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USANews版 - 煞笔民猪党人twitter恶语咒骂别人,然后抱怨别人攻击他
Douchebag Sean Penn: "I don’t feel that I have ever been loved"不知道法庭都这样还是兰州这样,这个被告差点抢到枪,
Hagel on Al-Jazeera: America Is the ‘World’s Bully’Douchebag Of The Day – Green Global CEO Mike Hoffman
Only 4% of Americans Rate Gun Control as Important IssueDouchebag Of The Day – Debbie Wasserman Schultz
开心一笑:克鲁兹你的外套去哪里了?CBS News Anchor Resigns
Wild Rumor: The tape will be out tonight.华人为什么要支持右逼共和党?
Rubio endorser struggles to name Rubio accomplishments希拉里是上天派来的
话题: september话题: he话题: my
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发帖数: 29846
Sacramento Democrats Communications Chair Melts Down on Twitter: ‘May your
children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable disease’ »
by Jammie
What a charming fellow. The new civility!
@amandacarpenter May your children all die from debilitating, painful
and incurable diseases.
— allanbrauer (@allanbrauer) September 20, 2013
This putrid douchebag is now the victim:
I'm being attacked on Twitter for wishing one of Ted Cruz's pubic lice
to experience the pain her boss is inflicting on Americans.
— allanbrauer (@allanbrauer) September 20, 2013
Poor baby. Now he has to block people. Aw:
Busy blocking the tapeworms that have slithered out of hellspawn @
amandacarpenter's asshole. How's your day so far?
— allanbrauer (@allanbrauer) September 20, 2013
A reminder: He’s the communications director for the Sacramento Democrats.
Well, for now at least.
He slithered back with this half-hearted “apology”:
Hi @amandacarpenter I am truly sorry for my tweet. I was very upset and
lashed out. Your kids are not fair game either. My apologies.
— allanbrauer (@allanbrauer) September 20, 2013
Nothing he says can possibly erase what he’s done. He needs to man up and
resign in shame.
Amusingly enough, his website offers this:
My goal: effective, audience-focused communications. My approach: Client
-centered, consultative collaboration.
Areas of expertise: RFPs, bid documents, proposals, resumes/cover
letters, issue advocacy, internet marketing and blogging.
Update: Unbelievable:
I spoke to CA Democratic Party spokesman about @allenbrauer's comments
to @amandacarpenter. Their response: pic.twitter.com/GrBqQ9MH8b
— Chris Moody (@Chris_Moody) September 20, 2013
1 (共1页)
嘲笑床铺得到老爸帮助的,你看看盖茨和小扎Wild Rumor: The tape will be out tonight.
刚才听广播,看来Comey内部的人要造反,他没办法了。Rubio endorser struggles to name Rubio accomplishments
那些笑trump推開別人往前站的libertard, 其實還是不懂川总反对娱乐用大麻,支持合法化医疗用大麻
Douchebag Sean Penn: "I don’t feel that I have ever been loved"不知道法庭都这样还是兰州这样,这个被告差点抢到枪,
Hagel on Al-Jazeera: America Is the ‘World’s Bully’Douchebag Of The Day – Green Global CEO Mike Hoffman
Only 4% of Americans Rate Gun Control as Important IssueDouchebag Of The Day – Debbie Wasserman Schultz
开心一笑:克鲁兹你的外套去哪里了?CBS News Anchor Resigns
话题: september话题: he话题: my