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USANews版 - 关于Dorner的真相: Leftism Is Violence
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话题: violence话题: dorner话题: left话题: rousseau话题: leftism
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发帖数: 29846
The Truth About Dorner: Leftism Is Violence
February 10th, 2013 - 4:09 pm
There’s nothing for me to add to the great work already done by
SooperMexican, Mediaite, Michelle Malkin, Sean Hannity and others critiquing
the media coverage of alleged mad dog cop-killer Christopher Jordan Dorner.
The media has been dishonest in trying to cover up Dorner’s left-wing
views. They’ve been beyond hypocritical in drawing no link between Dorner’
s acts and his politics — after they have repeatedly tried to link acts of
violence to conservatism even when, as usual, there was no link to be made.
Worst of all, as Big Government has shown, they are beginning to try to
justify the slaughter.
Most of the conservative commentators listed above have been careful to
point out that connections between a madman and his politics, whether right
or left, should only be drawn with caution. And they all say that it’s
irresponsible to blame political commentators, right or left, for the
actions of a lunatic who may have taken inspiration from them.
I’m not so sure. Violence is inherent in left-wing philosophy, and the
violence it inspires should be laid at its door.
Haven’t you noticed this? The American left is always waxing hysterical
about right-wing violence and the true violence always comes from the
American left. The American news media cry out in horror at peaceful Tea
Party demonstrations and look the other way when Occupy Wall Streeters
commit vandalism, rape, and even murder. The media try to pin any political
assassination attempt on conservatives; yet almost all American political
assassinations are committed by the left. If you want more examples as well
as proof, read Demonic by Ann Coulter — who, unlike any left-wing pundit I
can think of, needs a bodyguard whenever she speaks on college campuses!
What Coulter calls “Imaginary Violence from the Right vs. Actual Violence
from the Left” is not an accident. Violence is an essential part of the
left’s approach. The 19th century political philosopher Frederic Bastiat
pointed out the fact (that Ayn Rand later popularized) that redistribution
of wealth is in and of itself an unjustified use of force against the
property of individuals. The fact that it’s a collective use of force in no
way legitimizes it. Nor does the sanction of raw democracy which, as the
old joke goes, is just two wolves and a lamb voting on what’s for supper.
In Bastiat’s words:
As the force of an individual cannot lawfully touch the person, the
liberty, or the property of another individual — for the same reason, the
common force cannot lawfully be used to destroy the person, the liberty, or
the property of individuals or of classes.
Leftism requires this illegitimate use of force — this use of violence —
because free individuals simply will not do what leftists, in their wisdom,
have decided is right and good.
The left has never bought into the central revelation of the Enlightenment:
things are made to work perfectly fine without much control from above. This
Enlightenment insight was inspired by the earlier work of Isaac Newton who
discovered that God didn’t have to move the stars around in the sky or
cause the apple to fall to earth. The Big Dude had cleverly put machinery in
place that worked pretty much on its own. The economist Adam Smith
translated this insight into economics when he pointed out that individuals
working in their own interest frequently promote the interest of everyone as
if by an invisible hand. The founders translated the idea into politics by
creating a system in which individuals could act without too much government
interference. These geniuses didn’t trust in individual goodness, not at
all. They trusted in the handiwork of the Creator — that is, they trusted
the overall human system was built to work without kings and aristocrats —
or a democratic mob — forcing people to do what they wanted.
Jean Jacques Rousseau, the founding saint of modern leftism, rejected that
Enlightenment wisdom. He hated the modern world and thought humanity had
been better off in a state of noble savagery. In that state, Rousseau
believed, men were truly free because their laws naturally followed the
general will. If people in the corrupt modern age violated the general will,
they had to be “forced to be free.”
The logic of Rousseau led to the guillotine. You can’t say: “Well, it’s
no fair blaming the pundit Rousseau for the violence of the madman
Robespierre.” The guillotine was inherent in Rousseau’s thought. And it’s
Rousseau’s thought — his idea that individuals should be forced to follow
the “general will” — that informs all leftist thinking — including, by
the way, Obama’s second inaugural address.
So no, I don’t think we should be so quick to disconnect Dorner’s kill
spree from the left-wing pols and pundits who inspired it. They are
philosophically complicit.
Leftism is violence. It always was.
发帖数: 20965
what's wrong with violence?
Only cowards and dick-suckers are afraid of violence.
发帖数: 65
lz is a racist.
1 (共1页)
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中国人需要巴斯夏的思想启蒙 by 鲁克60%的小业主:川普赢了第一场辩论,我们选他
话题: violence话题: dorner话题: left话题: rousseau话题: leftism