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USANews版 - Path to Citizenship Divides Congress and, Polls Show, Confuses Country
Illegal immigrants to get driver's licenses in CaliforniaLiberals dont want to help the poor.
强烈支持Trump来拯救美国TDB Poll of Polls: Romney leads 2% nationwide
蘑菇头是死不认错的货 (转载)NATE SILVER: Nov 5 Late Poll Gains for Obama
Jeb Bush反对给非法移民公民身份由墨西哥移民美国历史看移民辩论
卫生巾杂志撰文:移民问题的重点来自亚洲Trump would push Mexico to fund wall by blocking money transfers: report
白宫:一年一百万合法移民 (转载)Way to attack the Mexican judge
叔支持床铺结束非法移民子女的公民出生权 (转载)La Raza 跟 KKK 有啥区别?
Harry Reid's 1993 claim that 'no sane country' would provide birthright citizenship fuels GOP immigr关于poll results
话题: immigrants话题: visas话题: americans话题: who
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1041
* at least 70 percent of Americans said they supported options allowing
those immigrants to remain in the country with some form of legal status
* 63 percent of Americans said immigrants here illegally should be allowed
to become citizens if they met certain requirements
* only 43 percent said they would give citizenship to the immigrants, while
24 percent said the immigrants should be allowed to stay as permanent
residents but not citizens
* All proposals place significant hurdles along the way, including
requirements to pay fines and back taxes, pass criminal background checks,
and learn English and American civics.
* None of the citizenship paths under consideration will be complete,
however, without measures to reduce huge backlogs in the legal immigration
system — an issue that has had little public discussion.
* One point of agreement between lawmakers from both parties who are working
on legislation, as well as Mr. Obama, is that immigrants who have been here
illegally have to go to the back of the line behind applicants who followed
the rules.
* Because of numerical caps on visas for foreigners seeking residency, more
than four million people who have been approved for green cards are waiting
in those lines for visas, according to official figures. They include about
1.3 million Mexicans, but only 47,250 visas are available for Mexicans each
year, according to the State Department. Some Mexican-born children of
American citizens must wait 20 years for visas.
* Democrats hope to raise or eliminate the caps, at least temporarily, to
allow these applicants to move through rapidly, and they want to make new
green cards available for immigrants who finish their provisional term.
* Republicans, whose voters, recent polls show, are more skeptical about the
value of immigration, are reluctant to increase visa numbers. They have
proposed freeing up visas by eliminating some relatives of immigrants from
* Lawmakers on all sides are facing intense pressure from immigrants,
especially Latinos, who have been pushing hard for a direct path to
citizenship. “Since the end of slavery we have not created a second class
of Americans,” said Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for
Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, “and we should not start now.”
发帖数: 1041
* Republicans, whose voters, recent polls show, are more skeptical about
the value of immigration, are reluctant to increase visa numbers. They have
proposed freeing up visas by eliminating some relatives of immigrants from
发帖数: 1041
* Lawmakers on all sides are facing intense pressure from immigrants,
especially Latinos, who have been pushing hard for a direct path to
citizenship. “Since the end of slavery we have not created a second class
of Americans,” said Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for
Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, “and we should not start now.”
发帖数: 1041
* Because of numerical caps on visas for foreigners seeking residency, more
than four million people who have been approved for green cards are waiting
in those lines for visas, according to official figures. They include about
1.3 million Mexicans, but only 47,250 visas are available for Mexicans each
year, according to the State Department. Some Mexican-born children of
citizens must wait 20 years for visas.
发帖数: 7063


【在 m********a 的大作中提到】
: * Republicans, whose voters, recent polls show, are more skeptical about
: the value of immigration, are reluctant to increase visa numbers. They have
: proposed freeing up visas by eliminating some relatives of immigrants from
: eligibility.
: 我覺得這個有道理。我覺得那些好努力讀書、找工作者的確比像我一樣跑來結婚的對美
: 國有貢獻多了。

1 (共1页)
关于poll results卫生巾杂志撰文:移民问题的重点来自亚洲
So why Hillary is leading in polls?白宫:一年一百万合法移民 (转载)
can't trust polls叔支持床铺结束非法移民子女的公民出生权 (转载)
电话poll的另一大不靠谱Harry Reid's 1993 claim that 'no sane country' would provide birthright citizenship fuels GOP immigr
Illegal immigrants to get driver's licenses in CaliforniaLiberals dont want to help the poor.
强烈支持Trump来拯救美国TDB Poll of Polls: Romney leads 2% nationwide
蘑菇头是死不认错的货 (转载)NATE SILVER: Nov 5 Late Poll Gains for Obama
Jeb Bush反对给非法移民公民身份由墨西哥移民美国历史看移民辩论
话题: immigrants话题: visas话题: americans话题: who