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USANews版 - Yahoo Finance肉麻的吹捧巴马care
Gallup: 46% Say Obamacare Will Hurt Economy, 37% Say It Will HelpCBO: bamacare生效后,7百万人将失去雇主医疗保险
ADP Grossly Overstates Job Growth for Last 12 Months by 419,000 JobsIRS Chief: I Want to Keep My Health Care Plan, Not Switch to Obamacare
10/17/2012最新Gallup Poll: 罗姆尼领先6%Obamacare 的得失?
U.S. Unadjusted Unemployment Shoots Back UpObamacare Exchanges to Cost $5.3 Billion, 16 Million Hours
医保费用继续上涨有点意思,谈谈我对Obama Care的看法
Obama Slashes Four Hours Off Definition of "Full-Time" EmploymentObamaCare 的钱从哪里来,到哪里去
你们这些闭口开口Obama Care的,有几个真正了解Obama Care???Obama 给了很多waiver,人家政府员工都不参加obamacare
话题: obamacare话题: affordable话题: jobs话题: job话题: healthcare
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Obamacare 43% Approval Rating Declared a Victory
Credit Yahoo!Finance for the inane headline of the day: Employers shrug off
Obamacare, robbing Republicans of a campaign issue.
Just 18 months ago, a Republican fantasy seemed about to come true.
The Affordable Care Act was in the midst of a disastrous rollout plagued
by dialup-stye technology snafus. President Obama had sabotaged his own
health-reform plan by falsely promising that everybody happy with their
health plan could keep it. As frozen computer screens and canceled policies
generated a tsunami of bad publicity, it seemed plausible that Obamacare
might be such a flop that voters would clamor for its repeal when the next
presidential election came around.
But Americans are warming to the controversial program. A recent Gallup
poll shows a sharp rise in public approval of how the government handles
healthcare, from 29% in 2013 to 43% today. By the time the 2016 election
arrives, Obamacare bashers may have an even tougher time making the case
against the law. Here’s why:
Obamacare hasn’t killed jobs. Republicans repeatedly lambasted
Obamacare as a “job killer,” but it doesn’t seem to be that, either.
Since the law fully took effect at the beginning of 2014, employers have
created about 3.5 million new jobs, a very strong pace of job growth
comparable with the late 1990s. The Gallup job-creation index, meanwhile,
recently hit the highest levels since 2008. It's unlikely Obamacare is
directly contributing to job growth, but it sure doesen’t seem to be
harming it.
Killing Jobs
No Obamacare did not "kill jobs". In fact it created millions of them,
albeit in a superficial manner. By classifying full-time employment at 30
hours, corporations reduced hours of employees to 25. Employees that used to
work 32 hours were cut to 25 and they then picked up second part-time jobs.
Because the BLS does an inadequate job of calculating the double-counting,
job growth has been severely overstated. Don't blame the BLS. It's not their
fault, because as amazing as it may seem they do not have access to the
data they want.
Here's the kicker from the above link.
There are still plenty of problems with the ACA and with the U.S.
healthcare system overall. Costs are still rising faster than inflation,
with a growing portion of many families’ disposable income going toward
healthcare instead of rent, food, education or savings. While the cost of
premiums has flattened out, the cost of deductibles, co-pays and other out-
of-pocket expenses has soared. The Affordable Care Act remains a misnomer,
because healthcare remains far from affordable for many families.
Supposedly a 43% approval rating for an "affordable" program that created as
many problems as it solved and did nothing to make health care affordable
for most, is now a victory and a non-campaign issue.
This is what constitutes reporting these days. Or was this really an
infomercial for Hillary in disguise?
1 (共1页)
在开销上,Obamacare确实有太多的不可预告性Obama Slashes Four Hours Off Definition of "Full-Time" Employment
Obamacare Will Cost Young People Thousands More Per Year你们这些闭口开口Obama Care的,有几个真正了解Obama Care???
身边朋友的经历看obamacare (转载)2014obamacare实施后,大家自求多福吧
Gallup: 46% Say Obamacare Will Hurt Economy, 37% Say It Will HelpCBO: bamacare生效后,7百万人将失去雇主医疗保险
ADP Grossly Overstates Job Growth for Last 12 Months by 419,000 JobsIRS Chief: I Want to Keep My Health Care Plan, Not Switch to Obamacare
10/17/2012最新Gallup Poll: 罗姆尼领先6%Obamacare 的得失?
U.S. Unadjusted Unemployment Shoots Back UpObamacare Exchanges to Cost $5.3 Billion, 16 Million Hours
话题: obamacare话题: affordable话题: jobs话题: job话题: healthcare