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USANews版 - 胡德堡军事基地再次发生枪击案
Ft. Hood Whitewash"A fart by an Arab student caused a US airport closed for 6 hours"
共和党议员: 应该允许士兵在基地里面带枪Re: 大家怎么看这个jiang机场吻别事件 (转载)
参议员指责联邦调查局和军方搞政治正确U.S. war in Iraq officially ends
7 killed in shootingNo, Hasan and Bales Are Not Equivalent
Virginia Tech 大牛校啊,培养的都是超级杀手 (转载)这撕的X毛终于要给剃了.
穆斯林恐怖分子Nidal Hasan竟然是奥巴马政权移交小组中国家安全项目的一名成员!"Betrayed is a good word"
如果哈桑不是伊斯兰恐怖分子,谁是?华尔街日报:奥巴马逐渐丧失公信力 代价难估量
话题: hood话题: army话题: base话题: fox话题: texas
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
尼玛当初的枪击案不讲是恐怖袭击,硬要说成是work place violence. 现在又来了. 看
Shooting with casualties reported at Ft. Hood
Published April 02, 2014
An "active shooter" incident with casualties at Ft. Hood has left at least
two people injured, officials said.
A senior law enforcement official told Fox News that it is believed one
shooter has been “neutralized,” and authorities believe there may be
another shooter in the vicinity.
At least two people were reported to be taken to a hospital but there was no
immediate report on their injuries.
“There has been a shooting at Fort Hood and injuries are reported,” the
base said in a press release. “Emergency crews are on the scene. No further
details are known at this time.”
A worker at Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center, which is located at Ft.
Hood, told Fox News they were treating two patients who were wounded in the
shooting. The worker says doctors have been told to expect more, although it
’s unclear how many more they might be expecting.
“It’s chaos,” a source outside the hospital told FoxNews.com. “I see
lots of ambulances coming in. There are helicopters everywhere.”
The sheriff's office dispatched deputies and troopers from the Texas
Department of Public Safety to the nearby Texas Army base, Bell County
Sheriff's Office Lt. Donnie Adams said.
Fort Hood ordered everyone at the base to "shelter in place." The order was
sent on the base's Twitter feed and posted on its Facebook page.
The 1st Calvary Division, which is based at Fort Hood, sent a Twitter alert
telling people on base to close doors and stay away from windows.
President Obama has been informed of the shooting and will continue to
receive updates, the White House said.
In 2009, U.S. Army Maj. Nidal Hasan, a psychiatrist who had become a radical
Muslim while serving in the military, killed 13 people and injured dozens
more inside the Army base in Killeen, Texas. Hasan, who represented himself
at a military trial after clashing with his appointed attorneys, was
sentenced to death in August.
Fox News’ Martin Finn, Jennifer Griffin, Shayla Bezdrob, Jana Winter and
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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华尔街日报:奥巴马逐渐丧失公信力 代价难估量Virginia Tech 大牛校啊,培养的都是超级杀手 (转载)
美国空军太平洋上营救中国海员穆斯林恐怖分子Nidal Hasan竟然是奥巴马政权移交小组中国家安全项目的一名成员!
Finally: Eric Holder To Step Down如果哈桑不是伊斯兰恐怖分子,谁是?
Ft. Hood Whitewash"A fart by an Arab student caused a US airport closed for 6 hours"
共和党议员: 应该允许士兵在基地里面带枪Re: 大家怎么看这个jiang机场吻别事件 (转载)
参议员指责联邦调查局和军方搞政治正确U.S. war in Iraq officially ends
7 killed in shootingNo, Hasan and Bales Are Not Equivalent
话题: hood话题: army话题: base话题: fox话题: texas