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USANews版 - FBI: Investigating Islamists in ALL 50 States
对不起,总统先生,ISIS是100%的穆斯林WSJ:How to Answer the Paris Terror Attack
2015年是美国本土穆斯林恐怖袭击最多的一年研究: 恐怖活动2014年来增加了80%
Obama’s FBI’s Threat Matrix Excludes Islamic Terror奥巴又耍心眼儿,叫radical islam terrorism
Proof of Obama created ISIS是不是at war都搞不清楚,这个白宫无能的很啊
What if the Obama Administration Declared the Global War on Terror over…CNN: Terrorism really isn’t Obama’s ‘issue’
Theresa May: ‘Islamist’ Attack ‘Not Islamic’参议院司法委员会主席要求FBI公开调查细节
John Kerry: Climate Change Causes Islamic Extremism'Democratic' Arab Spring Becoming an Islamist Arab Winter
话题: fbi话题: states话题: terror话题: comey
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
In his continuing effort to whitewash Radical Islamic terror, President
Obama has been heard all over the country scolding the media for “hyping”
the dangers of radical Islam. But now even his own FBI is warning that they
are investigating radical Islamists in all fifty states.
During a recent interview with the liberal Vox.com the president said that
the media “absolutely overstates the risks of terrorism,” essentially
blaming the media for hyping the threat of terror for a brand of “it bleeds
it leads” sensationalism.
But even as Obama has been running around attempting to tamp down worries
over radical Islamic terror, his FBI has announced that it is investigating
terror cells and “lone wolf” actors in all 50 states.
In remarks came to light after three New York men were arrested for ties to
terror, FBI Director James Comey admitted that the problem isn’t in only a
few states, but in all of them.
“We have investigations of people in various stages of radicalizing in all
50 states,” Comey told the recent meeting of the National Association of
Attorneys General.
“This isn’t a New York phenomenon or a Washington phenomenon. This is all
50 states and in ways that are very hard to see,” Comey continued.
On Wednesday, Comey also noted that ISIS (ISIL) is pushing a world wide
recruiting effort that appeals to “troubled souls.”
“ISIL in particular is putting out a siren song with their slick propaganda
through social media,” he said.
The FBI chief went on to describe the pitch that ISIS uses to rope in
recruits: “Troubled soul, come to the caliphate, you will live a life of
glory, these are the apocalyptic end times, you will find a life of meaning
here, fighting for our so-called caliphate. And if you can’t come, kill
somebody where you are.”
So, is the FBI chief “hyping” the threat of terror contrary to the
precepts his own boss?
1 (共1页)
'Democratic' Arab Spring Becoming an Islamist Arab WinterWhat if the Obama Administration Declared the Global War on Terror over…
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40多名ISIS成员已经在美国了John Kerry: Climate Change Causes Islamic Extremism
对不起,总统先生,ISIS是100%的穆斯林WSJ:How to Answer the Paris Terror Attack
2015年是美国本土穆斯林恐怖袭击最多的一年研究: 恐怖活动2014年来增加了80%
Obama’s FBI’s Threat Matrix Excludes Islamic Terror奥巴又耍心眼儿,叫radical islam terrorism
Proof of Obama created ISIS是不是at war都搞不清楚,这个白宫无能的很啊
话题: fbi话题: states话题: terror话题: comey