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USANews版 - Welcome to Teabagger America
What is A Teabagger
塑料袋: 亚利桑那和墨西哥加州共和国做的正相反
BTW, tea party love Pennsylvania too
yourtt被我发现是低薪无房男以后 (转载)
做个Chinese Teabagger不容易啊!
话题: hospitals话题: bill话题: illegal话题: would
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 897
PHOENIX – Republican lawmakers want to widen Arizona's illegal immigration
crackdown with a proposal to require hospitals to check on whether patients
are in the country legally, causing outrage among medical professionals who
fear becoming de facto immigration agents under the law.
The medical industry ripped the bill Monday as it was scheduled for a
hearing by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Doctors envisioned scenarios in
which immigrants with contagious diseases such as tuberculosis would stay
home from the clinic or hospital and put themselves and the public at a
grave health risk.
"This is making us into a police state that will try to catch people when
they are sick," said George Pauk, a retired doctor with an organization
called Physicians for a National Health Program. "Do we want to stop sick
people from coming in for health care?"
Arizona is the first Legislature to take up such a measure amid a national
push in conservative states to crack down on illegal immigration, according
to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Arizona lawmakers ignited
the debate a year ago when they passed a bill that required local police,
while enforcing other laws, to question the immigration status of those they
suspect are in the country illegally. A judge later put that provision on
The discussion about the bill comes just days after an illegal immigrant in
Texas with a banana-size tumor in her spine said she was ousted from her
hospital because of her immigration status. She later found another hospital
to get treatment.
Supporters say the hospital bill is necessary tool to fight illegal
immigration at a time when hospitals lose tens of millions of dollars
treating illegal immigrants in emergency rooms.
Senate President Russell Pearce, a Mesa Republican who was chief sponsor of
last year's immigration law, says the hospitals bill is part of a broader
effort to crack down on illegal immigration. The hospitals bill wouldn't bar
people from getting care, but it would put the onus on hospitals to "do due
diligence," Pearce said. "We're going to enforce our laws without apology."
Added Pearce: "It's the law. It's a felony to (aid and) abet. We're going to
enforce the law without apology."
Other sponsors of the bill did not immediately return calls seeking comment.
Discussion of the bill in the committee was put on hold late Monday until a
later date.
The legislation, known as Senate Bill 1405, would require hospitals, when
admitting nonemergency cases, to confirm that a person seeking care is a U.S
. citizen or in the country legally. In emergency cases where the patient
isn't here legally, the hospital would be required to call immigration
authorities after the treatment is done. Hospitals in non-emergency
situations would also be required to contact federal immigration authorities
, but they would have more apparent discretion about whether to treat
illegal immigrants.
Opponents say the bill could pose serious health risks to those here legally
and illegally. They believe the threat of deportation would keep some
people from seeking health care for everything from emergency situations to
measures such as vaccinations, potentially leading to preventable deaths.
They also said it would increase hospitals' already-strained workload.
"You are now turning medical professionals into full-time INS agents," said
Democratic state Sen. Steve Gallardo, speaking at a news conference Monday.
"Doctors that should be working to help treat ill patients are now turning
into ICE agents."
Nicole Russell is the mother of a 3-year-old daughter named Kira, and she
could not envision what it would be like for a parent to decide whether or
not to take their child to the hospital for fear of being reported to the
"I can't imagine putting the health care of my daughter in the hands of
politicians," she said.
发帖数: 10233
Please you libtards, please give obama a real blowjob so that we can impeach
we knew you love to do it.


【在 p******e 的大作中提到】
: PHOENIX – Republican lawmakers want to widen Arizona's illegal immigration
: crackdown with a proposal to require hospitals to check on whether patients
: are in the country legally, causing outrage among medical professionals who
: fear becoming de facto immigration agents under the law.
: The medical industry ripped the bill Monday as it was scheduled for a
: hearing by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Doctors envisioned scenarios in
: which immigrants with contagious diseases such as tuberculosis would stay
: home from the clinic or hospital and put themselves and the public at a
: grave health risk.
: "This is making us into a police state that will try to catch people when

1 (共1页)
做个Chinese Teabagger不容易啊!
这下,ron paul又被一粪勺浇成teabagger了.
teabaggers on USANews
Followup: MSNBC Is Disgraceful
Health Care Shift Raises Cost
话题: hospitals话题: bill话题: illegal话题: would