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USANews版 - 库尔德族女战士与ISIS战斗
丹麦女英雄击杀百名ISIS激进分子ISIS militants take Iraq army camp
还是库尔德族战斗力强,伊拉克军队就是个看家助手 (ZZ)德国荷兰摩托车飞车党很有种阿
美国空投武器和补给给Kobani的库尔德族巴马不得不采用了Rand Paul的建议:武装库尔德人
Wolf to Obama: Your Words on Preventing Genocide Were 'Hollow'Trump 和土鸡国的二豆干,
美国终于对伊拉克极端穆斯林展开空袭了消息称伊斯兰国主要领导人被包围在Mosul (ZZ)
Air Strikes on Isis Not Working; What's Next?活活烧死女孩子,19个,因为你们不做性奴
美国再不出兵的话,Kobane估计保不住了大统令怎么办?ISIS要通过难民搞恐怖袭击 (转载)
话题: kurdish话题: female话题: women话题: isis话题: don
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Kurdish Female Warriors On The Front Lines Fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria
via Breitbart Feed
A notoriously fierce segment of the Kurdish security forces are striking
terror into the hearts of ISIS terrorists. The Jihadists have no problem
slaughtering defenseless women but they don't like facing armed female
warriors in battle -- because they don't believe they'll go to heaven if
they're killed by one of them.
The first official female unit was formed in 1996 when women began combat
training in opposition to Saddam Hussein’s regime. They've earned a
reputation for bravery and skill in the battlefield - so much so Peshmerga
women are sometimes compared to Amazons. You could call them the Kurdish
Peshmerga's First Cavalry Amazon Battalion.
Via PBS News, the all female unit’s commander, Col. Nahida Ahmed Rashid,
said "more women are enlisting today to defend Iraq’s Kurdish region from
Islamic State extremists."
And these soldiers don’t only swell the fighting ranks; they’ve
recently become a part of front-line strategy.
“The jihadists don’t like fighting women, because if they’re killed
by a female, they think they won’t go to heaven,” one female soldier said.
Women are also involved in Kurdish resistance to the Islamic State’s
advances in Syria. Some 30 percent of the armed wing of the Kurdish
Democratic Union Party (PYD) there, which also fights against Jabhat al-
Nusra, al-Qaeda’s Syrian branch, are female.
Such soldiers join up not simply to defend their cities from invading
armies, said the commander of the first all-woman PYD brigade, but from the
extremist ideas they would carry with them.
“I believe in a greater cause, which is protecting our families and our
cities from the extremists’ brutality and dark ideas,” she said. “They
don’t accept having women in leadership positions. They want us to cover
ourselves and become housewives to attend to their needs only. They think we
have no right to talk and control our lives.”
Here is a documentary of the women fighters of Kurdistan.
发帖数: 10729
because they don't believe they'll go to heaven if
they're killed by one of them.
发帖数: 2924
都是极端势力吧. 只不过极端在不同方面.

【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: Kurdish Female Warriors On The Front Lines Fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria
: via Breitbart Feed
: A notoriously fierce segment of the Kurdish security forces are striking
: terror into the hearts of ISIS terrorists. The Jihadists have no problem
: slaughtering defenseless women but they don't like facing armed female
: warriors in battle -- because they don't believe they'll go to heaven if
: they're killed by one of them.
: The first official female unit was formed in 1996 when women began combat
: training in opposition to Saddam Hussein’s regime. They've earned a
: reputation for bravery and skill in the battlefield - so much so Peshmerga

1 (共1页)
大统令怎么办?ISIS要通过难民搞恐怖袭击 (转载)Wolf to Obama: Your Words on Preventing Genocide Were 'Hollow'
Daily show说Trump是white isis (转载)美国终于对伊拉克极端穆斯林展开空袭了
Fla. Governor: 'We're Fed Up' with Radical IslamAir Strikes on Isis Not Working; What's Next?
丹麦女英雄击杀百名ISIS激进分子ISIS militants take Iraq army camp
还是库尔德族战斗力强,伊拉克军队就是个看家助手 (ZZ)德国荷兰摩托车飞车党很有种阿
美国空投武器和补给给Kobani的库尔德族巴马不得不采用了Rand Paul的建议:武装库尔德人
话题: kurdish话题: female话题: women话题: isis话题: don