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USANews版 - Charles Barkley: Jury Was Right to Acquit Zimmerman
NBA球星巴克里谈Zimmerman verdictZimmerman cleared in shooting of Trayvon Martin
Jury in Apple, Samsung Case Reach VerdictWhat does justice for Trayvon Martin mean?
Zimmerman helps rescue Florida highway crash victimsZimmerman的陪审团成员没有华人
被芝麻仁救的一家人又不敢开记者招待会了黑人中的自恨Charles Barkley (转载)
Great: One Zimmerman Juror Says He ‘Got Away With Murder’ »FBI Report: Zimmerman Not ‘Racist’, Did Have ‘Hero Complex’
George Zimmerman又被捕了(还是为民除害)庆贺Zimmerman acquittal的都是华人败类
最应该喷的难道不是陪审团?Sr Charles comments on Zimmerman
话题: zimmerman话题: people话题: right话题: acquit话题: jury
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发帖数: 13043
Charles Barkley: Jury Was Right to Acquit Zimmerman
Thu 18 Jul 13 | 03:22 PM ET
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any thoughts on the george zimmerman verdict. i agree with the verdict. i'm
sorry that young kid got killed. but they didn't have enough evidence to
charge them. something clearly went wrong that night. clearly something went
wrong. i feel bad for anyone losing a kid. but if you looked at the case
and you don't make it -- there was racial profiling, no question about it.
but something happened that changed the dynamic of that night. and i know --
that's probably not a popular opinion among most people. but looking at the
evidence i agree with the verdict. i feel bad because i don't like when
race gets out in the media. i don't think media has a pure heart, as i call
it. very few people have a pure heart when it comes to race. racism is wrong
in any, shape, form. a lot of black people are racist too. i think
sometimes when people talk about racism, they say only white people are
racist. but i think black people are too. i don't think the media has clean
hand. i'm sorry the young kid got killed but judging by the evidence, i don'
t think that guy should have went to jail the rest of his life. something
happened bad. i like what the juror said, they both should have walked away.
and if there is a shadow of a doubt, there is a shadow of a doubt. mr.
zimmerman wab wrong to -- he was racial profiling. trayvon martin, god rest
his soul, he did flip the switch and start beating the hell out of mr.
zimmerman. the main thing, i feel bad, it gives every black and white person
who is racist the platform to base their ignorance. i watched this trial
closely. i watch these people are television talking about it. a lot of
people have a hidden agenda. they want their racist views, whether they are
white or black -- the biassed comes out. it does. we all lost. and i feel
bad for his parents. you don't ever want to see anybody lose a kid.
发帖数: 52743


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: Charles Barkley: Jury Was Right to Acquit Zimmerman
: Thu 18 Jul 13 | 03:22 PM ET
: Highlight transcript below to create clipAuto ScrollTranscript: Print |
: Email This term does not appear Go
: Click text to jump within video
: any thoughts on the george zimmerman verdict. i agree with the verdict. i'm
: sorry that young kid got killed. but they didn't have enough evidence to
: charge them. something clearly went wrong that night. clearly something went
: wrong. i feel bad for anyone losing a kid. but if you looked at the case
: and you don't make it -- there was racial profiling, no question about it.

1 (共1页)
Sr Charles comments on Zimmerman被芝麻仁救的一家人又不敢开记者招待会了
大家还记得Zimmerman么,Trayvon可能还真死的有点冤Great: One Zimmerman Juror Says He ‘Got Away With Murder’ »
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那些打种族牌的人看过来 (转载)最应该喷的难道不是陪审团?
NBA球星巴克里谈Zimmerman verdictZimmerman cleared in shooting of Trayvon Martin
Jury in Apple, Samsung Case Reach VerdictWhat does justice for Trayvon Martin mean?
Zimmerman helps rescue Florida highway crash victimsZimmerman的陪审团成员没有华人
话题: zimmerman话题: people话题: right话题: acquit话题: jury