48 individuals in the United States this year – 63 since 2014 – in
ISIS-related cases. The cases involve individuals: plotting attacks;
attempting to travel to join ISIS overseas; sending money, equipment and
weapons to terrorists; falsifying statements to federal authorities; and
failing to report a felony.”
On July 29, for instance, Arafat Nagi was arrested after he attempted to
travel from New York to join the Islamic State.
On July 16, Youssef Abdulazeez attacked two military facilities in
Chattanooga, Tenn., and killed four Marines and a Navy sailor.
The Snapshot further reported that since early 2014, “there have been 55
planned or executed ISIS-linked terror plots against Western targets,
including 14 inside in the United States.”
In addition, “[t]here have been nearly twice as many ISIS-linked plots
against Western targets in the first seven months of this year (35) than in
all of 2014,” reported the committee.
发帖数: 10729
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话题: terror话题: cases话题: snapshot话题: jihadist话题: threat