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USANews版 - Common sense? Forget about it.
中美县级政府构成对比Tea party? CCP?
白市长ok:trump要对曼哈顿杀人负责Tea party candidate admits lying
For Christians, it's like Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day傻叉疤蟆拿纳税人的钱给金正日倒是很大方啊
Elizabeth mayor says there’s no gang problem (转载)这个伊朗刺杀沙特大使的事
市长也疯狂La. school voucher plan ruled unconstitutional
反枪派市长,Bloomberg的朋友,因酒后乱开枪被捕 (转载)这次抓到了,美联航客服偷行李
Another Bad Week for Bloomberg's Gun Control Group »2013年纽约大选日,你准备好了吗?
话题: new话题: island话题: staten话题: york话题: marathon
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by Lands’nGrooves
Non union utility workers from Alabama were reportedly told by their counter
parts in storm ravaged New Jersey that their services weren’t welcomed.
WAFF TV Hunstville, AL reported:
The hurricane-ravaged east coast has been receiving north Alabama help, but
crews from Huntsville Utilities learned they’ll be doing work in Long
Island, New York instead of in New Jersey.
Crews from Huntsville, as well as Decatur Utilities and Joe Wheeler out of
Trinity headed up there this week, but Derrick Moore, one of the Decatur
workers, said they were told by crews in New Jersey that they can’t do any
work there since they’re not union employees.
The crews that are in Roanoke, Virginia say they are just watching and
waiting even though they originally received a call asking for help from
Seaside Heights, New Jersey.
The crews were told to stand down. In fact, Moore said the crew from Trinity
is already headed back home.
Speaking of asinine…
NYC Mayor Bloomberg diverts food & generators from devastated Staten Island
to NYC Marathon.
Breitbart -
Fresh off his "climate disruption"-driven endorsement of President Obama,
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has chosen to divert critical food
supplies and power generators from desperate residents of Staten Island to
Sunday's New York City Marathon. Gothamist reports:
[T]hose urging the city to halt the run believe that the thousands of
Marathon volunteers could direct their efforts towards post-Sandy relief and
cleanup, "and they also argue that the event will divert thousands of
police from important hurricane-related duties." But despite petitions
circulating, work started up again yesterday on the Marathon route.
A tipster, who wishes to remain anonymous, told us there were lots of
workers in and out of the park today, who had "started before the storm and
then came back starting yesterday." Trailers are lined up from around 71st
to 66th Streets on Central Park West, a food truck was set up today, and "
generators have been sitting there at least a week." The tents that were
taken down prior to the storm have also been set back up, and there is a
stage set up near 73rd Street.
Considering all the volunteer help and NYPD attention that's already being
diverted to the Marathon, the added sight of generators and food being
channeled to the event is probably going to strike some New Yorkers as a
little misplaced—we're thinking of the ones who are currently lined up
waiting for the National Guard to ration out MREs and bottles of water.
Staten Island residents are frantically calling for help, ABC News reported
on Thursday:
The residents of Staten Island are pleading for help from elected officials,
begging for gasoline, food and clothing three days after Sandy slammed the
New York City borough.
Staten Island was one of the hardest-hit communities in New York City. More
than 80,000 residents are still without power. Many are homeless, and at
least 19 people died on Staten Island because of the storm.
Staten Island Borough President Jim Molinaro blasted Mayor Bloomberg's
decision to divert needed supplies from Staten Island to this Sunday's New
York City marathon:
Molinaro urged New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg Wednesday to cancel
Sunday’s New York City Marathon. The race’s staging area is on Staten
Island and Molinaro said it would be “crazy, asinine,” to have the race
after what has happened.
“My God. What we have here is terrible, a disaster,” Molinaro said
Wednesday. “If they want to race, let them race with themselves. This is no
time for a parade. A marathon is a parade. Now is the time to put your
shoulder to the wheel. If they want to prepare for something, let them
prepare for the election, not a marathon.”
Bloomberg will tell you what to eat, what to drink, doesn’t want you to
have guns (except his bodyguards), air conditioning is evil (except for him)
and when you will get help. Remember, he knows what’s good for you. So
shut it.
1 (共1页)
我们要投票反枪派市长,Bloomberg的朋友,因酒后乱开枪被捕 (转载)
一英国工党穆斯林称希特勒是历史上最伟大的人Another Bad Week for Bloomberg's Gun Control Group »
中美县级政府构成对比Tea party? CCP?
白市长ok:trump要对曼哈顿杀人负责Tea party candidate admits lying
For Christians, it's like Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day傻叉疤蟆拿纳税人的钱给金正日倒是很大方啊
Elizabeth mayor says there’s no gang problem (转载)这个伊朗刺杀沙特大使的事
话题: new话题: island话题: staten话题: york话题: marathon