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USANews版 - 擦。普京面对强大军事行动终于表示怕怕了
疤蟆真是没ball阿Re: 一直觉得奥巴马口碑不错,看到评论, 有点诧异 (转载)
哈哈。这回藩王(臣)普京真的要怕怕袅!!Re: 好心劝人转码农结果被骂。 (转载)
怕怕鸭。友邦惊诧乐!!!这个Yahoo的评论太经典了,看不到这个国家的前途 (转载)
又有几个“儿子”被杀,奥巴马看不下去了刚才在门口碰到几个signature soliciting democrats
共产主义类似纳粹,获奖片导演吁世人警惕 作者:周行奥巴马这一瞎搞,把以后黑人当总统的路彻底堵死了 (转载)
波罗的海冰冻困住大约50艘船中俄关系这二十年一直很好吧,联合国投票就没有不一致过 (转载)
为什么欧洲国家能全民医疗?你们说:如果当年发明英特网的戈尔当选美国总统 (转载)
WSJ: 华尔街银行家掀起改行潮?republic 党再次证明了他们的反动
话题: us话题: russia话题: nato话题: also话题: defense
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7463
The deployment of US and NATO aviation, ships and troops raises concerns,
Russia’s Chief of General Staff told his American counterpart. In a phone
conversation the two also spoke of Russian military exercises and “
substantial” Ukrainian troop buildup.
“Our concern is caused by an increase of US air force and the American
military personnel in the Baltic, Poland, and also the Alliance's ships in
the Black Sea,” the Defense Ministry said in a statement, quoting General
Valery Gerasimov. NATO wargames in Eastern Europe are also “not helping”
to normalize the situation, Russia's defense minister Sergey Shoigu said
The first waves of US soldiers have already arrived in Poland and Latvia,
after Tuesday announcement that the Pentagon is sending about 600 soldiers
to Poland and the three Baltic states for infantry exercises. “If there's a
message to Moscow, it is the same exact message that we take our
obligations very, very seriously on the continent of Europe,” Defense
Department spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby said at the time.
Also this week, the US frigate USS Taylor entered the Black Sea, with this
NATO vessel – the French frigate Dupleix – reportedly scheduled to enter
the Black Sea by the end of the week. France is also sending four fighter
jets to help NATO’s air patrols over the Baltics.
In a phone call on Friday, Gerasimov also told US General Martin Dempsey
that Ukraine deployed a “substantial group of forces” on its border with
Russia, potentially capable of conducting sabotage. “On the Ukrainian side
of the border with Russia, light mechanized border troops are operating,
designed for subversive activities,” defense ministry’s statement read.
大美利坚国 伯理玺天德 奥巴马 (陛下)今天再次表示俄罗斯藩国如果不思悔改将为
藩王普京(臣)诚惶诚恐,遣藩国兵部Valery Gerasimov发表言论表示怕怕
发帖数: 7463
大美利坚国 伯理玺天德 奥巴马 (陛下)今天巡幸藩国,远播皇恩,在Perdana Putra
Building in Putrajaya降旨,为彰显仁慈爱民如子为避免惩戒过重伤及无辜,特降旨
大美利坚国 伯理玺天德 奥巴马 (陛下)已经于三日前酱纸,表示俄罗斯藩国如果不
G7 members agreed Friday to roll out a third round of anti-Russian sanctions
over the Ukrainian crisis. But those would be an extension of the previous
two rounds of sanctions, which targeted 33 individuals in Russia and Ukraine
and a Russian bank, which the Western government deemed responsible for the
crisis in Ukraine or close enough to President Vladimir Putin to have
leverage on him.
1 (共1页)
republic 党再次证明了他们的反动共产主义类似纳粹,获奖片导演吁世人警惕 作者:周行
奥大马桶又一重大举措WSJ: 华尔街银行家掀起改行潮?
疤蟆真是没ball阿Re: 一直觉得奥巴马口碑不错,看到评论, 有点诧异 (转载)
哈哈。这回藩王(臣)普京真的要怕怕袅!!Re: 好心劝人转码农结果被骂。 (转载)
怕怕鸭。友邦惊诧乐!!!这个Yahoo的评论太经典了,看不到这个国家的前途 (转载)
又有几个“儿子”被杀,奥巴马看不下去了刚才在门口碰到几个signature soliciting democrats
话题: us话题: russia话题: nato话题: also话题: defense