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USANews版 - haha,警察局的诱供的证明出来了。唯一对zimmerman有利的证词是 (转载)
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话题: he话题: zimmerman话题: martin话题: him话题: said
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发帖数: 10182
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: hydralistor (hydralistor), 信区: Military
标 题: haha,警察局的诱供的证明出来了。唯一对zimmerman有利的证词是诱供的。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 29 22:44:58 2012, 美东)
Onlooker Casts Doubt On Martin's Killer's Claims
Updated: Thursday, 29 Mar 2012, 9:39 PM EDT
Published : Thursday, 29 Mar 2012, 9:39 PM EDT
(NewsCore) - Further doubt emerged Thursday over the circumstances of
Florida teen Trayvon Martin's murder, as the mother of a young witness said
her son was "pressured" by police and another onlooker cast doubt on killer
George Zimmerman's claims.
An unnamed witness speaking on CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360" said the entirety
of the scuffle he saw between the two took place on grass, challenging
Zimmerman's claim that Martin had smashed his head against a sidewalk after
punching him in the face -- causing him to shoot the 17-year-old dead in
In reference to the size difference between 28-year-old Zimmerman and Martin
, the witness described the fight as being between a "larger man" and a "boy
." While the witness said he was not able to see who was on top of the other
as the two scuffled, he said "there wasn't a lot of movement" immediately
before he heard a gunshot.
Zimmerman "didn't appear hurt" as he walked away, he added, and he didn't
see any blood on him.
Meanwhile, the mother of a 13-year-old who also witnessed the killing told
the New York Daily News that when Sanford police interviewed her son eight
days after the incident, they "pressured" him to give more detail than he
The youngster, Austin Brown, had been referenced by police as having seen
Martin on top of Zimmerman during the fight, but his mother, Cheryl, said he
saw only one person lying on the grass and could not identify them.
"He kept telling them he couldn't see anything because it was too dark," she
said. "He said he couldn't see the race or anything. He never saw a second
"Then they asked him if he saw what the man was wearing. They gave him a
multiple choice question and gave him three colors. He said, 'I think it was
red.' Knowing my son, I believe he felt pressured to give the color."
It was not clear whether she was present for her son's police interview.
Martin was walking from a 7-Eleven to the home where he was staying with his
father in a gated community outside Orlando on Feb. 26 when Zimmerman, a
neighborhood watch volunteer, phoned 911 to report that the black teen, who
was wearing a hoodie, looked suspicious.
Despite being told by a police dispatcher not to follow Martin, Zimmerman
left his vehicle to go after him, leading to their fatal exchange. Martin
was unarmed, carrying only a bag of Skittles and a can of iced tea.
The new witness accounts came a day after video surfaced showing Zimmerman
in police custody after their deadly clash, but without obvious signs of the
head injuries he claims were inflicted upon him in the scuffle.
A lawyer representing Martin's parents, Benjamin Crump, said the footage was
"the smoking gun" for those seeking to have him arrested.
Read more: http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpps/news/onlooker-casts-doubt-on-martins-killers-claims-dpgonc-km-20120329_18913462#ixzz1qZ3LJ8Om
发帖数: 10233


【在 h*********r 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
: 发信人: hydralistor (hydralistor), 信区: Military
: 标 题: haha,警察局的诱供的证明出来了。唯一对zimmerman有利的证词是诱供的。
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 29 22:44:58 2012, 美东)
: Onlooker Casts Doubt On Martin's Killer's Claims
: Updated: Thursday, 29 Mar 2012, 9:39 PM EDT
: Published : Thursday, 29 Mar 2012, 9:39 PM EDT
: (NewsCore) - Further doubt emerged Thursday over the circumstances of
: Florida teen Trayvon Martin's murder, as the mother of a young witness said
: her son was "pressured" by police and another onlooker cast doubt on killer

1 (共1页)
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佛罗里达elderly couple被泥哥骚扰ABC releases bloody photo of Zimmerman's head (UPDATED)
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Juror: Zimmerman is scaredHow did the prosecution decide on 2nd degree murder charges against Zimmerman?
话题: he话题: zimmerman话题: martin话题: him话题: said