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USANews版 - Supporting Wisconsin’s Lt. Governor, Rebecca Kleefisch
Governor Of The Year – Scott WalkerScott Walker to Romney: Get off your heels
The latest in Wisconsin我真的希望Mitt romney出来选
All Eyes on Turnout in Wisconsin Recall Vote剩下为数不多的几个看点
What $18 Million Could Buy in WisconsinThe historical illiteracy of Wisconsin teachers; Update: Crosshairs, “Reload”
看Wisconsin是怎么搞medicaid的WSJ:Wisconsin Democrats May Return Soon
Wis governor get call from his masterDo Republicans Ideas Lead to Job Growth?
Yes, ObamacareTax IS the Biggest Tax in American HistoryAfter Wisconsin recall, a test for both parties
话题: kleefisch话题: lt话题: wisconsin话题: walker话题: governor
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
May 29, 2012 by Warner Todd Huston
Many of you are aware of the recall election being held in Wisconsin. There,
leftists and union thugs throughout the state are trying to oust the only
recently elected Republican Governor, Scott Walker. But something many don’
t realize is that Walker’s Lt. Governor, Rebecca Kleefisch, is also under
recall in this needless and expensive re-do of the 2010 elections.
Kleefisch is the Republican Lt. Gov that entered office alongside Gov.
Walker and she, too, is a target of these leftists. She hasn’t gotten the
same publicity nation wide as Walker, of course, but she is just as
deserving of our support and help. After all, the program that Walker and
Kleefisch instituted has already saved Wisconsin $1 billion! Seems like a
duo worth saving to me.
Despite what the pair have saved the state in budget dollars, estimates have
varied on what this foolish recall election will cost, a recall effort that
even liberal newspapers in Wisconsin oppose, but some are saying it will
cost the donating mood, click on the image below and help Kleefisch out with
the expenses that these liberals are forcing upon her, won’t you?
Recently Lt. Gov. Kleefisch was in Chicago and spoke a few words at the Tax
Day Tea Party. (Video captured by MarathonPundit)
1 (共1页)
After Wisconsin recall, a test for both parties看Wisconsin是怎么搞medicaid的
Nurse From Hell Isn’t Polling WellWis governor get call from his master
我老觉得靠谱的共和党候选人Yes, ObamacareTax IS the Biggest Tax in American History
Governor Of The Year – Scott WalkerScott Walker to Romney: Get off your heels
The latest in Wisconsin我真的希望Mitt romney出来选
All Eyes on Turnout in Wisconsin Recall Vote剩下为数不多的几个看点
What $18 Million Could Buy in WisconsinThe historical illiteracy of Wisconsin teachers; Update: Crosshairs, “Reload”
话题: kleefisch话题: lt话题: wisconsin话题: walker话题: governor