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USANews版 - Analysis: Momentum, Obama's distractions give Clinton hope ZZ Yahoo news
选举结果尚未见分晓A prolonged race between O and H may help their party
共产政府要禁止一切车内通话Report: Bill Clinton Tirade Surprises California Superdelegates(ZT)
Deconstructing Islam's Template of Perfection希拉里要求和奥巴马决斗
Dr. Sowell推荐Stephen Moore的《到底谁最公平?》奥巴马放弃宣布在周二获得民主党预选的胜利
Bolton: ‘Our Biggest National-Security Problem Is Barack Obama’Democrats Advised to Seat Half of Disputed Delegates
荣炮:在美国这个国家,我们没有真正的民主 (转载)老太辟谣了,不退!
国务卿堤勒森为川普会俄罗斯外长言论辩护You are fooled. H did not ask for a VP.
George W. slams TrumpismStrategy Was Based On Winning Delegates, Not Battleground
话题: clinton话题: obama话题: momentum话题: yahoo话题: analysis
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9912
LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Hillary Rodham Clinton has an unmistakable bounce in her
step these days — a sense of energy and optimism that somehow belies the
daunting challenge she faces in wresting the Democratic presidential
nomination from Barack Obama.
"I feel good. We're making progress every day," she told supporters Thursday
in Kentucky, which holds its primary May 20. "Wish I could be here for the
Derby. ... I hope everyone's going to place a little money on the filly," a
reference perhaps to hors
1 (共1页)
Strategy Was Based On Winning Delegates, Not BattlegroundBolton: ‘Our Biggest National-Security Problem Is Barack Obama’
Game over for H荣炮:在美国这个国家,我们没有真正的民主 (转载)
Pfleger Returns to Pulpit in Chicago国务卿堤勒森为川普会俄罗斯外长言论辩护
The Facebooker Who Friended ObamaGeorge W. slams Trumpism
选举结果尚未见分晓A prolonged race between O and H may help their party
共产政府要禁止一切车内通话Report: Bill Clinton Tirade Surprises California Superdelegates(ZT)
Deconstructing Islam's Template of Perfection希拉里要求和奥巴马决斗
Dr. Sowell推荐Stephen Moore的《到底谁最公平?》奥巴马放弃宣布在周二获得民主党预选的胜利
话题: clinton话题: obama话题: momentum话题: yahoo话题: analysis